Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 196: trick

Lu Xiaofeng did not answer, and said in his heart: "I thought I was the most powerful and unique skill in the world, but I didn't expect that Brother Lu would be even more superb!"

Aunt Gongsun said: "I know that you and Lu Xiaofeng's light work is the best of both worlds and lakes, and you are a man. Naturally, your strength is longer than a woman. I and you have already suffered from light work, so _"

Lu Yang said: "So I should also let you order some cheap ones."

Aunt Gongsun said: "At least you should let me start first."

Lu Yang said: "Of course it should be."

Aunt Gongsun said: "However, as long as you catch up with me, then you will win, so you are not completely at a loss."

Lu Yang said, "I didn't do anything that really suffered."

Aunt Gongsun said: "I will order people to knock the gong as a sign, and you can only chase after the gong has stopped."

"Does the gong sound only once?" Lu Yang said.

"Yes, there is only one sound." Aunt Gongsun said.

"Looking at it that way, it is true that I am not completely at a loss either." Lu Yang said.

Aunt Gongsun said: "It's just that I still need _"

Lu Yang rushed and said: "Of course you still have to change a set of clothes first. Drinking clothes and drinking clothes, than swords and swords, and you naturally have to use another set of clothes than light work."

Aunt Gongsun smiled and said: "You are indeed not stupid, you are not stupid at all, you can't be regarded as a complete stupid."

The night became darker, like water, and the faces of their sisters were as cold as freezing water.

The red-clothed girl suddenly sneered: "Stealing the machine and pretending to be drunk, and also stealing from other people's swordsmanship, such a man is the most annoying."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "A man's ability is to be able to cope with various situations. This is the ability."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I didn't intend to make you like it."

The girl in red said: "I want to ask you, are you a man?"

Lu Yang said: "What do you think?"

The girl in red said: "I can't see it."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "I know you can't tell, you are just a child."

The red-clothed girl glared at him, turned her head and left, as if she didn't even care about him.

Ouyang Qing's eyes turned and said, "I can't be regarded as a child."

Lu Yang said: "Of course you are not a child, you can already be regarded as an old woman."

Ouyang Qing also gave him a fierce look, then turned his head and walked into the small building.

Lu Yang sighed and sat down on the stone steps. He murmured: "If a man can live for sixty years, at least ten years will be wasted."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "How can that be wasted in vain?"

Lu Yang said, "Because, during those ten years, at least five years have been waiting for women to change clothes."

Lu Xiaodao: "So there are still five years?"

Erniang couldn't help asking: "So there are still five years?"

Jiang Qingxia couldn't help asking, "So there are still five years?"

Lu Yang said: "You must listen?" Erniang said: "Don't you dare to say?"

Lu Yang sighed and said, "You must listen, and I will tell you. There are still five years left, waiting for women to undress."

Lu Xiaofeng laughed loudly, but Erniang and Jiang Qingxia turned pale with anger.

Erniang suddenly said coldly, "I have changed my mind now."

"What did you change your mind?" Lu Yang couldn't help but asked curiously.

Erniang sneered and said, "I want to cut off your tongue now."

At this time, a big man in Tsing Yi with a beard and a gong in his hand walked out of the small building.

The man in Tsing Yi stood on the stone steps like that.

Lu Yang murmured: "My luck is pretty good. I'm waiting for my aunt to change clothes. If I'm waiting for others, it would be really miserable."

Er Niang stared: "Others? Who are they referring to?"

Lu Yang said: "I didn't say it was you, what are you in a hurry?"

Erniang's face was red and white with anger, full of anger.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the pounding sound of the gong, and three people rushed out of the small building!

The three people were all dressed up in exactly the same black women, and the three faces were exactly the same.

They rushed out of the small building together, and then slid in the air, slid out in three different directions.

The same thing they used to contempt their side, the sound of the gong kept lingering, and the three of them had already swept outside the wall.

Now Lu Xiaofeng has a big head, staring at all this blankly. If it were him, he really didn't know who to go after.

No matter who he is chasing after, even if he catches up, he will definitely miss the other two.

Maybe one of the two that I missed might be Aunt Gongsun, who accidentally chose a fake

Now Lu Xiaofeng is dumbfounded. This is even more difficult than betting on treasure. If he were Lu Yang, he would be even more difficult to choose.

Aunt Gongsun was so cunning that she actually used this trick.

Erniang and Sanniang smiled triumphantly at the corner of her mouth.

This time, Lu Yang was really fooled. He didn't expect that Aunt Gongsun would actually use this trick!

As a result, Lu Yang's chances of wanting to win were even smaller.

Lu Yang sighed and smiled bitterly: "It seems that I have been fooled by Aunt Gongsun."

He sighed and stood up: "No matter what, I should grab one first and then say it."

His body swept out suddenly, then swept back again, shot like lightning, and grabbed the wrist of the big gong knocker.

The big man was stunned. With a "dang" sound, the gong fell on the ground and said in surprise, "What are you doing with me?"

Lu Yang smiled: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to take you to meet someone."

The big man said: "See who?"

Lu Yang said: "Jin Jiuling."

Lu Xiaofeng finally woke up suddenly.

Really, it's too cunning. If it weren't for Lu Yang, no one would have thought that this big guy who beats the gong would be Aunt Gongsun! ..


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