Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 345: Sudden visitor

Lu Yang poured a full bowl of wine, raised his neck, poured it into his mouth, and swallowed it in one mouthful.

Sure enough, Lu Yang was not really drinking, but pour. Although there are many people in this world who can drink, not many people can pour in this way.

Gu Song looked at him, a little smile appeared in his eyes for the second time.

He also poured a bowl full of wine and swallowed it in one gulp.

He actually used "pour" when drinking.

Lu Yang cheered from the bottom of his heart, this old boy really had two things, but he didn't show anything on his face.

Lone Song showed a triumphant look: "Drinking is not only quick but also painful."

Lu Yang said: "Pain?"

Lone Song said: "Drink stubbornly, three cups and five cups, it doesn't matter how fast you drink."

Lu Yang asked: "How much can you drink?"

Lone Song said: "It doesn't matter how much you can drink, if you drink it and not get drunk, that's the real skill."

When this cold and arrogant old man talked about wine, it was as if he had become another person.

Lu Yang smiled and looked at him and said, "Then how much can you drink without getting drunk?"

Lone Song said: "I don't know."

Lu Yang said: "Have you never been drunk?"

Lone Pine did not admit or deny, but asked, "How much can you drink without getting drunk?"

Lu Yang said: "I got a little drunk after only one drink, and it's still like that after a thousand drinks."

It's the third time that Lone Pine has a little smile in his eyes and said: "So, haven't you really been drunk?"

Lu Yang neither admitted nor denied, he raised his stomach and poured a full bowl of wine.

Chess meets opponents, sword meets opponents, and wine meets one's own knowledge. This is a very interesting thing.

Isn't it a happy thing to meet an opponent after drinking?

And people who don’t drink to see a character who drinks like this, it is not interesting.

Qing Zhu and Han Mei didn't even look at them, and there was no expression on their faces.

They slowly stood up. Slowly walked outside the hall.

The night was cold, like water, and the water was full of chill.

They both carried their hands on their backs, raised their heads and looked at the cold stars in the sky.

After a long time, Qing Zhu slowly asked, "How long has the boss been not drunk?"

Han Mei said: "It's been fifty-three days."

Qing Zhu sighed and said, "I can see it, he must be drunk once today."

After a long time, Sam Mei sighed again: "How long have you not been drunk?"

Green Bamboo Road: "Twenty-three years."

Han Mei said: "Since that time when we two were drunk at the same time, you have never drunk anymore."

Green Bamboo Road: "Of the three of us, there must always be one who stays sober so that everyone can live longer."

Han Mei said: "It is better for two people to be sober."

Green Bamboo said: "So, you haven't had a drop of wine for 20 years."

Han Mei said: "It's 21 years and 17 days." Qing Zhu laughed: "Actually, your drink volume is better than the boss."

Samume also smiled: "Actually, the drinker is the best, of course it is yours."

Green Bamboo said: "But I know that there is absolutely no one in this world who will never get drunk."

Sammy nodded: "I know, as long as you drink, you will definitely be drunk."

As long as you drink, you will definitely get drunk. This sentence is absolutely unchanged through the ages and unbreakable.

Therefore, Lu Yang was already drunk.

The room was big with a big fire, and Lu Yang was lying on a big bed.

He always thought that sleeping in his clothes would be like taking off his pants and farting.

How troublesome it should be, and it's a superfluous thing.

No matter who gets drunk, he will sleep deeply.

Lu Yang is no exception, but he always wakes up much faster than others.

Now, it was still dark outside the window.

The room was still dark, but Lu Yang was already awake.

Facing such an empty, endless darkness, he was a little demented and lost.

He thought of a lot of things again, these things are not to be told to others, but also unbearable.

It is also to make myself forget those things, and to indulge myself once again, so I deliberately get drunk alone.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, he thought about this.

Why can't I forget the things that should be forgotten, and can't remember the things that should be remembered?

People are always like this.

The more you want to forget, the more it affects you the most and you cannot forget it.

Lu Yang sighed softly, then sat up quietly, as if he was afraid of touching the people around him.

Lu Yang sighed quietly.

There is no one around him, is he afraid of awakening himself?

At this moment, he suddenly heard a soft sigh.

There is no one around him, but there are people in the house.

In the darkness, he vaguely saw a hazy figure, sitting motionless on the chair opposite the table.

The man did not know when he came, nor did he know how long he had been sitting.

"Drunk Country Road is steady, and it's not easy to do anywhere else." The man sighed.

He slowly said, "But if this road is too much, it will definitely be quite boring."

Lu Yang laughed.

No matter who it is, there will be times when he can't laugh, but Lu Yang seems to always be like this, he can always laugh when he wants to laugh.

However, others couldn't see what his face was hiding under his smile.

Lu Yang smiled: "Unexpectedly, your Excellency is still a very knowledgeable person?"

This humanity: "I don't dare at this point, I just have some feelings in my heart, so I can't help but say it."

Lu Yang said: "Your Excellency came in the dark, just to say these words to me?"

He couldn't figure out what that person came from either. ..


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