Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 229: Master Sun's death

However, everyone did not know what to say to the question and answer to this question, and they were silent.

Lu Yang continued to ask: "Is the honest monk really honest?"

"Yes." Dazhi said.

Lu Xiaofeng pondered for a while and asked: "What is the surname of the honest monk and layman, and what is the origin?"

"No one knows his origin."

Can this be called an answer? It's really a waste of money.

I have spent so much wrongly, but there are still a few questions that must be asked: "Do you know who the person who followed Du Tongxuan is?"

"Yes..." Chase's answer was suddenly interrupted by a strange sound of bamboo blowing.

Fortunately, although the sound was sharp, it was very short and could not be heard from a distance.

"Who is the man in black who followed Du Tongxuan?" Lu Yang asked again.

There was still no response from the cave.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng waited for a long time, and then asked again. But there is still no answer.

Taking other people's money, but refusing to answer questions, this kind of thing has never happened before.

Lu Yang frowned and wanted to ask. Suddenly heard a sound of "mile", a small scarlet snake sprang out from the cave like an arrow.

The little snake flashed in the grass and disappeared.

Although the snake was very short, it moved faster than lightning, and the direction it leaped out was the place where the bamboo sound was blowing.

Lu Yang's face changed, and he called out loudly, "Master Sun, Master Gui Sun? Datong, Dazhi!"

Still no one answered, there was no sound in the cave.

Lu Yang suddenly jumped up and kicked the broken brick kiln that had been decayed into a big hole by him.

The moonlight shone in from the cave and was shining on Master Sun's face.

Master Sun's face has been distorted, and his eyes are like dead fish, full of fear.

His tongue stretched out long and it was already dead gray, as if someone had choked his throat in an instant.

His throat was not strangled, but there were two blood stains on that throat, which was very dazzling.

The blood flowing from the two blood stains was also black.

"Is that the little snake just now?"

Lu Yang nodded, and now no matter who it was, it was obvious that Master Sun must have been bitten to death by that poisonous snake.

No matter who it is, as long as he is bitten by that kind of snake, he will definitely die.

In the martial arts, no matter who it is, he will definitely avoid it when he sees that kind of snake.

This will not make people feel weird. It is very strange that there is only Master Sun in the cave!

The Taoist Mu said in shock: "Why is there only Master Sun, then Datong and Dazhi?"

Lu Yang pondered for a long time before slowly saying, "In this world, there are no two people, Datong and Dazhi."

Not only the wooden Taoists, everyone was stunned.

It's not that they really don't understand, but they just couldn't figure out these things for a while.

Lu Yang said, "Datong is Master Sun, and Dazhi is also Master Sun."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "In other words, the three of them are originally alone?"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "From the perspective of the current situation, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

Mudao Humanity: "But, their voice?"

Lu Yang said: "There are many people who change their voices. Some people can even make the sound of 17 or 8 people fighting in the house with a large group of cats, dogs and dogs at the same time."

The Taoist Mu didn't ask, there were already many strange people and wonders in the arena, and he had seen many.

But Lay Gu Song didn't stop there and said: "Then Master Sun deliberately created Datong and Dazhi, two people who need no one to come, is it just to deceive people?"

Lu Yang sneered: "Master Sun is not a lie."

"He didn't?" Gu Song was surprised.

Lu Yang said: "Although he took other people's money, he did solve many problems for many people."

Lu Xiaofeng's face was also full of anger, and his tone was a little uncomfortable. "Master Sun's knowledge and intelligence are unique in the world, and it is more than just a little bit of silver."

In Lu Xiaofeng's heart, Master Sun is his friend, and no one would like others to insult his friends.

Gu Song had already seen Lu Xiaofeng's anger, and sighed: "I just think it's weird. With his ingenuity, he is absolutely unique in the world, so why does he even act in the name of someone else?"

Lu Xiaofeng's expression became very sad: "Because he is a good man, he doesn't value fame and fortune."

Lu Yang said coldly: "Not all people like wealth and fame."

And because he was timid and afraid of things, he was running away and doing such things to protect himself.

In the latter words, Lu Yang did not say that he also liked people like Master Sun very much.

Although Master Sun was playing mystery, he was just protecting himself.

Although Master Sun is acting weird, he is absolutely sincere to his friends, and that's why he gets mixed up.

"No matter what, he didn't hurt anyone by doing this." Lu Xiaofeng said.

Taoist Mu sighed: "Such a person shouldn't have died so early."

Gu Song also sighed: "He should have known that such a place is a good place for snakes."

Lu Yang said: "He absolutely knows this, but he doesn't know that the poisonous snake didn't come by himself."

"Why?" The Taoist Mu asked.

"Because only trained poisonous snakes can bite people's throats so accurately." Lu Yang replied.

Taoist Mu's face changed: "You mean, that poisonous snake was put here on purpose, secretly from him?"

So who is it that set such a trap to harm Master Sun?

Master Sun did answer countless questions, but those questions definitely didn't mean to harm anyone. ..


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