Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 277: Extinction

The honest monk sighed: "Even if you have eight or ten eyebrows, he will never pinch one less, not even one. It's just a pity that he can't pinch for others now."

Lu Yang frowned and asked, "Why?"

The honest monk said: "The monk just walked around from behind. There is a well behind the courtyard."

Lu Yang asked: "What's in the well?"

The honest monk sighed and said, "If you want to know what's in the well, just go and see for yourself."

Of course there is water in the well, but besides water, there are corpses and blood in that water.

The corpse is the corpse of the clay figure Zhang, and the blood is the blood of the clay figure Zhang. In addition to clay figurines, there are.

"When the monk walked here, he smelled the blood of the well, so he came to take a look." The honest monk said with a bitter thought, "but the monk doesn't know, it's better not to watch it, Amitabha, My Buddha is compassionate and purifies all sentient beings."

What they saw were four dead people, and now Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng's hearts sank to the bottom.

Clay Figurine Zhang's family of four, all in the corpse well.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng haven't spoken. They don't want to speak out in front of the honest monk. They are all bitter now.

Only after seeing this situation did Lu Yang realize that the clay figure Zhang had already died.

The two clay figures they saw were all counterfeit!

Zhang, the first fake clay figure, just changed the wax figure and blamed him on Ximen Chuuxue.

If Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng see through, they are not fooled, and they will definitely come back to check.

Then the second fake clay figurine Zhang is waiting there, waiting for their gui.

This is indeed an out-and-out serial poisonous scheme. If it fails, there is still a scheme.

Lu Yang sighed. He felt that his luck was indeed pretty good, and he was able to live until now, and his palms were also sweating.

Although it is the daring of the art masters, who can withstand such a series of poisonous schemes? Only him.

He even doubted that if it was Lu Xiaofeng at that time, he would still be able to retreat.

The honest monk sighed and said: "I have told you a long time ago that you are very unlucky, and you must encounter bad luck."

Lu Yang asked: "Why did we lose?"

The honest monk said: "It's not good for you to find something, but you just want to find a dead person to pinch the image. Isn't this a bad thing?"

Lu Yang looked at him and said, "Even if I came to look for the dead to pinch a portrait, then what did the monk do?"

The honest monk seemed to have been questioned, and couldn't speak for a long time.

At this moment, the head was bumped and swollen, and the stunned "Clay Man Zhang" suddenly groaned.

When they came here, of course they did not forget to bring this person.

If he were to be left there alone, he might have been killed or escaped by him.

The honest monk breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that he is about to wake up, and the monk finally didn't knock him to death."

Lu Yang looked at him and said, "Did you want to hit him to death?"

The honest monk put his hands together, and quickly said: "Amitabha Buddha, sins and sins, God has the virtue of good life, if the monk has this idea, he will not be sent to the eighteenth **** and go to the knife mountain and go to the pan."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Is that a bad place? At least, you can meet a few old friends. Besides, if the monk does not go to hell, who will go to hell?"

The honest monk shook his voice: "Don't quarrel with this kind of person, don't, don't."

Lu Yang endured a smile and said, "Could it be that the monk is chanting?"

The honest monk sighed and said: "The monk is just reminding himself, so as not to go to **** in the future."

Lu Yang originally wanted to say something, but he endured it.

They had already seen that Zhang, the fake clay figure on the ground, had woke up, clutching his head, struggling to sit up.

Lu Yang looked at him, he also looked at Lu Yang, his eyes showed fear.

He glanced at the honest monk again, his expression seemed even more surprised, obviously he knew the honest monk.

There was still no expression on the honest monk's face.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng did not speak either, and the three of them stood silently in front of the fake clay figure Zhang.

They looked at him. Although he was not a real clay figure Zhang, he was really an old man. They could see that he was not wearing a clay figure mask.

Lu Yang knew that without asking him, he also understood what it meant.

The old man sighed as expected: "I know you will ask me something, and I also know what you want to know."

Of course he knew that no matter who it was, after being secretly secreted, he would cross-examine the origin of the other party's name and who was instigated by it.

If a person lives to fifty or sixty years old, unless he is an idiot, he does not understand such things.

The old man said: "But, I know, if you want to ask, I can't say a word, because if you say it, I will definitely die."

Lu Yang said: "Are you afraid of death?"

The old man smiled bitterly: "Although I am already an old man, and although I know that I will not live for long, I am now more afraid of death than when I was young."

What he said is indeed the truth. If a person is older, he does not want to die.

Especially for those old people who frequently die, the most nostalgic thing is life.

Therefore, those who are most likely to commit suicide with courage are often young people.

It is often young people who jump and hang themselves.

How often has anyone seen an old man commit suicide?

Lu Yang said with a stern face: "Since you are so afraid of death, aren't you afraid that we will kill you?"

The old man actually said, "I'm not afraid."

Lu Yang felt even more strange: "Why are you not afraid?"

The old man said: "Because the old man has lived for fifty to sixty years, he dare not say other things, but it is quite accurate to see people."

Lu Yang asked: "What do you see?"..


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