Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 454: Ximen Chuuxue's Heart

Seeing the situation of the honest monk, Miss Niu couldn't help but sighed and asked: "Why are you doing this?"

In fact, when she asked such words, not only shouldn't it be asked, it was superfluous.

A person, under such a lonely lamp in the rainy night of Bashan, but his heart is by the side of a poor person in the feast.

How could he control himself and prevent himself from seeing her?

A person who has never moved beyond the otherworldly and never moved, but when moved, he is out of control.

The emotion is like a flash flood, who can control it?

The honest monk is also a human being, a man, and a human being in the arena.

People in the arena are emotional.

Therefore, the honest monk can only lock himself in this way, so as not to mislead others. Miss Niu's eyes are moist.

What can he say in this situation?

She can only leave, because she really can't face the situation at this time.

Unexpectedly, the honest monk stopped her again.

Now, of course, the honest monk can't accompany the beef soup to find Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, even if he goes, he can't save them.

The honest monk can only tell the beef soup: "Although Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are in the world, talking nonsense, but there is one sentence, but it is absolutely not wrong."

Beef soup asked: "What did he say?"

The honest monk said: "Their most sincere friend in this world is Ximen Chuuxue. If they have anything to do, only Ximen Chuuxue can save them."

Simon blowing snow, his white clothes are like snow, and his heart is like snow.

And since he became a father, others thought he would turn from a **** to a man.

But he didn't expect that his swordsmanship was more refined and surpassed the gods.

Actually, let him reach the highest realm of the kendo of man and sword.

The honest monk said: "The monk never lied. Simon's snow blowing sword is the first. His wisdom and calmness are unparalleled in the world."

"But." The honest monk continued, "I have already felt that a bigger wave is coming, and even Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng are trapped. Ximen Chuuxue may not be able to protect himself, I think, it should be two. A big man."

"Huo Xiu and Jin Jiuling." The honest monk said.

The beef soup said in surprise: "Didn't they die early."

"Amitabha, the monk never tells lies." The honest monk said.

"Where are they now? How did I find them?" Beef soup asked.

"They are where they should be." The honest monk said.

Beef soup didn't understand: "Where should it be? Where would it be?"

The honest monk said: "Since they are damned people, they naturally can't be in front of the world, so they should be there."

Beef soup said: "Daling Yuanzhuang?"

The honest monk nodded: "If you go to them, it is much easier than to find Ximen Bixue."

The beef soup's eyes lit up.

Daling Yuanzhuang, Huo Xiu, Jin Jiuling.

I just don't know if it's too late.

At this time, Ximen Chuuxue was sitting on the flat blue rock at the top of the mountain.

He looked into the distance.

After sent Ouyang Qing and Xue Bing back to Daling Yuanzhuang, they wanted to return to Huangshi Town, but they did not expect to receive a mysterious letter.

Now, he is here waiting for his opponent.

Lu Xiaofeng's disappearance made him a little confused, but the sword **** was still the sword god, as long as he put his mind away, he was a sword.

The sword has no emotions.

For some reason, since he was defeated by Lu Yang, he felt that only by constantly breaking through himself is martial art.

He also knew that perhaps he would never be able to achieve the cultivation level of Brother Lu in his entire life.

However, at least he has new goals and new motivation.

Thinking of Sun Xiuqing, he is also full of warmth.

He felt a little guilty for her, but he married a sword.

How can it be? If you can't accept this sword, how can you love this person?

In the distance, the mist and flowers fell so misty, it was a vast expanse, and nothing was seen.

However, everything can be seen, because seeing and invisible are often in the heart.

Huamanlou's eyes can't see, but his heart can see. Many people can see with their eyes but can't see with their hearts.

When life has not yet begun, or for people who are completely satisfied with life.

That is nothingness, so chaotic.

It looks like a picture.

Such a situation can be very pleasant, and enjoy such enjoyment in tranquility.

However, it seems to people like Ximen Chuuxue that this piece of nothingness is life itself.

There is no life and there is no life. It is under such circumstances that Ximen Chuuxue seems to be able to see himself.

This is the most important thing. He hasn't seen himself clearly for more than ten years.

Because his heart and blood were enveloped by sword qi and blood qi.

Of course, ice is added.

People in the rivers and lakes know that Ximen Chuuxue is an iceberg, like thousands of years of ice and snow, no one can melt.

However, since there were Lu Yang and Sun Xiuqing, all this has completely changed.

What kind of person is Ximen Chuuxue?

Now, as long as the people of the rivers and lakes know Ximen Chuuxue, there are few people who don't know his name.

But, who can know his origin, his thoughts, and his feelings?

No one knows his past.

Even Lu Xiaofeng, Lu Yang, and Sun Xiuqing didn't know.

Even he didn't know it anymore.

Of course, it's not that I don't know it, but I have forgotten it.

But how could he forget it?

In life, what can be more difficult than "forgetting"?

How much does one have to pay to forget the past?

Ximen Chuuxue sealed her heart with a sword and blood, but now it was melted.

After it melts, is Ximen Chuuxue or Ximen Chuuxue? ..


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