Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 480: Murderer's mind

Ximen Chuuxue ignored the beef soup, and seemed to have known this a long time ago, so he simply closed his eyes now.

"Why didn't you kill Ximen Chuuxue?" This was a question raised by Sha Dahu.

It seems that this problem is not just that the beef soup wants to break his head and can't think of it, or that Sha Dahu cannot think of.

"Yeah, why didn't you kill Ximen Fuxue?" This is the same question that the owner of the grocery store and the coffin store continued to ask.

Similarly, the little beggar, the lady boss, is also asking.

It seems that only one person knows the answer to this question.

Because those people are all looking at one person.

"The reason for not killing him is very simple." Gong Susu stood up and said: "It's for his sword book."

"Sword score?" Sha Dahu said: "His people are already in our hands. What do we want his sword score for?"

Gong Susu said, "Could it be that you don't want to learn his unique swordsmanship?"

"I originally thought about it, but now I don't want to." Sha Dahu said.

"Why?" Gong Susu asked puzzledly.

She also knew quite well about Sha Dahu, and everyone present coveted Ximen Chuuxue's sword spectrum.

Sha Dahu said, "Because we have all become rich, what are we still doing with swordsmanship?"

Gong Susu asked, "Does it mean that you don't need to practice martial arts anymore if you have money?"

Sha Dahu said: "You are right. Do you know how much money can be allocated to each of us?"

Gong Susu said, "I can't figure it out."

"I can't figure it out, but I know that the money we get is not enough for our 80th generation grandson to eat and drink." Sha Dahu said.

He glanced around again, looked around at everyone present and said: "We have so much money, we don't have to eat, drink and have fun, what swords should we practice, and what martial arts should we suffer?"

The face of the boss of the coffin shop, which originally looked like a dead person, suddenly became bloody.

His look is almost like a person, from a dead person to an emperor.

He said in a very happy tone: "Yeah, with money, let's just spend time and drink, and what kind of swordsmanship does he have?"

"Moreover." Sha Dahu said again: "Keeping Ximen Fuxue here, we will have another threat, and we will have to guard against a peerless master. If there is a little mistake, we will give up all our efforts."

Gong Susu looked at everyone and said, "Don't worry, that big prison, even a ghost, doesn't want to escape, let alone a mere Ximen Chuuxue?"

She sighed: "You all only want money, the sword, and the sword spectrum. Let me handle it. You are really shallow. With so much money, if you have Simon Chuuxue's swordsmanship, in the world, who else should you be afraid of?"

Dahu Sha laughed: "With money, we don't need to be afraid of anyone."

He then said with some anxiety: "But..."

Gong Susu said, "Are you afraid that he will fly out of my prison? People's peace of mind is on my body."

"Why is it on your body? This matter is on all of us." Sha Dahu said.

The lady boss said: "By the way, what's going on with Lu Yang? You have to know that one Lu Yang is more than Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuuxue combined."

Sha Dahu nodded and said, "He is the most popular figure in the world. It is said that his cultivation level can be seen through by one person."

Xiao Biaohua also showed a chill, and seemed to be trembling with fear: "People who haven't seen him, haven't seen his shots, it is absolutely unimaginable how powerful and deep he is."

Speaking of Lu Yang, Gong Susu's expression also changed a little, not only did she recover quickly.

Gong Susu said: "You can rest assured about this. Although he has disappeared, I can conclude that even if he does not die, he has become a useless person."

Sha Dahu said: "Oh, why are you so sure?"

Gong Susu looked at his hand and said, "Because of my shot, I am absolutely confident."

She said: "My blow hit him with full strength, and I didn't give him a chance to fight back."

She has complete confidence in her strength: "What's more, no matter how clever he is, he is nothing but a man, not a god. If he is a man, he will be injured and he will die."

Xiao Biaohua's face lighted up: "You mean, he died in your hands?"

Gong Susu nodded: "Almost like this."

Sha Dahu said worriedly: "But where is his body?"

Gong Susu said, "There is no corpse."

Gong Susu said, "Huang Xiao Chong, go and take a look outside, maybe..."

Everyone's spirits were straightened, and they all sat upright.

Xiao Biaohua went out, but the lady boss's face was still so solemn: "Without a corpse, it doesn't mean that he is dead."

Gong Susu said: "If, under that blow, he is not dead, unless he is a god, but he is definitely not a god, but a human!"

The lady boss smiled and said, "Don't you think your skill is better than Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuuxue combined?"

Gong Susu didn't answer, but instead asked, "Could it be that Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuuxue can't help but win Lu Yang with a combined blow?"

There is no answer to this question, and there will never be an answer, just like whether there was a chicken or a chicken in this world, no one can tell.

Because it is absolutely impossible for Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuuxue to join forces to deal with Lu Yang.

How big a blow Lu Yang can withstand, he would definitely not try the combined blow of Lu Xiaofeng and Ximen Chuuxue.

Therefore, there is no need to care about a point that cannot be verified.

"Then, where was your last fight? Where did he go?" asked the boss. ..


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