Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 170: Tenderness in my heart

When dealing with Gongsunlan, Lu Yang didn't worry about it. If he was face to face, he was completely sure to let anyone escape from a distance.

However, Gongsunlan's cunning and cleverness were not unavoidable to appreciate at once.

However, Gongsunlan didn't know that there was a person like Lu Yang looking for her in the garden. There was no doubt that Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng had a chance of winning.

The bright moon like a disc has gradually risen, and the hazy moonlight is so beautiful that people linger.

Now if Xue Bing is by her side, she will definitely find a seat to sit down, order a large plate of the most famous snacks here, and enjoy the scenery while drinking.

In front of others, she was always very shy before she said a word, she blushed.

But as long as she was with Lu Yang, she seemed to suddenly become a naughty child.

I was arguing for a while to be like that, and for a while, I was arguing for that, and would not stop for a moment.

Lu Yang suddenly noticed something. He liked her noise, listened to her noise, watched her noise, and watched her acting like a child in front of her. He liked her being...

He forbids himself to think about it anymore. He is going to go elsewhere to find Gongsun Lan. This is the purpose of this trip.

In order to search for the target, he and Lu Xiaofeng determined the contact information and searched separately.

As for Xue Bing, I can only think about it, using her cleverness to be naughty, and to save the danger.

Just when Lu Yang turned around, he saw an old woman come out from under the shadow of the tree.

It was a very old woman. She was wearing a cyan dress filled with patches, and her back seemed to be pressed against a large rock, almost breaking her waist.

When she walked, she seemed to be bent over looking for something on the ground.

The moonlight shone on her face, her face was full of wrinkles.

"Fried chestnuts with bran." She also carried a large bamboo basket in her hand, covered with a thick cotton cloth.

"The freshly baked chestnuts fried in sugar, the fragrant and hot ones. Only ten cents per catty."

She looked like a lonely and impoverished old woman who came out and shouted her candied chestnuts with her almost hoarse voice.

Lu Yang suddenly felt uncomfortable. He was a very sympathetic person: "Old woman, come here, I will buy two catties."

The chestnuts are really fragrant and hot. And it was just out of the oven.

"You said ten cents per catty?"

The old woman nodded, still bent over, looking at Lu Yang's feet, because her waist couldn't be straight anymore.

Lu Yang shook his head, and said, "Ten cents per catty will never do!

"It's only ten big money, uncle, are you too expensive?" The old woman said in surprise.

Lu Yang said with a stern face: "Like such a good chestnut, it costs at least ten taels a catty. You shouldn't sell it for a penny, and I won't buy it for a penny."

The old woman smiled, with more wrinkles all over her face.

Is this man a fool? Still a fool?

"Twelve taels per catty, if you are willing to sell, I will buy two catties." Lu Yang smiled.

Of course, the old woman is willing to sell, and twenty-two jin will also sell.

The old woman's wrinkled face bloomed with a smile, hurriedly choosing chestnuts for Lu Yang.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Don't rush, I will buy your chestnuts, and I have something to ask you to do me a favor."

The old woman smiled bitterly: "What can an old woman like me do to help you uncle?"

Lu Yang said, "Only you can do this." The old woman said: "Why?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Because your waist has been bent, it seems like you are always looking for things on the ground, so I want you to find something for me."

"What are you looking for?" The wife asked in surprise.

Lu Yang said, "Find a woman wearing red shoes, with an owl embroidered on the red shoes."

The old woman laughed too, and asking her to do this kind of thing was nothing more appropriate.

Even if she got under other people's skirts, others would not be suspicious.

She has received twenty taels of silver, her eyes are narrowed into a line with a smile, and her mood is particularly cheerful, she seems to be several decades younger.

"Uncle, you just wait here, when I find it, I will come back and tell you." The old woman smiled.

Lu Yang said: "If you can find it, I will buy you five catties of chestnuts when you come back, and it will be twenty-two catties."

The old woman left happily. Lu Yang is happier, not only happy. And proud.

Only a clever person like him can come up with such a clever idea.

He suddenly realized that he was really a genius. But he has forgotten one thing, geniuses are always short-lived.

If you can find a few more old women like this, wouldn't it be easier to achieve your goal.

The chestnuts are still hot, hot and fragrant.

Lu Yang smelled it and suddenly smiled.

In the distant flowers, there was a faint sound of beautiful singing.

"Yunfa chaotic night makeup, with hate eyebrows scorching away, and slanting cheeks springing up, who is leaning against the railing with tears?"

The beautiful singing voice is full of lingering lovesickness that is so thick that it cannot be removed.

I don’t know who is singing such a heart-stringing song.

Lu Yang looked into the distance, as if he was drunk, as if he had forgotten the chestnut in his hand.

Xue Bing, where is she?

She is just such a naughty and cute girl, who moves people's heartstrings so much.

If it really fell into the hands of the embroidery thieves, what would the situation be like? Lu Yang didn't want to dare, but couldn't help but not.

Embroidery thieves, red shoes, Gongsunlan, red shoes.

Thousands of threads are all tied together, and they are unclear.

Lu Yang sighed softly. The chestnuts in the corners of his clothes fell to the ground.

This was the first time he felt that he was a sentimental person.

He leaned on the tree and closed his eyes: "What if you can never find her?"

His emotions became very quiet, he didn't want to move, he looked like a dead person.

He suddenly felt very tired.

I don't know if Lu Xiaofeng has gained anything.

He just leaned on the tree and fell asleep.

All the time, his spirit was tense, and the medicinal properties of the snake king did not completely pass away.

In his dream, he met Xue Bing, who was still so beautiful, still so naughty and cute. ..


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