Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 306: The reason why the master

Looking at the background of Ye Gucheng's departure, Lu Yang suddenly felt sadness in his heart.

And all this can no longer be decided by him. Even if he wanted to stop it, he was still powerless.

Ye Gucheng must die,

Ye Gucheng walked towards Ximen Blowing Snow, it seemed that behind him, there was an autumn wind, which was so cold, like a lingering winter.

At this time, the moonlight was so faint, as lightly as stars.

The starlight is like a dream, making people feel, some are warm, some may be other.

That dream is like a lover's dream.

Lovers are always the cutest. Although, many times, although some people are cuter than lovers, they are rare.

And hatred is not necessarily absolute emotion.

For example, Tang Tianzong hated Ye Gucheng absolutely.

But there seems to be a sense of hatred between Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue, so they must prove that they are better than each other.

But this sense of hatred still contains understanding and respect.

They understand each other as if they know themselves, respect each other as they respect themselves.

Because they can see their own shadows from each other, and they are more sympathetic to each other.

If it's not for each other's different paths, perhaps they can become the most intimate friends.

This is a pity that there are not many lovely enemies, and there are even fewer worthy enemies.

Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng are enemies worthy of respect for each other.

But resentment is different.

Hatred is innate, it is a feeling, that feeling is extremely deep, but resentment is acquired.

That hatred is passive, while resentment is active.

Can't you say that it is Ximen blowing snow and hating Ye Gucheng?

Or, can't you say that Ye Gucheng hates Ximen Chuuxue?

There is no resentment between them, only hatred.

They are not resenting each other, but a kind of innate, indispensable, wonderful and stupid hatred.

That kind of hatred is the pride of each other, which makes each other hate each other.

What Ye Gucheng hates is that since Ye Gucheng gave birth, why should there be Ximen Chuuxue?

And Ximen Chuuxue is the same, why did Ximen Chuuxue have Ye Gucheng?

They hate each other so naturally, only letting each other fall under their own swords is the joy of life.

Therefore, Ximen Chuuxue's greatest wish is to fight Ye Gucheng decisively without hesitating to ignore Wang Fa.

Because Ye Gucheng must die, he would rather accept Ximen Chuuxue's challenge.

The difference is that no matter whether Ye Gucheng wins or loses, he will die. This is his destiny ending.

But Ximen Chuuxue is different. Victory comes to the world's first sword god, the sword of the dragon.

And if he fails, he will lose his life. This is the pride of the sword god, and the sword **** will never allow his own failure.

For them, failure is harder to accept than death. Because of this, they both hate each other.

But they are so similar, so they love each other again.

This is the distance between hate and love, which is elusive. Now it is even more difficult to understand between them.

Between them, is it love more than hate, or hate more than love.

Perhaps only they can know.

And now, it is the last moment of the decisive battle.

When it comes to the decisive battle, there is no one in the world, nothing can stop their decisive battle.

This moment, perhaps short-lived, the master is just a moment.

But many people have to give everything they have in order to wait for this moment.

Ximen Chuuxue gave his life and glory, and Ye Gucheng gave his destiny.

Thinking of those people, Ye Gucheng suddenly felt an unspeakable sadness in his heart.

At this moment, Ye Gucheng's thoughts were not on the sword at all, but on the grandmother Gongsun, Master Sun, and Zhang Yingfeng.

Is it worth their death?

Whether this battle is worth it, and whether those who are waiting are worth it.

No one can answer, no one can explain, and no one can judge everything.

Perhaps, even their own hearts are unable to prepare to speak.

Even Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, they couldn't explain clearly.

But Ye Gucheng had completely felt the compelling sword aura and murderous aura of Ximen Chuuxue's body.

The pressure he felt was far more than what he revealed on the surface, and far more than any person present.

Ximen Chuuxue also felt the unique pressure of Ye Gucheng. He is also not easy.

Lu Yang kept staring at the swords of Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng, and he felt every change in their movements and every expression.

Even he could feel the slight beating of each of their muscles.

If you think a person is your true friend, then this person will always be.

For a long time, Lu Yang used the sword of Ximen Chuuxue.

Ximen Chuuxue was originally the **** of the sword.

But since he had Sun Xiuqing, he is no longer a god, but a living person, a man of flesh and blood.

Because, in the past, Ximen Chuuxue had only a sword in his heart, and his whole person was just a sword. He was born for the sword and lived for the sword.

But now, he has human love, human feelings, all human emotions.

And as long as it is a person, it will always be weak, and a weak person will always have weaknesses, but the weaknesses will not be obvious.

But precisely because of this, talents are human beings, not gods, and no one can truly achieve the realm of gods.

Obviously, Ximen Chuuxue was completely alone.

If a person changes from the position of a **** to the position of an adult, will his sword return to the position of a man from the position of a god?

Perhaps, you only know after the shot.

But after the shot, it was a sword that didn't look back, and it would always be fixed at that moment, that shot. ..


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