Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 223: Big note

Li Yanbei stared at Du Tongxuan like a sword, and suddenly said: "If I were you, I would definitely not be here."

Du Tongxuan said: "I am not you, so I am here."

Li Yanbei smiled: "You shouldn't have come." However, his laughter was full of gloom and anger.

Du Tongxuan: "I have come."

Li Yanbei sneered: "You want to come, you can, you want to leave, I'm afraid it is not a simple matter."

Du Tongxuan was actually still laughing: "General Li wants to repay others for his life-saving grace, is it this way?"

Li Yanbei was stunned.

Du Tongxuan stretched out his hand and sat down on a chair. He smiled and said, "Couldn't you invite me to have a drink?"

Li Yanbei finally couldn't help it: "You saved me just now?"

Du Tongxuan nodded and said: "Yes."

Li Yanbei stared at him: "Twice a day today, is the person who wants to kill me also yours?"

Du Tongxuan said indifferently: "Sometimes, I am a fickle person, and it is easy to change my mind."

Li Yanbei said: "What could make you change your mind?"

Du Tongxuan didn't answer these words directly, but he raised his voice and said, "Antidote."

Just as those two words were uttered, a person suddenly appeared beside him.

It was a thin and short old man in black, with no expression on his pale face, but with deep sunken eyes.

If it weren't for those eyes, it would look like that person was a dead person.

With so many people in the restaurant, no one can see how he appeared upstairs.

A dead face, a ghostly body.

Li Yanbei discovered that this was the person who had just left the bath with a warning and suddenly left.

The man in black stretched out his hands like magic claws and placed a turquoise wooden bottle on the table.

Du Tongxuan said: "This bottle is the antidote. You'd better take it as soon as possible before the poison has fully developed."

Li Yanbei clenched his fists tightly. It would be really embarrassing for him to let him accept the antidote of Chengnan Lao Du in front of so many eyes.

However, he just couldn't refuse the antidote.

Du Tongxuan also knew that he could not refuse the termination of the contract: "Originally, I specially sent you the antidote, but now."

Li Yanbei said: "Now you have changed your mind?"

Du Tongxuan smiled and said: "I just remembered one thing suddenly, I want to ask you."

Li Yanbei said: "What's the matter?"

Du Tongxuan said: "I don't know, are you willing to increase our stakes."

This time, it was Li Yanbei's turn to be stunned. He was surprised and said: "Do you want to increase the stakes again?"

Du Tongxuan said: "Don't you dare? Haven't you always been confident that you will win?"

Li Yanbei said: "How many more bets do you want to increase?"

Du Tongxuan said: "What else can you increase as a bet."

North Li Yan said: "In my four great Heng Banks, there are still more than 800,000 taels of silver."

Du Tongxuan said, "Then I will deposit 1.2 million taels of silver in tomorrow." His eyes glowed, "I don't want to take advantage of you. Our bet is still three wins."

Li Yanbei's eyes are the same, staring at Du Tongxuan and saying word by word: "If I lose, I will leave the capital immediately. As long as you live for one day, I will never step into the capital."

Du Tongxuan said: "If I lose, I will leave the barrier. As long as you live a day, I will never enter the barrier any more!"

Li Yanbei said: "A word is sure?"

Du Tongxuan said: "A word is the final word, high-five is the faith!"

The two slowly stretched out their hands and stared at each other's voice. The restaurant suddenly felt that there was no sound.

This bet is indeed too big, they have already bet all of their wealth and lives.

Everyone looked at them and they were all holding a cold sweat for them.

I heard a slap, and the applause rang out. They are all the same people. It seems that this time it is really whether you die or I live.

That applause, I don't know for whom the death knell was sounded.

Li Yanbei's expression was so heavy, it took a long time before they slowly put their hands down.

Du Tongxuan suddenly smiled very proudly, his face was so happy and said: "You must feel very strange now, why I already know clearly that Ye City Lord is injured, and I have to bet with you and increase the bet."

Li Yanbei did not deny it, he was indeed surprised.

Not only Li Yanbei, but everyone present felt very strange.

Du Tongxuan has always been a very cautious person, and he would never do it if he was not very sure.

Why is he so sure?

However, this question will soon have an answer.

The wind blew through the window, and everyone smelled a strange floral fragrance.

Then everyone present saw six girls with black hair shawls and white clothes like snow.

Each of them carried a basket full of yellow chrysanthemums and spilled all the way from the corridor.

The bright chrysanthemums have been covered in tapestry all the way they have walked.

At this moment, behind the six girls, a person stepped on the fresh chrysanthemums and slowly came up.

His face was so pale, but it was not pale or pale, but a color that was crystal clear and moist like white jade.

His eyes were terribly bright, like two stars in the sky.

He wore a sandalwood bead crown on his dark hair, and his clothes were so white as snow.

He walked so slowly that when he came up slowly, it was like a king walking into his palace.

He is like a flying fairy in the sky, descending to the world.

Li Yanbei didn't know him and had never seen this person, but he had guessed it.

"A sword comes to the west, flying immortals beyond the sky." Baiyun City Lord Ye Gucheng. ..


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