Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 311: Ridiculous thing

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Actually, I have basically guessed what he wants."

Everyone asked in unison: "What is it?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled: "Don't tell, don't tell." He looked unpredictable.

Everyone wanted to hit him with their fists. Everyone was so curious and anxious that the guy could still laugh.

Moreover, it is still selling Guanzi, but if he sells Guanzi, no one will sell his account.

After all, he was just guessing, and now, only the emperor Lu Yang knew. What did they talk about?

The honest monk smiled and said, "Anyway, what he wants must be one of these things we guessed."

Suddenly, someone smiled at the Yongding gate: "No."

A person was striding out from inside, his face was flying, his body radiant, as if a **** descended from the earth.

Lu Yang is always so glorious,

Lu Yang finally came out, and everyone who was waiting desperately rushed forward.

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Brother Lu, is it that we all guessed wrong."

Lu Yang nodded.

The honest monk asked: "What exactly do you want? What is mysterious?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Don't tell, don't tell."

Lu Yang separated the crowd, and walked forward, striding forward, no matter who asked, he would never tell.

His expression seemed to stop everyone to death.

However, those people are not vegetarian, so they will not be suffocated so easily.

When Lu Yang walked in front, they followed closely behind, and they had to try out the secret no matter what.

Sikong Picking the Stars touched Lu Xiaofeng's arm and said, "If you say, who else can let him speak, there is no other person besides you."

Lu Xiaofeng's eyes rolled around and said, "It's really good." In fact, he wants to know more than anyone else what is going on there.

Lu Xiaofeng strode forward, took Lu Yang's hand and asked, "What did you want?"

Lu Yang did not answer.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Are you really determined not to say it?"

Lu Yang also smiled and said, "Yes."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Okay."

Lu Yang asked: "What's so good?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "If you refuse to say it, then I will."

Lu Yang asked, "That's it? Ha." He smiled, so thief.

Lu Xiaofeng quietly said a few words in Lu Yang's ear, and smiled even more narrowly.

Lu Yang stopped suddenly for a long time.

He sighed suddenly, and suddenly he attached to Lu Xiaofeng's ear, and said a few words quietly.

Lu Xiaofeng was stunned immediately. The expression on his face seemed to have swallowed two eggs, two duck eggs, and four big steamed buns at the same time.

Lu Yang began to walk forward again.

Lu Xiaofeng followed him and walked forward in strides. As soon as he took a step, he began to laugh.

Lu Xiaofeng's expression seemed to be the most ridiculous thing in the world, and tears flowed from his smile.

Sikong Picking the Stars grabbed Lu Xiaofeng's sleeve and asked him, "What did Brother Lu tell you?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "You can't talk, you can't talk."

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Don't forget who asked you to go just now, and if you really don't say it, I will, I will."

He also attached to Lu Xiaofeng's ear and said a few words quietly.

Lu Xiaofeng also stopped immediately, was stunned for a long time, and whispered a few words quietly in the ear of Sikong Picking the Star.

Sikong Picking the Star suddenly burst into laughter, tears almost streaming out of his smile.

The look seemed to be someone else asked him to steal someone's underwear, and then when he went to steal, he found that he never wears underwear.

The honest monk was stunned when he saw Sikong picking the stars, and his curiosity became more intense.

He grabbed Sikong's clothes and asked, "What's the matter?"

Sikong starring with a smile: "Don't say, don't say."

The honest monk whispered a few words in his ear, that Sagong picking up the stars was like a thief who just happened to be caught.

Sikong picked up the stars for a long time, then he attached the honest monk's ear and whispered the matter quietly.

The honest monk was also stunned, and laughed, laughing as if the Tathagata had matched him with three big nuns, two little nuns, and four small nuns.

Then, the Taoist Mu forced the honest monk to tell the matter, and then Ding Ao, Tu Fang, Yin Xian, and Bu Ju all knew about it.

Each of them was laughing loudly, so happy.

On the night of September 16, the moonlight was like water, and the coolness was as gentle as water.

Lu Yang walked forward with great strides following the steps that day, full of vigor and energy.

His whole body is full of strength, full of vitality, full of infecting vitality.

He didn't laugh, but the group of martial arts masters behind him were all smiling.

They laughed so happily, laughed so innocently, laughed forward and backward, and laughed unscrupulously.

They all seemed to laugh so innocently like a child.

They walked past the heavens with such laughter and walked to the brightly lit street.

People on the road, people in the window, people in the shop. Almost everyone was looking at them in surprise.

No one wants to know that these people are peerless masters, and no one knows why they laugh so happily.

No one can ever understand their smile.

Now they look like a group of children, a group of children who get sugar.

Especially Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng laughed particularly relaxed.

That expression is like picking up the biggest baby in the world.

Only Wei Ziyun is not easy at all. Now the emperor is losing his temper, and he is very angry.

The emperor slapped the table again and glared at him.

However, facing the emperor's temper tantrum, Wei Ziyun could still laugh. ..


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