Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 287: Gentle woman

Ouyang Qing smiled: "The two of them are very smart. No one can bully them, only they bully themselves."

Sun Xiuqing looked up and down at Ouyang Qing for a few moments, and said with a smile: "You seem to know him very quickly."

Ouyang Qing said: "I just know that he is a fool."

Sun Xiuqing said, "But it's also a very clever fool."

Ouyang Qing said: "He is smart?"

Sun Xiuqing said: "He is really confused about his own affairs, because he has never planned for himself. If you really think he is confused and want to lie to him, that person will be unlucky. Both he and Brother Lu it's the same."

Ouyang Qing said indifferently: "Actually, whether he is smart or confused, he has nothing to do with me."

Sun Xiuqing blinked and looked at Ouyang Qing and said, "Don't you like him?"

Ouyang Qing smiled coldly and said: "Does it have to be like him?"

Sun Xiuqing said: "You are not interested in him?"

Ouyang Qing said: "No."

Sun Xiuqing laughed again and said: "You don't need to hide it from me, I can see it."

Sun Xiuqing touched her belly, her eyes flashed with happiness and pride, and she smiled and said: "I am not only a woman, but also a woman who is about to become a mother. Little girls like you are nothing. Don’t even want to hide it from me."

Ouyang Qing stopped speaking, but his face was flushed.

Ximen Chuuxue had been silent from the side, and suddenly said, "You women are really strange."

Sun Xiuqing said, "What's strange."

Ximen Chuuxue said: "You like a man in your heart, but he pretends to be cold on the surface. I really don't understand why you flashed this?"

Sun Xiuqing said: "What do you want us to do? Does it mean that as soon as you see a man you like, you jump into his arms and jump on his bed?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "At least, you should be gentle with him, otherwise, he will be scared away by you."

Sun Xiuqing said: "When I first met you, was it gentle with you?"

Ximen Chuuxue said: "Not gentle."

Sun Xiuqing said, "But, you are not scared away by me."

Ximen Chuuxue looked at her with a warm smile in his eyes and said, "A man like me can't be scared away."

Sun Xiuqing smiled: "That's right, what a woman likes is a man like you."

Sun Xiuqing walked over, holding Ximen Chuuxue's hand, and said softly: "Because women are the same as antelopes, they need people to chase them. If you don't have the courage to chase her, you can only watch her run in front of you. Come and run, but you never want to get her precious horns."

Ximen Chuuxue smiled: "Then you have given me your horn now?"

Sun Xiuqing sighed softly and said: "Now, I have given you even the bones."

They just snuggled up to each other. Standing quietly under the September sunset, it seemed that he had forgotten that there was someone watching.

They seem to have forgotten the whole world.

Although the sunset is good, it is already near dusk.

How long can they snuggle up like this?

Ouyang Qing, Xue Bing and Zhang Ling looked at them from a distance, rejoicing for their happiness in their hearts.

However, they have unspeakable fear in their hearts, and they feel fear for their happiness at the same time.

They all knew that the people of Simon Chuuxue, the sword of Simon Chuuxue, his people and his sword, shouldn't belong to mortals.

A person with flesh and blood and emotions must not be able to use his kind of sharp and ruthless sword.

That kind of swordsmanship is already close to god-like.

Ximen Chuuxue shouldn't have been a mortal with feelings and flesh and blood. His life should have been given to him by the sword.

His people and his sword should be fused into the body and close to deification.

This is what everyone knows in the arena.

And now, he has become an ordinary person with flesh and blood and emotions.

Can he use his ruthless swordsmanship? Can he use that ruthless sword to defeat Ye Gucheng?

And failure means death, and he has no other choice.

The sunset is infinitely good, just near dusk.

The moon will rise soon, and the moon tonight must be blood red.

It's just that the moonlight doesn't know, whose blood will be reflected in red?

It was dusk on September 15th.

The capital was already in a commotion, and it was getting closer and closer to the decisive moment of Ye Gucheng in Ximen Fuxue.

The sky was full of sunset and the colorful clouds were gorgeous. Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng rushed out of the back alleys of Nahefangzhai and strode along the streets stained by the sunset.

They must return the ribbons, how could they stay out of the decisive battle tonight, absolutely not.

Because Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng are their friends, and they discovered that under the full moon tonight, something amazing will happen.

They all realized now that that matter would definitely be more astonishing than the decisive battle between Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng.

Lu Yang now has the desire to run into a wall, and he forgot to leave a ribbon for himself and Lu Xiaofeng!

Originally, it should have been given to the honest monk, Sikong picked up the stars and stole one, Tang Tianzong, Sima Ziyi, and Lu Xiaofeng each. In the end, only two were given to the honest monk, but they were all given to him.

Now I don't know where to look, which is extremely depressing.

Of course the ones that have been sent out cannot be returned, but it is different if they are stolen back.

At least, one can be stolen from the Honest Monk and Sikong Picking Stars.

However, the question now is how to find the honest monk and Sikong to win the stars?

These people will always be like this. When you want to find them, you can't find them.

Luckily, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng remember that they saw that Sagong Picking Stars came out of a medicinal material shop, so the medicinal material shop should have something to do with him. ..


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