Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 383: Reckless person

Zhao Junwu has become mechanically like a machine. He kept talking about it, as if he wanted to say all the polite words and compliments all at once.

But Han Mei ignored him, just turned and walked in front of Lu Yang and said, "Do you know, who owns him?"

Lu Yang said: "I have heard of it."

Han Mei said: "His name is not bad, and his martial arts is not bad, but when he sees me, he is very respectful, but you are negligent and not polite in front of us."

Lu Yang laughed and said: "When he was young, his tutor must be very good, and people with good tutors are always more polite than others."

Han Mei said, "What about you?"

Lu Yang said, "I have been rebellious and naughty since I was a kid."

Han Mei said: "So, you don't have a tutor."

Lu Yang said: "No!"

Han Mei said: "Then you should learn something."

Han Mei suddenly turned around again, facing Zhao Junwu, and asking Lu Yang, "Do you know who this person is?"

Zhao Junwu just shook his head. He did not know Lu Yang, and he had never met Lu Yang.

Han Mei said: "You don't need to know who he is, I just want you to teach him for me."

Zhao Junwu showed embarrassment and said with a wry smile: "But now, there is no festival with him, how can I be with him..."

Han Mei interrupted Zhao Junwu's words and said coldly: "I won't force you, you can make a choice. Did you teach him or I teach you?"

While talking, Sammy picked up a tin jug from the table and knead it casually.

The tin became a ball, and then gently pulled once, the tin became a tin stick.

Zhao Junwu's complexion became very ugly, but he didn't say a word. He just rushed out with a stride, slashed behind Lu Yang with a palm of his backhand.

That move was indeed fierce and quick, and the shot didn't leave any affection. It seemed that Lu Yang and him were just like enemies.

But Lu Yang actually didn't move, didn't flash this move, and didn't make an attack.

He just let Zhao Jun's palm chop the back of his neck.

The neck is also a vital part of a person. There is a big blood vessel in the neck, although Zhao Junwu does not have deep internal skills.

But his fist also had the power to break through the mountain and rock, and at that moment he did his best to strike out.

In his eyes, Lu Yang should have been knocked out if he hadn't been killed.

Who knows, Lu Yang still stood there properly, and his face remained unchanged.

However, Zhao Junwu had cold sweat on his face, and then he suddenly punched, hitting Lu Yang's chest and abdomen severely.

Lu Yang took another straight punch, still calm.

Zhao Junwu sweats profusely, just like rain,

He made two full shots, and he obviously hit Lu Yang, but it seemed like he was empty. He fisted twice, but he felt that the opponent's body was empty. One punch went past, and there was no effort at all.

Lu Yang took him two punches so calmly, but nothing happened.

Zhao Jun was ready to shoot for the third time, but his fist was clenched, and he couldn't fight it for a long time.

Lu Yang seemed to be standing there waiting like he was being beaten.

Lu Yang waited for a long time, then suddenly looked at Zhao Junwu and smiled: "Have you learned enough?"

Zhao Junwu smiled reluctantly and couldn't say a word. Now even if he was given ten beauties or big ingots, he couldn't laugh out.

Lu Yang looked at Han Mei again and smiled, "Then can I leave now?"

Han Mei's face became quite ugly, but without waiting to speak, Withered Bamboo already rushed and said, "Please help yourself."

Lu Yang smiled: "Thank you."

Lu Yang patted the clothes, picked up an unsqueezed jug from the table, and drank the wine in the spout.

After Lu Yang finished drinking, he strode past Han Mei.

But Lu Yang hadn't gone downstairs yet. There was already a small second-hand shop holding a letter and rushed upstairs and said loudly, "Who is Daxia Lu Yang?"

Lu Yang pointed to his nose and smiled and said, "I am Lu Yang, but I am not a hero. Heroes can only beat people, not waiting eagerly."

Lu Yang still had a smile on his face, not angry.

He knew that there were too many bullying and fearful people in this world, and there were people ten times worse than Zhao Junwu.

This is one of the weaknesses of human nature that cannot be eliminated without dripping water. Now Lu Yang is very open.

He also learned to love mankind and life like a flower man.

For such things, he can easily forgive each other now.

Now he only has sympathy and pity for Zhao Junwu, and will not hate him for it.

However, after Lu Yang read the letter presented by the shop's second child, his face changed, and he was really angry. Not only was he angry, but he was also very anxious.

"My brother Lv Dahexia: I was given an **** by the former favorite, but I didn't dare to be ashamed, because I didn't dare to receive a salary because of no merit. I have given it to girl Chen Jingjing, and I fear that my brother will be inconvenient to travel. Take it away, I'm here exclusively, and I wish you great peace!"

The signature below is actually "Flying Jade Tiger" again!

When Lu Yang was reading this letter, the three friends of that year-old Han were also looking at him.

They were very surprised, because they had never seen Lu Yang's face so terrible since they saw Lu Yang.

This is something they did not expect.

When Lu Yang rushed out, the three of them also rushed out behind.

In the restaurant, only Zhao Junwu was left in front of the wine table. The expression on his face seemed to be smashed to death immediately.

He never dreamed that the person he just wanted to teach was actually Lu Yang, a world-renowned and unparalleled person.

If you know, give him ten courage. ..


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