Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 333: Tooth and blood belt

Because she is so curious, that person is so weird and terrible.

But she is the one who likes to ask in the end, the more curious, the more she must find the answer.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "His name was originally called'Yin Yang Boy'. After meeting Sikong Picking the Stars, he changed his name."

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "What is his name now."

Lu Yang said: "Yin Boy."

Aunt Dingxiang smiled and blinked and said: "He was originally called a yin and yang boy, it must be because he was originally a yin and yang person who is neither male nor female."

Lu Yang said: "Yes."

Aunt Dingxiang smiled and said, "But Sikong’s star catching ruined the half of his man, so now he can only change his name to "Yin Boy"."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Yes."

Aunt Dingxiang asked, "Why didn't Sagong pick the stars just kill him?"

Lu Yang said, "Because Sikong picks stars and doesn't like killing, and he rarely kills."

Aunt Dingxiang smiled and said, "Is it because Kong Zaixing felt that half of his woman did nothing bad, so she still stayed."

Lu Yang said: "Yes."

Aunt Dingxiang's eyes were like water: "I really want to find a yin and yang person. I really don't know what they will look like."

Lu Yang said: "I also have one thing I can't figure out."

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "What is it?"

Lu Yang said: "Why don't you blush?"

The current Aunt Dingxiang’s face is very rosy, it is not shy, but because she just took a hot bath.

The rooms in the auspicious inn are also three taels of silver a day, and hot water is supplied by default during the day.

The current Aunt Lixiang walked in from the bathroom with one hand in her hair and the other with a silk scarf.

Since she had no hands free, she arched the door open with her hips and smiled softly: "The rent of the room here is really too expensive, and the business is not good. There is no one outside. You should go with me. A shower."

Lu Yang didn't answer her because he didn't hear Aunt Dingxiang's words at all.

He is now staring at a sandalwood box, studying the box intensively.

The box is on the square table in the room.

The sandalwood box is carved with delicate patterns and the corners are covered with gold leaf.

The situation looked like a box used by precious people to store precious jewelry.

Aunt Dingxiang was also curious, and looked at the box: "Where did this come from."

Lu Yang said: "It was delivered by Xiaoer from the shop."

Aunt Dingxiang asked in surprise: "Who asked him to send it over?"

Lu Yang said: "I don't know."

Aunt Dingxiang asked: "What's in that box?"

Lu Yang shook his head, he really didn't know.

Aunt Dingxiang approached the table and stared at the sandalwood box and said: "Why didn't you open the box and take a look? Are you really afraid of a poisonous snake coming out of it?"

Lu Yang said: "I am not afraid of poisonous snakes. I am afraid that a woman will come out of it, just like yours."

Aunt Ding Xiang stared at Lu Yang fiercely and smiled: "I hope that a man will come out of it. It would be best if that man is like you."

Aunt Dingxiang opened the box, and when she saw the inside of the box, the face on her face was frozen.

She was so frightened that her breathing stopped and she stayed there.

In that wooden box, there are actually five red ribbons! There are more than a hundred white teeth outside!

The black band was still stained with blood, lining the dense teeth, which made people feel terrified.

A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood.

Suddenly, seeing this situation reminds people of this sentence.

Aunt Dingxiang’s teeth began to fight, and it took a long time to make a sound: "Here, are these human teeth?"

Lu Yang nodded, his face looked pale, though.

Obviously, this was beyond his expectation.

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "Then what happened to these five **** black bands?"

Lu Yang said: "I don't know."

Aunt Dingxiang sighed: "It seems that you are also kept in the dark and don't know anything."

Lu Yang said: "But I know one thing."

Aunt Dingxiang asked: "What's the matter?"

Lu Yang said: "Men’s affairs, women’s best not to ask too much, let alone not to care!"

This time, Aunt Dingxiang was so obedient, she sat down on the table and closed her mouth obediently.

But this was only because she had been frightened and she seemed to be unable to stand up.

After she regained her strength a little bit, she said again: "Today, the seven more people who came out to follow you and stare at you are like this kind of black belt."

Lu Yang still had a straight face, but she also admired her a little. After being frightened, she still observed quite carefully.

Women seem to be more attentive than men by nature, especially women who look into the roots like her.

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "Could it be that these seven people today have something to do with the person who died that night?"

The courtyard of the whole auspicious inn has four layers.

Yin Tongzi and his party seem to live in the fourth courtyard. They packed up the entire courtyard.

Lu Yang just seemed to hear women singing and laughing over there, but now he can't hear them anymore.

He walked around the side door behind, but he didn't see anyone. The business in this place didn't seem to be very good.

Although the lights were still on in the yard, there was no sound of breathing or coughing.

Did their people leave? Not there?

Lu Yang stood on tiptoe and swept up, resting on the short wall.

The light shone on the window, but no one appeared.

There seemed to be a woman's rouge and the smell of meat and wine in the yard.

Just now, there seemed to be a party in this yard. When many people were doing something, women and wine were indispensable.

But what about the people who reveled? What about the yin boy and those women?..


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