Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 205: Full of flaws

Lu Yang's eyes seemed to be full of disdain. He smiled and said, "You didn't expect it?"

Jin Jiuling nodded and admitted that he didn't even know where his link appeared. He always felt that it was perfect.

There shouldn't be any flaws in it, and Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng's suspicions should never have appeared on him.

Jin Jiuling said: "Could it be that you already suspected me?"

Lu Yang said: "In fact, we didn't really start to doubt you until the day when the snake king died. We hadn't noticed you before."

Jin Jiuling said: "Why?"

Lu Yang said: "I don't know if you still remember, when we found out that he was dead, he didn't light up the light upstairs."

Jin Jiuling nodded, but still didn't understand what was abnormal about this.

Lu Xiaofeng said: "There is no light in the room, it means that the snake king died before dark. It means that he was killed before he was ready to light the light."

Jin Jiuling's face changed, his face became so stiff, he would never have thought that this little sign was the key to solving the case!

Moreover, only a particularly meticulous mind and a natural talent for solving crimes can come up with the key from this.

It seemed that he really underestimated Lu Yang, he should have been seen to be stronger than himself.

Lu Yang continued: "If Aunt Gongsun has really arranged an appointment with the Snake King in Xiyuan, why does she have to rush to the Xiaolou to kill him before the appointment? So, at that time, Lu Xiaofeng and I already felt When things went wrong, thinking of the murderer who killed the Snake King must be someone else's."

Jin Jiuling said: "Did you immediately think it was mine?"

Lu Yang said: "I am not sure, and there is no evidence, but I am just guessing that the snake king is probably doing things for you."

Jin Jiuling said: "Why?"

Lu Yang said: "Because only you can coerce the King Snake, because when he went to find the figure of the palace for us, it was too easy, too simple, and the picture was too detailed. Just rely on a hero in the market, even though it is the King Snake. , It is absolutely impossible to have such great supernatural powers, unless he has colluded with the head of the palace."

Lu Xiaofeng continued: "Brother Lu may not know yet, but I have been a friend of the Snake King for many years. I still know everything about him. If he only got a sketch of the palace, I would still believe it, but I got such a precise picture, I don’t believe he can do it."

Jin Jiuling's lips were pale and cold sweat broke out on her face.

Lu Yang continued: "I was a little careless, and Lu Xiaofeng was still dazzled by joy. I simply asked Lu Xiaofeng, can the Serpent King's subordinates become the guests of the palace?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Although there are all kinds of people under the command of the Snake King, if you can go to the palace and you can get such a hidden treasure map there, then I will definitely not believe it. .Unless the treasure house of the palace is the iron shop on the street, you will know it by asking." Jin Jiuling has the heart to hit the wall, he is only himself, he is really stupid, and he dares to call it perfect.

Unexpectedly, there are so many flaws!

Lu Yang went on to say: "You killed the Snake King with that kind of ribbon. You originally wanted to put the blame on Aunt Gongsun, but you didn't know that it turned out to be evidence of washing her offense."

Jin Jiuling couldn't help asking, "Why?"

Lu Yang said, "Because I destroyed the ribbon on her sword when I fought with me in the West Garden, but that ribbon can't be found casually, and at that time, she had no chance to go. Find that satin ribbon and kill the snake king."

Jin Jiuling has no idea what to say.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Actually, as long as there is a little flaw, it can cause the collapse of the bank. More importantly, your flaws are more than that."

This is the third time Jin Jiuling has asked why.

Lu Yang said: "You set up those two houses to lay the blame on Lady Gongsun. It is indeed a good move. You think it is perfect, but you still forgot a little."

Jin Jiuling was involuntarily carried by his words: "Which point?"

Lu Yang said: "Everyone will have a unique smell. If those clothes are really left by Aunt Gongsun, there will definitely be the smell of her body. Even if they are washed, they will remain a little bit like that. Under such circumstances, it would be impossible for her to deliberately deliberately deliberately smell her last year."

Aunt Gongsun said: "Many people say I am a very fragrant woman."

Lu Yang said: "You always think of ways to spread out the Huamanlou. Maybe it's because you have realized this, and afraid that he will discover the secret, so you don't let him participate, but you have forgotten a little."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Since I know how to make a point, I can fly into the sky, and steal credit is better than Sikong picking stars, then, in my eyes, the abilities of Huamanlou are very common."

He touched his chin and said, "Lu Xiaofeng, am I too proud to say it."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "You have the capital to say so, otherwise, I wouldn't respect you as Big Brother Lu."

Lu Yang sighed deliberately, "It's really difficult for people to hide themselves."

Aunt Gongsun pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Some people want to hide themselves as hard as they can. That's pretending, and you take it for granted."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Now that I look at things, I no longer simply look at it. I have also learned to smell with my nose."

Aunt Gongsun said with a smile: "Now that the rivers and lakes are unique, it seems that there is one more thing, all like a hunting dog."

Lu Yang said: "You deliberately created that legendary wooden box, willing to be poisoned, so that we can go, and you are really clever, let us suspicion each other, but you have neglected one of the most important things. local."..


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