Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 470: Terrible news

Unexpectedly, that old lady actually did something that Miss Niu could not bear.

The old lady actually did something that she couldn't bear.

The old woman actually held Miss Niu's hand, and her eyes were full of sympathy.

The little old woman said to her softly: "Little, you must look a little bit away, don't be uncomfortable anymore."

"I am uncomfortable?" Miss Niu felt quite surprised, quite unexpectedly, "Who said I was uncomfortable? I don't feel uncomfortable?"

The little old woman seemed even more surprised, even more surprised: "Are you not uncomfortable? Is it really not uncomfortable at all?"

"Why should I be uncomfortable?" Miss Niu said: "Old lady, can't you tell, I must be a very discerning person."

The little old woman just sighed and stopped talking.

Miss Niu stopped talking, and was about to start eating again.

But suddenly, she couldn't eat anymore.

Between the mysterious little old man and the little old woman, there seemed to be something more that she couldn't eat.

Of course that kind of thing is also a feeling, a very, very strange feeling.

We can even describe this feeling as horribly strange.

Therefore, Miss Niu's chopsticks were finally put down.

"Old lady," she said, "Did you just persuade me not to be uncomfortable?"

"Oh." The old lady didn't speak, but sighed.

"Then, may I ask the old lady, should I be uncomfortable for any reason?" Miss Niu asked, staring.

"I don't know, ah." The old woman sighed: "The current years have really changed. Everything has changed. I don't know, would such things make people feel uncomfortable?"

She sighed: "I just know that when we were little girls, if we encountered such a thing, not only would it be uncomfortable, but also secretly crying for ten and a half days."

Miss Niu began to be very anxious: "Old lady, what kind of thing is this kind of thing?"

The old lady did not answer, but instead asked, "Do you know that Ximen Chuuxue has arrived in Huangshi Town?"

"I just heard about it." Miss Niu said.

The old lady asked: "Then do you know, why did he go?"

"He went to find Lu Xiaofeng." Miss Niu said, "Because he has always only regarded Lu Xiaofeng as his good friend. And Lu Yang, Brother Lu has been there, he is going to help find Lu Xiaofeng."

"You are wrong." The old lady said, "He didn't go to Lu Xiaofeng, nor Lu Yang, because it is very likely that no one in this world can find them."

"Why?" Miss Niu became even more anxious, "Why on earth?"

"Because a living person will never find a dead person." The old lady said: "A living person, if he wants to find a dead person, then he can only die first. Lu Xiaofeng is dead, that is The truth is that Lu Yang is missing, and it is very likely that he is also dead."

The old woman said, "Because there is no dead person, they will appear in front of the world, and many people say that Lu Yang is also dead."

She paused and said, "Ximeng Chuuxue is not going to die, he is going to avenge Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

——Lu Xiaofeng has died in Huangshi Town, Lu Yang has also disappeared, and it is very likely that he is also dead.

The news of will surely spread all over the world soon.

That old gentleman and old lady didn't look like a liar, otherwise, how could they scare Sagong away from starring?

Miss Niu didn't know how she got off the restaurant.

I don't even know how she will react after hearing the news.

Now, she just knew that she was already sitting under a big tree, crying like a tearful person.

This year and that year are the same.

No matter what year it is, a normal emotional girl will be sad for the man she likes.

Miss Niu often looks like something abnormal when she does things.

But her emotion is definitely not less than that of any other girl.

Of course, the tears she cried out were no fewer than anyone else.

It is still a plateau, it is still loess, it is still Feng Shui.

Huangshi Town seems to be a place that has been forgotten by time as a whole. Perhaps the people in Huangshi Town have forgotten time deliberately.

Whether it's forgotten by time or deliberately forgotten time.

There is a common feature between the two: "unchanged."

Huangshi Town has not changed at all.

When Ximen Chuuxue entered Huangshi Town, it was the same as when Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng entered.

The first thing he saw was a poor street, a deadly poor person.

The person who was too poor was of course Huang Xiaochong who claimed to be the 23rd generation disciple of the Beggar Gang.

When Huang Xiaochong saw Ximen Chuuxue, his eyes were bright as if he saw Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng exactly.

It's a pity that Ximen Chuuxue is not Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng.

Lu Xiaofeng and the others will ask him where the inn is.

Ximen Chuuxue just stared at Xiao Beghua coldly.

The eyes were so cold, like a sharp blade, that penetrated the yellow insect's heart.

The yellow bug cowered and asked: "Are you looking for an inn?"

Ximen Chuuxue did not answer his words.

Sometimes, no answer is an answer, and silence often means a lot of content is in it.

At the very least, for people like Huang Xiaochong, they are used to seeing others' faces.

He knew that Ximen Chuuxue's silence was also an answer.

It's still a "big eye" grocery store, and it's still a cabin in the backyard of the grocery store. Nothing has changed.

There are still two dilapidated houses, but inside that house, they are newly painted. ..


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