Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 342: wish

Lu Yang sighed. Now he feels that this matter has become more and more complicated, and his task is becoming more and more difficult and full of danger.

But there was another point he couldn't figure out: "Then why didn't Li Xia take the Raksha card to Kunlun Mountain by herself?"

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "Because she was afraid that she would die halfway without getting to Kunlun, she was even more afraid that she would not survive the seventh day of the first lunar month of next year."

Before the seventh day of the first lunar month of next year, no matter who holds this Rakshasa card, it is a pack of gunpowder that will explode at any time.

He might be blown to pieces at any time.

If you don't have complete strength, you will definitely not dare to follow.

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "She is a very shrewd person. She will never let herself take this risk. The best way is to sell that Rakshasa card to others, exchange it for a huge fortune, and be safe and secure. Live the rest of my life."

At this point, Lu Yang had to admit that this was what a smart woman did.

Aunt Ding Xiang continued: "A woman who has reached her age and has no support in life and no spiritual sustenance, so she can only try to get some money. So."

Lu Yang said: "So even though the relationship with you is very unusual, you are still required to come up with 200,000 taels of gold. If you can't get it out, she would rather sell it to others."

Aunt Dingxiang smiled miserably: "Unfortunately, now I am worse than her. I am truly nothing now."

Lu Yang smiled reluctantly and said, "At least, you still have a friend."

Aunt Dingxiang said: "You?"

Lu Yang nodded, an indescribable feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

They are not just friends, their relationship is far closer than friends.

But now.

Aunt Ding Xiang looked at Lu Yang, her eyes also showed an indescribable look.

That look, no one knows whether it is sad or comforting or grateful?

After a long, long time, she suddenly said: "Can you promise me one thing."

Lu Yang said: "You said."

Aunt Dingxiang said: "Now, that Rakshasa card is useless to me, but I still hope to see it with my own eyes, because I have sacrificed everything for it, if I can't see it with my own eyes If I were to die, I wouldn’t be willing to die.”

Lu Yang said: "So, you hope I will bring it back and show it to you."

Aunt Dingxiang nodded and stared at him: "You are not used to it?"

How could Lu Yang refuse to agree: "It's just that at least a month has passed by then, will you still be here by then?"

"I will." Aunt Dingxiang said sadly, "I am just a waste now, no matter whether I am dead or alive, they will not care about it anymore."

Her eyes were red and the tears were already streaming down: "Besides, where else can someone like me go?"

The moonlight gradually rose, and it became quieter outside, and the guests who should be on the road had already left. Lu Yang gently wiped away the tears on Aunt Dingxiang’s face with his sleeves, and then sat down.

I don't know how long it has been, Aunt Ding Xiang sighed softly and said: "You should also go."

Lu Yang said: "Do you want me to leave?"

Aunt Dingxiang smiled and said: "You can never be here with me forever."

Although she was smiling, her smile was more miserable than tears.

Lu Yang wanted to say something, but he held back.

Aunt Ding Xiang understood what he meant: "Do you have anything else you want to ask me?"

Lu Yang nodded, there was one thing he shouldn't ask again, he didn't want to touch her wound again.

However, he couldn't help but ask: "What kind of person is Flying Jade Tiger?"

Aunt Dingxiang’s answer was exactly the same as Fang Yuxiang.

She didn't even know Feitian Yuhu's life experience name.

His life experience is very secretive, his actions are unpredictable, his body is thin, his eyes are not eagle, no matter who he is, he will not trust him absolutely.

Facing his wife is no exception, but his martial arts is so outstanding that he has never met an opponent in his life.

There are no doubts about these points.

Lu Yang couldn't help asking, "What kind of place is Lahasu?"

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "That place is like Fei Tian Yuhu people, very mysterious and terrifying. The popularity there is very narrow, and it is always hostile to strange foreigners. Then there, except for two people. Besides, no matter who says what you say, you better not believe it."

Lu Yang asked: "Who are the two people I can trust?"

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "An old goat, my father's old partner, and Chen Jingjing, grew up with me since childhood. If they know you are my friend, they will do their best to help you."

Lu Yang wrote down these two names.

It is always nice to have a few friends in a strange place.

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "After the Mid-Autumn Festival, that place is extremely cold. In mid-October, the river will be closed."

Lu Yang had also heard that once the Songhua River freezes, it will be like a flat and broad road.

Aunt Ding Xiang said: "If you are someone who has never been there, you definitely can't imagine how cold it is. When it's the coldest, your nose will freeze when it comes out, and even your exhaled breath will turn into ice. Ice ballast."

Lu Yang sighed secretly in his heart, and couldn't help tightening his clothes.

Aunt Dingxiang said: "I know that you are generally in the south of the Yangtze River, and you must be very afraid of the cold, so you should rush over as soon as possible when it is not too cold, and it is best to buy a leather that can keep out the cold. Jacket."

Lu Yang felt very warm in his heart. Anyway, she still cared about him very much.

If a man is cared by a woman, he must be very happy in his heart. All men are the same. ..


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