Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 175: infer

Lu Shaohua said with respect to Lu Yang's words: "When I learn that this matter has something to do with Daxia Lu and Daxia Lu, he immediately contacted the boss. Therefore, the boss is here."

Although Jin Jiuling is no longer his boss, his name has not changed, and it can be seen that Lu Shaohua is an extremely affectionate person.

Only now did Lu Yang know why Lu Guang didn't want to come in just now. With Pingcheng's chief arrester here, of course they should avoid it.

Jin Jiuling said: "Miss Xue's clothes are still there, but the people are gone. There is only one explanation."

Lu Yang was listening. He believed in Jin Jiuling's judgment. After all, Jin Jiuling had many years of investigative experience.

His own heart has been messed up again.

Jin Jiuling said: "The person who tied her here knew that her whereabouts had been discovered, so he took her away immediately, but thought that the white clothes she was wearing were too conspicuous, so they changed her clothes."

Only then did Lu Yang's heart withdraw some, at least, not a bad judgment.

"Is there any clothes to change here?" Lu Shaohua dubiously opened the closet in the corner of the room.

There are still six or seven sets of clothes in the closet, some for men, some for women, some for old people, and some for young people.

Everyone was amazed. It seemed that the master here was not an ordinary person.

Jin Jiuling said: "There is only one bed in this place, only one person lives, but there are six or seven sets of different clothes, which can explain one thing."

Lu Yang said: "It proves that this person must be good at changing appearance and may appear in various identities and faces at any time."

Jin Jiuling said: "But there are only clothes and no shoes. This can also prove one thing."

Lu Yang said, "It proves that no matter who she looks like, she wears only one pair of shoes."

Jin Jiuling said: "Red shoes?"

Lu Yang said: "Yes, it must be red shoes, embroidered red satin shoes, just like the kind worn by brides, but I don't know if it's the kind embroidered with owls."

Jin Jiuling said: "From so many signs here, it can be seen that the beautiful offspring who came to rent the house will definitely be dressed up by a woman."

Lu Yang said: "Oh, how do you say?"

Jin Jiuling said: "There is dust everywhere here. Obviously no one has lived in it for a long time. There is not even one thing needed in daily life, only a mirror."

It is true that women always prefer to look in the mirror, other things can be ignored, but there must be no less mirrors.

What's more, this is a master who is proficient in disguise, even more impossible without a mirror.

Lu Yang said: "However, some men like to look in the mirror, and they must look in the mirror when changing their appearance."

Jin Jiuling picked up the mirror on the table in front of the window and said: "There is a mark left by the sweat on her hand on it, which is definitely new."

Lu Yang said, "Is it a woman's hand?"

Jin Jiuling nodded and said, "But it will definitely not belong to Xue Bing."

Lu Yang also nodded. He saw the handprint, and Xue Bing's hand he had not known how many times he had held it.

He could tell at a glance that Xue Bing's hand was definitely not like this.

"Since she is imprisoned here, even if her hands and feet are not tied, she must be humane." Jin Jiuling said.

The bedding on the bed was a bit messy, as if someone had just slept, as if someone left in a hurry and didn't have time to clean up.

Jin Jiuling said, "If I didn't guess wrong, she probably had been lying on this bed just now."

Lu Shaohua also said: "They once heard women groaning in the room, so I guess that Miss Xue might have been injured, so she was restrained."

Jin Jiuling glared at him. He obviously didn't want Lu Yang to know about this. He knew that Lu Yang would feel uncomfortable if he knew.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "In fact, even if he doesn't say it, I can guess it!

Jin Jiuling said again: "But there is no blood in the room, let alone anything to bandage the wound. It can be seen that even if she is injured, the injury will not be very serious."

These are words of comfort. If Xue Bing suffers an internal injury, no matter how serious the injury, there will be no blood left behind.

But Lu Yang hopes to hear such words. He really needs the comfort of others, especially his friends.

Jin Jiuling said: "This person wants to take Xue Bing away temporarily, obviously in a hurry, so these traces will be left behind!"

Lu Yang said: "When did she leave?"

Jin Jiuling said: "It should be when the sky is still dark."

At that time, Lu Yang was on the road and was about to go to the Xiyuan for an appointment. The "old woman" who sold sugar-fried chestnuts had not yet appeared.

She probably went to the West Garden after taking Xue Bing away.

She is probably the one who rented this house.

It seems that this person is probably Aunt Gongsun.

Jin Jiuling said: "This house was rented two months ago, and the correct date is May 11."

Lu Yang said in surprise, "May 11?"

Jin Jiuling said, "The robbery in the palace happened on June 11th. When she came to rent the house, it happened just one month before the robbery happened."

Lu Yang said, "This is exactly three days before Jiang Chongwei's birthday!

Jin Jiuling said, "What does Jiang Chongwei's birthday have to do with this matter?"

Lu Yang said: "On his birthday, Jiang Qingxia specially came to wish him birthday."

Jin Jiuling's eyes showed a thoughtful look and said: "It was the same day. She typed the key to the wine cellar."

Lu Yang said: "In order to avoid making others suspect that she has something to do with this matter. So they waited for another twenty geniuses before they started.

Jin Jiuling said: "If I were Jiang Qingxia, I would do the same."

Indeed, if you do it immediately, others will inevitably suspect her immediately.

From this point of view, Aunt Gongsun is the embroiderer.

It is true that martial arts like her are absolutely rare in the martial arts.

It seems that everything is already very clear. ..


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