Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 238: Trouble

Lu Yang said: "That's not necessary. If he refuses to save, then I will have to do it, but she will suffer more."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Big brother did you mean?"

Lu Yang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Your sweetheart, I will never let her have an accident. Let's go quickly."

"I'll go too." Xue Bing said.

Lu Yang said, "Xue Bing, you don't have to go, watch Ouyang Qing here." He took out a few pills to Xue Bing, and then said, "You look at Ouyang Qing, if her face has a red mark, you Taking one for her will stop at least one hour."

Xue Bing's eyes were red: "Then you go and come back."

Lu Yang patted his hand: "We will, there is another good friend of ours waiting for us to save our lives."

The night is getting deeper, and even the Chunmingju Teahouse, which has the best business and the latest closing time, has few customers.

Seeing that they were about to fight, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng were still sitting there, staring at the pot of freshly made fragrant slices in front of them.

The two of them have searched for many places, including inns, restaurants, small shops, everywhere, and they have not even seen the shadow of Ye Gucheng.

It should be easy to find Ye Gucheng with such a row and such a reputation.

No matter where he lives, he must be particularly noticeable.

However, since the last time Chunhua Tower appeared, he had disappeared suddenly like Ximen Chuuxue.

No matter who it is now, he doesn't even know any news about him.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng also had big heads, and they couldn't figure out what was going on.

Ye Gucheng had no reason or need to hide.

Tang Tianrong, who was pierced by the pipa bones of his shoulders by Ye Gucheng and crippled his entire life, did not hide, so he was even more unnecessary.

Tang Tianrong settled in a large-scale "Quanfu Inn" on Gulou East Street. He heard that he was looking for many famous doctors to treat him.

And he hasn't left the capital yet, not because he was injured, but because the masters of the Tang family have come out, rushing here day and night to avenge their brothers.

This will definitely be a major event that will alarm the world.

The second major event was that Yan Renying did not find Ximen Chuuxue, but he found several extremely powerful helpers.

It is said that there are lamas from Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and famous people who have practiced **** the water peak of Our Lady for many years.

I don't know why, those seniors who have a higher eye than the top are actually willing to contribute to Yan Renying.

Both of these things were quite disadvantageous for Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng.

The first group was looking for the trouble of Ye Gucheng, and the second group was looking for the trouble of Ximen Chuuxue.

Therefore, no matter who wins or loses in this battle, as long as you are alive, there is absolutely no peaceful life to live.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng have heard a lot of news, but none of them are what they want to hear now.

Even the wooden Taoists and the Gu Song lay people seem to be missing, and they can't be found.

There were fewer tea guests, and the big kettle that the tea maker was carrying had already put down, and kept looking at Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

That expression is obviously saying: "Everyone has already left, why don't you leave quickly?"

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng both pretended not to see, and were still drinking tea. They really had nowhere to go.

They have almost turned over the entire streets and alleys.

Did not find Ye Gucheng, how to let them go back to face Ouyang Qing.

Lu Yang sighed, picked up the tea bowl and prepared to take a sip.

But before the tea reached the lips, a cold light flashed and the tea bowl was broken.

When the cold light fell, it turned out to be a three-inch six-minute long three-sided bone-piercing dart.

There was a lantern hanging at the door, and a monk wearing a green cloth cassock, mans shoes and white socks was sneering at him.

Few martial arts masters outside the customs use this dart.

However, the hand of this monk is fast and accurate, and he is undoubtedly a first-class master.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng neither recognized him, nor could they figure out why he suddenly shot.

The strangest thing is that he missed a hit, and he stayed outside, just standing there watching.

Lu Yang smiled. Instead of chasing it out, he looked at the monk and smiled.

There are enough troubles now, and he no longer wants to cause other troubles.

Unexpectedly, the monk still didn't relax. With a wave of his hand, two darts were fired again, and the dart clothes tied to the tail of the dart made a sharp sound. The power of the dart was obviously very strong.

Lu Yang sighed. It seemed that this weird monk had found his trouble, and it would be impossible if he didn't even think about it.

Lu Yang flew up and suddenly appeared outside the door, but Lu Xiaofeng took a step slower and could only follow him closely.

However, the monk saw Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng chasing out, and immediately ran away.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng didn't want to pay attention to him, so they stopped and didn't intend to chase him down.

However, when they stopped and didn't want to chase anymore, the monk waved to them in front.

It's really strange, strange people, strange things seem to be more and more, and they all come across.

They don't want to chase, but they can't help but chase.

After chasing two streets in a row, the monk stopped in an alley.

He suddenly sneered: "Lu Yang, dare you come over."

Of course Lu Yang dared. In this world, is there anything he dared not do?

Although he knew that he had walked into a dim alley, the monk could take action at any time.

And in that alley, no one knew if there was an invisible trap lying in ambush.

It's also possible that the monk still has a stunt that he doesn't know is ready to use it.

Lu Yang's footsteps moved forward.

Lu Xiaofeng stopped him: "Brother Lu, don't go in, be careful to ambush."

Lu Yang smiled faintly: "It's okay."

"Or, I'll go in first." Lu Xiaofeng said.

"No need." Lu Yang said, "There is no place in this world that I dare not go to."

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't stop Lu Yang, so he whispered: "Brother Lu, be careful."...


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