Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 285: Originally broken clue

Seeing Lu Xiaofeng, Ouyang Qing nodded and pointed to the stone bench opposite and said, "Sit down."

Lu Xiaofeng wanted to sit next to her, but now that Ouyang Qing's expression is a little cold.

He was also not very enthusiastic about showing Lu Xiaofeng.

Why do women like people who pretend to be?

Is this because they all know that what men like is those women who will pretend to be?

If Ouyang Qing behaved too enthusiastically, then Lu Xiaofeng would have been scared off early. After all, he had always been like a prodigal before and liked being free.

Now, Lu Xiaofeng sat obediently on the stone bench opposite, with a lot to say in his heart, but he couldn't say a word.

Lu Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, and had to murmur, "Where is Ximen Chuuxue?" He regretted it as soon as he asked. This sentence may be the stupidest sentence in the world.

Ouyang Qing said: "He is with his sister-in-law in his room. I think they must have a lot to say."

Lu Xiaofeng stood up and sat down again. He wanted to go in and find Ximen Blowing Snow, but he didn't want Ouyang Qing to regard Wu him as a person who didn't know much about it.

The decisive battle is imminent, and the outcome of life and death is unknown. This battle is likely to be a decisive battle.

He should let the couple spend an afternoon quietly, saying something that cannot be heard by a third party.

The courtyard is so deep, the fragrance is floating, and the autumn colors are so beautiful, just like a dream.

As for Brother Lu, Xue Bing and Zhang Ling should be with him.

Now, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly felt very stupid.

Shouldn't they also have only two people, shouldn't they also have a lot to say?

However, he couldn't remember what to say? Suddenly, he felt like he had become an older child who had a tryst with his lover for the first time.

Ouyang Qing asked suddenly: "Do you know this person?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Who?"

Ouyang Qing pointed aside. Only then did Lu Xiaofeng discover that there was a wax figure hanging on the railing, which was the wax figure of General Wang.

It was Lu Xiaofeng hanging there casually. He didn't know why it was hanging there, maybe it was just a whim.

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't figure out why she would be interested in this wax figure of the eunuch.

"Do you know this person?" Lu Xiaofeng suddenly became excited.

How is he not excited when a broken clue is picked up like this?

Ouyang Qing said: "I have seen him, he has been to us."

"Their place" is of course the brothel.

Lu Xiaofeng felt even more strange, and couldn't help but said, "Do you know that this person is an eunuch?"

He and Lu Yang had been pursuing the clues of the third person, and the last hope was obviously the king.

Manager Wang is inseparable from this matter.

Ouyang Qing said indifferently: "We have all kinds of guests, not only eunuchs, but also monks. There is nothing remarkable."

It seems that Ouyang Qing hasn't forgotten what happened that day, nor has Lu Xiaofeng offended her.

However, Lu Xiaofeng seemed to have forgotten a little, and he did have quite important questions in his heart that he wanted to ask.

Ouyang Qing said again: "The **** who went to our place was not the first. He was not alone that day."

Lu Xiaofeng asked immediately: "Who else has anyone else?"

Ouyang Qing said: "When he went, he was only one person, but then two more swordsmen sent from Hainan came to look for him."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "How did you know that it was a swordsman from Hainan."

Ouyang Qing said: "The swords used by the Hainan Sword School are not only particularly long and narrow, but also in a special form. I can see their swords."

Lu Xiaofeng didn't doubt this. Ouyang Qing was also from a quack.

Ouyang Qing said: "I can see that the old man is an eunuch, and I can recognize him no matter how he changes his appearance."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Master Sun was there on that day?"

Ouyang Qing nodded.

Lu Xiaofeng's eyes lit up.

General Manager Wang met the people of the Hainan Sword Sect in the brothel that day, it must be for a very confidential matter.

Together, many things can be solved.

Master Sun and Ouyang Qing could finally be connected. They discovered that Ouyang Qing and Master Sun had also arrived in the capital. They were afraid of being recognized, so they killed them.

Then, Aunt Gongsun's death must also have something to do with this matter.

As for the Hainan swordsman, it must be the two who died in the Celestial Silkworm Altar.

Moreover, the Hainan swordsman, there must be others, hiding in the capital, continuing a rather secret plan.

"Wait a while, I will find Brother Lu." Lu Xiaofeng said.

"Why?" Ouyang Qing's face was puzzled.

"Because, he knows a lot of things better than me." Lu Xiaofeng's face shined brightly. "Big Brother Lu has always felt that something is wrong, and there have been many black hands operating it. If he finds a clue, maybe."

"Perhaps how?" Ouyang Qing asked.

"You will understand soon." Lu Xiaofeng's figure went away.

Fortunately, Lu Yang did not leave, because Ximen Chuuxue took Xue Bing and Zhang Ling to Hefangzhai.

Ximen Chuuxue really has turned from a **** to a man, so thoughtful.

Lu Yang and them hurriedly followed Lu Xiaofeng to the courtyard.

Their faces are all excited, they have been wrapped in layers of mist, and now they finally see some clues, how could they let it go.

Seeing Ouyang Qing, Xue Bing and Zhang Ling were very excited. Several girls were together, chatting non-stop.

Knowing that Aunt Gongsun died, Ouyang Qing was also extremely sad. After all, Aunt Gongsun had always been her eldest sister and their leader.

Now that she learned that Xue Bing was their leader, she was very happy and said that she would listen to Xue Bing's words.

Lu Yang already knew a general idea, and he was also very excited, the line finally did not break completely. ..


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