Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 142: Steal the King and Steal the God

The few people who were about to rush over saw this situation and were shocked.

One person asked: "What is your friend's last name?"


"Lu Yang?" Everyone was already dumbfounded, and now his face was even more ugly.

Another person looked at Lu Xiaofeng and said, "My friend, is your surname Lu? Lu Xiaofeng?"

Lu Xiaofeng nodded.

The rest of the people stopped talking, grabbed the people on the ground and left.

"You have forgotten Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, even if both hands were cut off, it deserves it." Xue Bing said with a smile, "Unexpectedly, the names of Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng can also prevent evil and save a lot of trouble. of."

Lu Yang sighed and smiled bitterly: "I knew you were a vixen who caused trouble. I really shouldn't have brought you out."

Xue Bing said: "Is the fault? Or is he?"

Lu Yang said: "But how to say, you shouldn't really cut off his hand."

Xue Bing said, "He asked me to chop it."

Lu Yang said: "He is drunk."

Xue Bing said: "Can you bully someone when he is drunk? If he is drunk, he must marry me, so I must marry him or not?"

Lu Yang smiled bitterly, and he had nothing to say when he met such a savage person.

The guy was bringing Lai over and said coldly: "Drunk is the same as a human. This kind of person is not wronged even if he cuts him one hundred and eighty dollars. If I were to cut off his head. "

Xue Bing Yanran said: "Yes, it's your spirit and justice."

The dude gave a "hum", put Lai on the table heavily, turned his head and left, without even looking at Lu Yang! As if to despise him extremely.

Lu Yang calmed his face and suddenly said with a sneer: "It's not wrong for someone like you to cut you three hundred and sixty dollars."

Lu Yang suddenly shot, pinched the blade with two fingers, and pierced the guy's back.

Without turning his head back, the man suddenly flew up and fluttered, as if suddenly growing wings.

How can a guy who sells alcohol in such a place have such a high degree of lightness?

The guests around were dumbfounded, and they finally opened their eyes.

Lu Yang laughed suddenly, sat back on the table, poured a glass of wine, picked up a chopsticks dish, put it in his mouth and ate it tastefully.

At this time, Lu Xiaofeng also moved suddenly and kicked the guy in the back.

The guy didn't look back, but moved slightly, avoiding this foot.

Lu Xiaofeng sneered and said, "I don't think you are a good person, you really are a snitch."

He picked up a blade with a sneer and waved his hand. The half of the blade in his hand suddenly flew out and hit the guy's waist like lightning.

The man was in the air and had nowhere to hide. Lu Xiaofeng's shot was so quick and fast that he couldn't avoid it.

Xue Bing was shocked and said: "Are you really going to kill him?" Lu Xiaofeng said coldly: "Don't worry, he can't die."

Before he finished speaking, the guy had already turned three somersaults on the volley, and he even managed to copy the cutting edge.

This body technique is indeed rare, and that guy just fell lightly.

Xue Bing looked at him, then at Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, and said with a sweet smile: "So you already know who he is, it seems I am worried for nothing."

Lu Xiaofeng still sternly said, "I only know that he is a thief."

The guy suddenly smiled and said, "If it's a thief, what about you?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Of course we are the ancestors of thieves."

The guy didn't even serve food and wine, and actually sat down at the table.

The guy also poured a glass of wine, drank it all in one breath, and said with a smile: "It's a pity not to mention the ancestor of the thief, you don't even have the qualifications to be a thief, at best you can dig earthworms."

Xue Bing blinked and said curiously: "What earthworms to dig?"

The guy smiled and said: "You don't know. He has no other skills, but he is an expert in digging earthworms. He first dug ten catties of earthworms for Lu Ran, and then he dug 680 earthworms for me in ten days. You said, is he a professional householder who digs earthworms?"

Xue Bing couldn't help asking, "What do you want so many earthworms for?"

The guy said: "I don't even want an earthworm. I just like to see him digging an earthworm. That's a wonderful posture, with a stern look, and definitely better than the famous actors in Beijing. It's a shame that you haven't seen it with your own eyes. ."

Xue Bing held back a smile and said, "It doesn't matter. I will definitely have the opportunity to see it."

The guy said: "There will be another time?"

Xue Bing pretended to be serious and authentic: "Of course, digging earthworms is like drinking alcohol, and it can be addictive. As long as a person digs earthworms once, next time you don't want him to dig it!"

Lu Xiaofeng said coldly: "Next time I dig out an earthworm, it will definitely be in your mouth."

"Haha." Lu Yang said with a smile, "If I were you, the earthworms would be digged, then fried and steamed. Whoever doesn't eat will dig a thousand earthworms."

Xue Bing retched: "You smelly men, it's really a dog that can't vomit ivory."

This guy who took the wrong medicine, needless to say, of course Sikong got the stars.

The drinking guests had already been scared away by them. The three of them were also happy. It's just the owner of this hotel.

However, the boss quickly became happy, because Lu Yang gave a silver ticket casually, even if they let them smash the shop three more times.

Xue Bing poured a glass of wine for Sikong to catch the stars, and said with a smile: "You have done a good job as a thief. Why do you suddenly want to change your job and become a buddy?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Because he has this disease."

"A dog can't change eating shit, a thief can't change sex." Lu Yang laughed haha.

Of course, they hadn't forgotten the last time Sikong picked up the stars and dressed as Zhao Hezizi, something that no one can forget.

Sikong Qixingxing had a bitter face. In front of Lu Yang, he did not dare to have a temper.

He still remembers that Lu Yang was right in front of him, stealing his underwear, he didn't even know it!

No matter who is placed on this kind of thing, I believe it will be hard to forget in a lifetime.

If Sikong picking the stars is stealing the king, then Lu Yang is the **** of stealing. ..


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