Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 194: Lu Yang's counterattack

Only when I saw Aunt Gongsun’s sword today, Lu Xiaofeng’s understanding of the sword reached a new level.

The subtlety of this swordsmanship can only be felt by people who have experienced it firsthand. He doesn't want to feel it.

Lu Xiaofeng's worries about Lu Yang became even more serious.

Lu Yang did feel a little pressure. Aunt Gongsun's swordsmanship was really strange, and his moves were too complicated.

That sword force came out like a mercury pour into the ground, covering the whole body of the person.

If the opponent reveals a little flaw, it may immediately die by the sword.

If it is someone else who wants to defeat her, they may only be able to win it quickly, which is to be faster than the opponent and restrain the opponent.

But Lu Yang obviously didn't want to.

Suddenly, Lu Yang retreated backwards, flew by out of thin air, and retreated seven or eight feet.

The girl in red exclaimed: "He is going to run away."

However, Aunt Gongsun's sword slammed towards Lu Yang so beautifully, clinging to him tightly.

Everyone only felt that the sword was like a rainbow, tightly wrapping around Lu Yang.

Everyone's minds are completely different, appearing on their faces.

Lu Xiaofeng was surprised and worried, but Erniang and Sanniang showed joy.

The entire field was completely filled with Aunt Gongsun's sword aura!

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Yang had no strength to fight back at all, and was firmly pressed by Aunt Gongsun's sword.

I don't know how many swords Gongsun Auntie had attacked, because no one at the scene could fully see Aunt Gongsun's sword.

Lu Xiaofeng just barely saw that Aunt Gongsun had attacked 18 swords.

Lu Xiaofeng actually laughed.

The girl in red also smiled: "You can actually laugh."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Why can't I laugh?"

"You didn't see that Lu Yang was about to be killed by the eldest sister. You are not worried about being sad, but you are still smiling." The girl in red did not smile, but was full of contempt.

"Oh, why is Lu Yang going to be killed by the eldest sister soon?" Lu Xiaofeng actually smiled even more happily.

"Blind people can see that Lu Yang has no strength to fight back and has been pressed tightly by the elder sister's sword." The red-clothed girl curled her lips.

"Do you know how many swords the auntie has attacked?" Lu Xiaofeng said.

"How many swords?" Erniang and Sanniang couldn't help saying at the same time.

"Eighteen swords." Lu Xiaofeng smiled.

The faces of the women changed, and they had begun to feel that things were not really what they thought.

"For a master, what he hopes most is that the opponent's offensive, especially when they encounter new martial arts, they all want to see it quickly." Lu Xiaofeng said.

"You mean, Lu Yang wanted to see the eldest sister's sword strength clearly, so he didn't make a move." The red-clothed girl trembled.

"If it were me, I would do the same. Don't forget, Brother Lu has just a tooth chopstick. Only a madman can use tooth chopsticks to deal with your elder sister such a master." Lu Xiaofeng said, he added," Unless it is a lunatic, but Brother Lu is not a lunatic, on the contrary, he is still sober."

The women’s heads were dripping with cold sweat, if it were what Lu Xiaofeng said, then Lu Yang would be terrible!

If it is true, Lu Yang is not a man, but a god!

The eyes they looked at the field were full of horror.

Lu Xiaofeng actually brought up another pot of wine, drank it, and murmured like drinking water, "Soon, the winner will be decided soon."

"Why?" The girl in red was not convinced, "Even if what you said is true, Lu Yang is so powerful, but the eldest sister is not a vegetarian, her sword is definitely the best in the world."

"But you didn't notice that the aunt's sword power is already weak, indicating that her sword skills have been exhausted, but Lu Yang has not made any moves." Lu Xiaofeng sighed, "Big Brother Lv, Brother Lv, you still have it on your body. What a surprise."

"Absolutely not. Without thirty-five moves, the outcome is absolutely indistinguishable." The girl in red said firmly, and she had sufficient confidence in the aunt's swordsmanship. Although facing such a master Lu Yang.

"Okay, Brother Lu is going to fight back." Lu Xiaofeng drank another long drink.

Just heard a low groan from Lu Yang, his figure flew up, completely out of the range of Gongsun Auntie's sword.

Suddenly, I heard Lu Yang laughing: "Be careful!"

His figure was like a rainbow, and he rushed to Aunt Gongsun quickly, as if he was completely leaping toward the opponent's sword.

With a "ding", the sword light has completely disappeared, and the sky full of sword power is completely gone.

The ribbon on Aunt Gongsun's body was broken several times.

Aunt Gongsun paused, standing there motionless, she didn't even make any more moves.

Lu Yang stood opposite her and stood still, looking at Aunt Gongsun.

Erniang said loudly: "We haven't divided the winners or losers in this battle, why did you stop comparing them?"

Lu Yang smiled faintly and said: "If it is a homicide, then there is no victory or defeat. If it is a homicide, aunt Gongsun should have known the answer long ago."

Aunt Gongsun sighed for a long time and said: "Using tooth chopsticks as a sword, not only did I take over my sword, but also broke it. If you didn't stop, I would have died under your chopsticks."

The faces of everyone were full of fear, especially the women and the group, completely dumbfounded.

With a tooth chopstick, not only the sword of Gongsun Auntie was restrained, but also a sword-like attack was launched.

What skill is this!

Could it be said that Lu Yang has reached the unity of body shape and sword energy, he can already pluck leaves into swords and break flowers into swords.

Na Lu Yang has become a **** man.

Because only a **** can do this, in his eyes, any martial arts is just playing.

In this battle, it is indeed the outcome.

Just one move, one move defeated Aunt Gongsun.

And Aunt Gongsun’s previous sword moves were just like dancing to Lu Yang.

Now they knew that Lu Yang had always been merciful to his subordinates, after all, they were all girls. ..


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