Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 251: gambling

What Lu Yang wants now is a patch to block his mouth, lest he keep chattering.

I want a pair of handcuffs so that he can cuff his hands so that he doesn't keep touching his hands.

Brother Ma did not have the surname Ma, nor Mazi, let alone an eunuch.

Brother Ma is a tall, burly man with black hair on his chest.

It is said that his hometown is Macheng, and he ranks sixth in his home.

His face often has a pretentious and unbelievable smile, so he can eat well here.

He stood among the group of eunuchs, as if a big rooster stood among a group of little hens. Looks awe-inspiring.

When the eunuchs looked at him, they looked like women looking at their husbands, and they looked scared and admired.

Lu Yang just thought they were ridiculous and pitiful, hateful and hateful.

The room was like a cave dwelling, smoky and smelly.

Nine out of ten people who gambled around the table were eunuchs.

While throwing the dice, they squeezed their ears and squeezed their feet. They sniffed after sniffing, and then pinched them after sniffing.

They seem so out of place.

The dealer is naturally the sixth brother Ma. He is triumphant, as if every pore on his face is glowing red.

Guan Er Zhao didn't go in, and as soon as he reached the door, he drove away.

"I'll go to some other place to find out, and I'll come back to look for you in a while." He slipped so fast that Lu Yang couldn't help him if he tried to hold him.

He could only bite the bullet and rush into it alone.

Xiao Anzi actually opened the way for him: "Guys, give it a hand, step aside, I have a good brother who also wants to play a few."

As soon as he saw Lu Yang, Brother Ma's eyes immediately stared, full of hostility towards him.

Lu Yang wanted to laugh. He looked at the aura of Brother Ma, like a rooster suddenly saw another rooster in his nest and rushed without saying hello.

Brother Ma gave a pair of three eyes, he looked at Lu Yang up and down many times.

He suddenly said coldly: "My friend, what do you want to play? Is it big or small? Really or fake?"

The eunuchs at the scene all laughed, and their smiles were like a group of little hens, and Lu Yang had goose bumps all over his body.

Xiao Anzi preemptively said for Lu Yang: "My brother is a big player, of course he is playing big. The bigger the better, the better."

"Do you want to play a big one?" Brother Ma rolled his eyes on Lu Yang a few more times, "How much do you have for betting?"

Lu Yang said: "Not much, not a lot."

Brother Ma smiled coldly and said, "How many do you have? Let's start with a bright trick."

Lu Yang laughed, always laughing when he was extremely angry or extremely happy.

"Is it enough?" Lu Yang casually took out a crumpled banknote from his body and threw it on the table casually.

The eunuchs all laughed, and the bank note looked like a piece of straw paper.

A little **** grinned and picked up the bank note with **** and opened it to look. Suddenly his eyes went straight and he was taken aback: "Twelve thousand taels?"

That papyrus-like silver ticket would actually be ten thousand taels!

Moreover, it was opened in the "Four Great Constants" of Dongding Archway, which is absolutely guaranteed to be fully realized.

It seems that this is really a rich man.

Xiao Anzi smiled, and he straightened his chest: "I said a long time ago that this brother of mine is of a big horn."

Seeing the silver ticket, Ma Liuge's arrogance had disappeared immediately, his prestige was reduced by half, and his anger could not rise.

He smiled reluctantly: "How can I find such a large banknote?"

"You don't need to find it." Lu Yang said calmly: "I just take a gamble and see if I win or lose."

"Bet ten thousand taels?" Cold sweat broke out on Brother Ma's face, and cold sweat was in every pore.

Lu Yang said: "Just gamble."

Brother Ma hesitated for a while, looked at the dozens of taels of silver on the table, and muttered: "We don't gamble like this here."

Lu Yang said: "I also know that your bet money is not enough, so if you lose, I only need two sentences from you."

"Then what if you lose?" Brother Ma asked.

Lu Yang said: "If I lose, then the ten thousand taels will be yours."

Then Brother Ma's eyes lit up and immediately asked: "What do you want me to say?"

Lu Yang stared at him, saying every word: "Is the person you brought back the night before Zhang Yingfeng? How did he die?"

The face of Brother Ma suddenly changed, and the faces of the eunuchs also changed, becoming so terrified.

At this moment, Lu Yang heard a man sneered at the door and said: "This kid is not here to gamble, but to make trouble. Come on, you beat me to death!"

That person was shrill and piercing, and it was the manager Wang who looked like an old woman.

"Come on, go on! Fight! Kill this kid!" For the first time, Brother Ma rushed forward, and the group of eunuchs also rushed forward.

They scratched their belts, bit, and beat.

How could Lu Yang let them bite, as long as they touched him, they would feel sick.

However, he couldn't beat the poor ones who were neither men nor women.

He can only catch one person first, and catch the thief first. If he stops Brother Ma, the others will be stunned.

I don't know, that Brother Ma is not a simple person, and there are a few tricks under his hands. At this point, Lu Yang underestimated him.

Looking at his momentum, he has not only practiced the Tan Leg and Da Hong Quan of the Northern School, but he has also practiced quite well.

His punch was quite awe-inspiring and a little imposing.

Compared to ordinary people, he is also a good player.

However, what he met was Lu Yang.

Lu Yang's left hand only held his wrist with a light touch, and a light punch with his right hand hit him on the chest.

Suddenly, Brother Ma's body only fell backward. ..


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