Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 371: Accidental death

Chen Jingjing said: "I said it."

Li Shentong stared at her fiercely, and screamed: "Why do you say this?"

Chen Jingjing said: "Because she is indeed dead, why don't you believe that she is dead? If you really like her, you should let her rest in peace."

Li Shentong suddenly rushed over and said: "No, she is not dead yet, she is my bride, how could she die?"

He firmly grabbed Chen Jingjing's skirt and shook it desperately.

Chen Jingjing was already pale with fright, she almost softened, and couldn't help but slap Li Shentong hard.

A clear applause rang, and the crying and screaming stopped immediately.

The room suddenly became silent like a tomb.

Everything seems so strange and mysterious.

Li Shentong stood there dementialy, and suddenly there were two tears streaming down his lost eyes.

The tears slowly flowed over his rouge cheek.

The tears were mixed with rouge, and they were as red as blood.

His eyes still stared straight at Chen Jingjing, his eyes were so sad and crazy.

Chen Jingjing couldn't help but stepped back, two steps back, and she couldn't help shivering.

Li Shentong said slowly: "Yes, she is already dead, of course I still remember, who killed her?"

Chen Jingjing said: "Who killed her?"

Li Shentong said: "It's you, it's yours. I saw you strangle her to death with a sock."

He suddenly turned his head and opened Tang Keqing's collar, revealing a purple mark on Tang Keqing's neck.

He yelled: "Look, this is what you did. If you want to, you can't afford it."

Chen Jing was extremely angry, and her whole body was trembling: "You are crazy, you are really crazy. Fortunately, no one will believe what you are crazy."

Li Shentong stopped paying attention to her, but suddenly rushed to Tang Keqing, crying loudly: "You don't know why I have been following my sister, because I have been secretly loving you. , Waiting for you to marry me one day. Although I have no money, Blue Beard promised to give me thirty thousand taels of silver. For the thirty thousand taels of silver, I didn't even want my sister. Why did you die? ?"

Lu Yang walked out quietly. If he stayed here for a while, he would definitely go crazy.

If a person really loves a person too much, especially one who loves deeply, it is usually a kind of tragedy.

Why are there so many tragedies in a person's life?

It was so dark and cold outside.

After Lu Yang walked out, he took a deep breath, and suddenly, he vomited.

This time, it made him feel more uncomfortable than ever.

The night is already so deep.

Lu Yang has been walking the street alone for more than half an hour.

On the street, the lights were so bright, but then slowly went out.

The little cold star shining on the horizon also depressed little by little, slowly disappearing.

Lu Yang didn't know how far he had gone, or how long he had gone, or when he stopped.

When he looked up, he found that he had already walked to the door of Leng Hong'er's herbal shop. There are still lights in the drugstore.

Lu Yang froze outside the door for a long time, and asked himself secretly: "Did I have come to look for her a long time ago? Why would I unconsciously walk to her door?"

These questions, but he has no way to answer.

In a person's heart, there are often many secrets that he can't know.

Maybe it's not that I don't know, but I dare not dig it out.

"Anyway, I'm here already."

Lu Yang smiled bitterly, and he started knocking on the door.

But the door was hidden, he just pushed it gently, and the door opened.

The light was still on in that room, but no one was seen.


Lu Yang suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

He walked in immediately. There was no one in the front hall, no one in the back bedroom, no one in the kitchen, not even the toilet.

A small door at the back of the kitchen was also concealed, and it was buzzing with the wind.

Did that Leng Hong'er slip out of this door and wait to see the black bear go?

On such a mysterious night, a mysterious glacier suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared.

In the endless darkness, it seems to be full of unpredictable and mysterious fear.

Lu Yang strode forward, facing the wind.

What else will he encounter tonight?

He couldn't predict, it was impossible to predict, and no one knew what would happen in the next moment.

However, you must find Leng Hong'er, he absolutely can't let Leng Hong'er disappear into this mysterious darkness.

Where is Leng Hong'er and where is the black bear?

Lu Yang didn't know at all.

There were still a few cold stars in the distance, and he walked over to the starlight.

The stars flickered and seemed so quiet.

Suddenly, Lu Yang heard a scream, the voice came from under the starlight, the voice was so sharp.

It was actually a woman's voice.

Lu Yang rushed over with the fastest speed.

The starlight shines on the ice river, and there is a pool of blood on the shining, silver-like ice tree.

The blood stained across the glacier line by line.

After walking twenty or thirty steps along the blood stain, Lu Yang saw Leng Hong'er lying motionless on the ground.

Leng Hong'er's body was completely cold and stiff, and his face was bloody.

But it was vaguely recognized that there was a trace of a deadly claw on that face.

Look at the situation, it was beaten out by a powerful claw. ..


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