Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 366: The ugly side

Lu Yang said: "Oh."

Li Xia's eyes were extremely confused, the fog became heavier, and her breathing became quicker: "What am I thinking, don't you understand?"

Lu Yang said: "I don't understand at all."

Li Xia bit her lip and said: "I am also a woman, so women can't be without men, and I have been here for several months, I."

Li Xia's breathing started quickly, and she suddenly fell to Lu Yang, holding Lu Yang's hand firmly.

She held it very hard, even his nails had penetrated into Lu Yang's flesh.

Li Xia's face was already sweaty, and her nose seemed to open a lot, panting for breath.

Her eyes also widened, exuding a watery warmth, which was very blurred there.

Lu Yang did not move.

Of course he is very familiar with this expression, because he is a man, and he is a very normal man.

Only in a certain moment of excitement, a woman's face will have such an expression.

And now, she just held his hand.

In this moment, Lu Yang suddenly understood why she would elope with Boss Ding. Why would you marry Blue Beard.

She is a person who desperately needs men, and she is the age who needs men most.

She is indeed not beautiful, but such a woman usually has a very strange attraction.

Especially her lips are thick and fleshy, which always attracts those men.

Lu Yang didn't move, but he couldn't help but admit that his heart had already moved.

Lu Yang felt that his lips were a little dry.

He wanted to leave, but Li Xia had already fallen on his body, pressed against his body, and entangled him tightly like an octopus.

Lu Yang had never seen such a strong woman before, and he was almost overwhelmed by her.

Her lips were already close to his mouth.

He was breathless.

Suddenly, I heard a bang, the wooden board on the top was lifted, and a person shouted from it: "Let me in, who dares to stop me, who I kill."

It was Tang Keqing who pounced, she looked like a lunatic.

Her face was deformed with hatred, and she rushed to Li Xia, and the two of them tore and bite, becoming completely mad.

Lu Yang finally understood why Tang Qing hated men.

Thinking that he could hold both of them by the hand, and he could stand the feeling of vomiting, he thought he was amazing.

The night had come suddenly, and I did not expect that the day was so short.

Lu Yang didn't know when it started to get dark. He did not go back to Tianchang Restaurant either.

Lu Yang bought a large jar of wine in a hotel on the street, and a roast chicken in a lo-mei shop.

A man found a place to sit down and drink.

His heart is full of sadness, and his emotions are so sad.

Although he knows that there will definitely be a dark and ugly side in human nature, this is not what he wants to see.

This is an uninhabited cabin. The cabin is on the bank of the river. The people in the cabin should have moved to a small town on the glacier.

The door of the wooden house was almost blocked by ice and snow.

The cold wind blew in from the cracks in the windows and doors, and from the cracks in the wooden boards, the coldness was like a knife cut.

But Lu Yang didn't care.

Lu Yang hoped that Li Xia could keep the promise and hand over the Rakshasa card to him early tomorrow morning. He could leave after he took it.

When he first came, he felt that this place was magnificent and beautiful, full of mystery, and it was very exciting and novel everywhere.

Now he wanted to go back as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

He began to miss his home and the three beauties.

He also missed Lu Xiaofeng, Ximen Chuuxue and Sun Xiuqing.

On the old wooden table, there is an oil lamp with a little oil in it.

But Lu Yang didn't want to light up the lamp, he didn't know why, his mood was so depressed.

I don't know why these two days have become so low.

Even, he wanted to find lone pine to fight wine again.

The wine has been drunk for most of the jar, but the roast chicken has only been gnawed a few bites and barely moved.

The strange thing is that when they arrived at this place, Suihan's three friends seemed to have disappeared.

From a distance, the town was still brightly lit.

It's getting dark here so early, it must not be too late now, and it will be a long time before tomorrow morning.

How to pass this long night?

Lu Yang picked up the wine jar and put it down again.

Because at this time, she suddenly heard a very light footstep on the ice and snow outside.

At this time, who else will come to this place?

Suddenly, the window was knocked open and one person jumped up.

The door was almost sealed, and Lu Yang also jumped in through the window.

The snowy light reflected the light, vaguely, and it was still possible to distinguish the human face.

The man was wearing a long and large robe, and he was holding a large bag of things inside.

With a "bang", the man put something on the table, with a trembling hand, took out the fire folder from his bag and lit the oil lamp on the table.

At this time, she turned her head, looked at Lu Yang, smiled and said: "I didn't guess wrong, you are really here."

Her face was white with cold, and her nose was red with cold, but her smile was as gentle and beautiful as a spring flower.

She actually belongs to Chen Jingjing.

Lu Yang was not surprised, his face was still very calm, but he couldn't help asking: "How can you guess that I am here."

Chen Jingjing smiled and said: "I saw you walking here with a large jug of wine, and I happened to know that there is only one place around here to escape the wind and snow. Although I am not very smart, I am not too smart. stupid."

Lu Yang smiled. This woman is indeed quite smart. In such a place, it is difficult for an unwise person to survive. ..


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