Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 300: conspiracy!

The emperor said: "Since there is no Fengshui, you have left the fief without authorization. What is the crime, don't you know?"

The Southern Prince's head hangs lower.

The emperor said: "The prince breaks the law and commits the same crime with the people. Even if I have the heart to protect each other, I am afraid..."

The Southern Prince suddenly picked up his head and said, "I'm afraid it's unavoidable to be decapitated."

The emperor said: "Not bad."

The Southern Prince said: "Since you know the law, why do you still break the law? Don't you know that this is a capital crime!"

The emperor said angrily: "You..."

The Southern Prince interrupted his words and sternly shouted: "Knowing the law and breaking the law, the crime is aggravated, even if I have the heart to save your life, but the ancestor's family law is still..."

The emperor furiously said: "Who are you? How dare to be so rude to me?"

Nan Wang Shizi said: "I was ordered to be in heaven and enshrined in the first emperor. I am today the emperor."

The emperor held his palms tightly, and his whole body was cold, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Now he finally understood what a terrible conspiracy this was, but he still couldn't believe the facts before him.

Nan Wang Shizi said: "Manager Wang."

Wang An immediately bowed and said, "The servants are here."

The Southern Prince said: "Nianzai is the same emperor's bloodline, so I will give him a whole body, and then send his bones back to the Southern Palace."

Wang An said: "Yes."

Nan Wang Shizi looked at the emperor from the corner of his eyes, and suddenly sighed: "I really don't understand. I don't do it with a good little prince, but I just want to go to Beijing to assassinate the emperor. This is a real death."

The emperor sneered.

Of course he had fully understood this conspiracy now. They wanted to use this young man to impersonate him and become the emperor for him.

Then he killed the real emperor and sent his corpse back to the southern palace in the name of the son of the Southern Prince.

Even if someone could see the flaw afterwards, there was no proof.

Wang An said again: "The prince broke the law and committed the same crime with the people. Since you understand this, what else do you have to say?"

The emperor said: "There is only one sentence."

Wang An said: "You said, I'm listening."

The emperor said: "How did you come up with such a ridiculous thing?"

Wang An blinked, and finally couldn't help laughing, "I didn't want to say it, but I can't hold it anymore."

The emperor said: "You said."

Wang An said, "To tell you the truth, since the old prince entered Beijing last time and found that you look almost exactly the same as the little prince, this matter has already begun."

The emperor said: "He bought you?"

Wang An said: "I not only like to gamble, but I also like women."

Speaking of women, he, a shriveled old face, suddenly became radiant and triumphant.

He sighed deliberately, and then continued: "So my expenses-Xiang is not small, then I have to find a way to make money."

The emperor said: "You are so bold."

Wang An said: "I don't have the courage. It's not a matter of stability. I will never do it."

The emperor said: "This matter is already stable?"

Wang An said: "We were worried about Wei Ziyun's bastards, but now we have figured out a way to draw them away."

The emperor said: "Oh, how did you get them away?"

Wang An said: "A person who likes to play chess, if he hears that there are two major players playing chess outside, can't he stay in the house with peace of mind?"

Obviously, that is definitely not possible.

Wang An said again: "The same is true for swordsmen. If you know that of course the two most prestigious swordsmen will compete with swords in the Hall of Supreme Harmony in front, they will definitely not be able to stay in the house."

The emperor suddenly asked: "You said, is it Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng?"

Wang An looked surprised and said: "Do you know these two people too?"

"Of course the emperor knows." It was Princess Jian'an, the sister of the current emperor.

Seeing Princess Jian'an, Wang An is naturally not surprised. This princess always likes to run around outside the palace, yearning for a career in the arena.

Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng compared swords, how could she not know.

Wang An was obviously still a little surprised, but still smiled and said, "It's a pity."

Princess Jian'an said: "What is a pity?"

Wang An said: "If you are like Wei Ziyun and others, if you go to see Bijian, you may still have a life left."

"You mean, you also have arrangements in Bijian now?" Princess Jian'an said.

Wang An clapped his hands and said: "The princess is indeed a smart person, but those straw bags can't do much. However, it is enough to hold Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng for a while."

The expressions of the emperor and the princess Jianan changed drastically.

Wang An's face was full of triumphant smiles.

Suddenly, Princess Jian'an said: "Don't you know why I am here instead of seeing Bijian?"

Wang An suddenly changed his face and said, "Why?"

Princess Jian'an said: "Because Lu Yang is the smartest person in the world. He has seen through your conspiracy a long time ago. He will be here in no time. The straw bags you laid out are simply vulnerable. Yes, I can't help it."

Wang An's face was even more ugly. Of course he knew Lu Yang's strength. If this were true, Wang An's heart would trembled.

However, Wang An's expression quickly calmed down: "You don't have to scare anyone. Now, even if the gods come, there is no way, how can you escape my palm."

The emperor said: "Fortunately, there are a few people beside me who are not tempted by Bijian."

He had just finished speaking, and suddenly there was a sound in the water column on all sides, four secret doors slid open, and four people flashed out of it.

The four people were less than two feet tall, and their figures, looks, and decorations all seemed to be printed from one mold.

Especially their faces, small eyes, big noses, big heads, and deflated mouths, they look so funny and ridiculous.

However, no one would find them ridiculous.

Because of the sword in their hands! ..


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