Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 186: sudden appearance

Just as Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were waiting for their hunger and thirst, there was a sudden burst of laughter from the wind. The laughter was so crisp and sweet, like a silver bell.

People have not yet arrived, but laughter has already arrived.

The purple-clothed female guest smiled and said, "Lao Qi is here."

She hadn't finished saying these words, there was already an extra person in the room, of course she was also a woman.

It was a girl in red, with a yellow cloth bag in her hand.

She smiled at Atu first, and then smiled to the lady guest in purple and said, "Er Niang, you still came so early."

The purple-clothed female guest sighed and said, "Older people will inevitably suffer more, and they always have to wait for little girls."

The girl in red smiled like a silver bell: "When have you ever suffered from others? You don't let others suffer. They are already thankful."

The purple-clothed female guest looked at the red-clothed girl and sighed again: "I really don't know what you always have so funny, why are you always so happy all day long, laughing every moment Non-stop?"

Atu slowly said: "Because she herself feels that she smiles very beautifully, and there are two beautiful wine vortexes. If she doesn't laugh, then others won't be able to see it."

The red-clothed girl glared at him, but then smiled again, and she couldn't stop laughing.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng only now know that this purple-clothed female guest is Erniang.

Erniang? Could it be Gongsun Erniang?

Since Erniang Gongsun has already arrived, Aunt Gongsun should be here soon.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng finally felt a little happier, no matter what they suffered, they were finally rewarded.

As long as there is news about Aunt Gongsun, it is happier than anything else.

More importantly, the laughter of the girl in red can really make people feel very comfortable after hearing it.

The only pity is that neither Lu Yang nor Lu Xiaofeng knew her.

The girl in red was still eating and laughing, and said: "I bet you, who do you guess will be the last one to arrive this time?"

She seems to be a laughing man, she doesn't know what sorrow is, she is always so happy.

Erniang said: "Of course it must be the third child. She has to wash her face for half an hour, even if the fire burns her eyebrows, she won't be anxious, she will speed up a little."

The girl in red clapped her hands and smiled: "By the way, it will definitely be her again this time."

At this moment, I suddenly heard someone say under the stairs: "Wrong, it must not be her this time."

The voice of speaking is very gentle and very slow.

A person slowly walked up the stairs downstairs.

She is indeed walking very slowly now, but Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng actually did not see how she entered the small building.

The girl in red seemed to be particularly surprised when she saw her, but immediately smiled again: "Unexpectedly, there was a miracle this time, and Sanniang would not be late."

Sanniang not only speaks very softly, but also has a very gentle attitude, and her smile is even more gentle.

She walked up slowly, sat down slowly, and slowly put a yellow cloth bag in her hand on the table. At this time, she sighed softly and said: "Not only did I not be late this time, but I also came much earlier than you all."

The girl in red said: "Really?"

Sanniang said, "I came last night and slept downstairs. I wanted to be the first to wait for you, so that you would be surprised by this."

The red-clothed girl smiled: "Then why have you waited until now to come up?"

Sanniang sighed, "Because I still have a lot to do!"

The red-clothed girl said: "What could it be?"

Sanniang said, "I have to comb my hair, wash my face, and wear clothes. I have to wear shoes. I wanted to do more."

Hearing this, even Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng who was hiding in the tree couldn't help but want to laugh.

The red-clothed girl even laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist. She gasped and said, "These are really very important events."

Erniang couldn't help but smiled: "I'm right, she just washes her face for half an hour."

Atu suddenly said, "I just feel a little bit strange."

The girl in red rushed to ask: "Which point?"

Ashdao: "In addition to combing her hair, washing her face, dressing and wearing shoes, where does she have time to do other things?"

The red-clothed girl desperately held back her laugh, and said with a serious face: "This problem is indeed quite serious. If she marries someone in the future, she may not even have the time to give birth. Isn't that a big mistake?"

This sentence was not finished yet, her people almost rolled to the ground with a smile.

Sanniang didn't get angry, and she said slowly, "I know you will have a lot of time to have children. In the future, you will have 70 or 80 children."

The girl in red smiled and said, "Even if I give birth to one a year, I can't have so many."

Sanniang said, "If you are born in a nest, can't you be born?"

The red-dressed girl said: "Only pigs can give birth to piglets, I am not a pig..."

Before this sentence was finished, she suddenly realized that it was almost as if she was scolding herself.

Erniang couldn't help but smiled and said: "So you are not a pig, you really need to declare it quickly, so as not to make mistakes."

The red-clothed girl pursed her lips and said: "Okay, now the Fourth Sister and Sixth Sister have not yet come, so you have the opportunity to bully me."

Sanniang said: "What will happen if they come?"

The red-clothed girl said: "At least they will always help me with speaking. It's better than speaking. You two can't compare to half of them."

A gust of wind blew, and three more people flew over the window like swallows.

One of them smiled and said, "At least one thing I will never make a mistake. I know she will not be a pig."

The red-clothed girl clapped her hands and smiled again: "Have you heard that, I know that Sister Si is a good person and will definitely help me speak."

Sanniang still asked closely: "Then she is not a piggy?"

It seems that she will not rest until she gets a definite answer. ..


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