Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 509: The scariest person

Jin Peng said: "We don't know, but we know at least one thing."

Lu Yang said: "Which point?"

Jin Peng said: "The middle-aged woman's martial arts is definitely the best master in the world, but no one has seen her, as if it suddenly appeared, and then disappeared. No one saw her again. However, He was murdering for our master, but it is certain."

Lu Yang said: "In other words, his opponent doesn't know when he will die, and when he will die under the hands of what kind of person."

Jin Peng said: "Yes, and it is said that he has done many snipers himself."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Then what can be weird, he is just a master of disguise, who can turn himself into anyone he wants."

Seeing Jin Peng’s incredulous expression, Lu Xiaofeng said, “If I’m happy, I can even become a dog. Brother Lu is even more powerful. He wants to become you, but it will happen in an instant, and you will never notice it. ."

"Become me?" Jin Peng didn't understand.

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "When we first met, it was better than Yi Rongshu. He immediately became me, and no one could tell."

Jinpeng understood now.

What is the highest state of disguise, it is just that.

If a person can become the person in front of him in an instant without being recognized by others, what would it be if he is not a master?

But Jin Peng said, "Could it be that when he is changing, what about his clothes? Can it be changed at that moment?"

Sikong picked up the stars and said: "Yes, you will never understand how he did it."

Jinpeng was speechless.

But Gong Xiaoxiao said: "That is different. The invisible person we are talking about means that everything we say and do cannot be hidden from his eyes."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "That's his eyes and ears all over the world."

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "No, he is an invisible person."

Lu Xiaofeng didn't understand yet, but Lu Yang already knew some.

Lu Yang said, "Because he can appear by your side at any time."

Gong Xiaoxiao's face was full of fear and said: "Yes, you are drinking tea there. There is no one person within ten meters around, but he suddenly appeared next to you and sat down at your table. "

Gong Xiaoxiao's expression was so scared.

Jin Peng said: "When we did something wrong, he suddenly appeared, shouting at us by our side, let us see our mistakes, and immediately correct them."

Gong Xiao said: "So, we are afraid that we have said bad things in our dreams and let him hear them, and we will not even have a life." The beef soup laughed: "You guys also said him too godly, I don’t believe it. If he shows up now, he will be compared with my brother Lu. It's a huge difference."

Lu Yang's expression was also a bit solemn: "Then if it is what you said, then our opponent is really terrible, and that lot of gold must have fallen into his hands."

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "Of course, no one knows what he is thinking, what he is planning, what is his next step."

Jin Peng said: "He arranged us here, the Jade Rakshasa in a cell, and he watched us around us. As long as we are a little unfavorable to him, he will take our lives."

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "Don't force us to say any more, if we say a few more words, our lives will be gone."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "It seems that you are really scared by him. Could it be that you are not afraid that we will kill you now?"

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "You are gentlemen, you will never do such a thing."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "But if you don't say the answer I want, I will do a lot of things."

Gong Xiao said: "I don't believe it."

Lu Yang looked at Gong Xiaoxiao and said, "I think, you know, there is a trick for acupuncture in the rivers and lakes called ‘distributing muscles and bones.’"

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "Yes, once someone uses this technique, his whole body seems to be broken into pieces."

Lu Yang sighed and said: "You are wrong. It is not like, but if I apply it to you, then you will feel itchy all over your body first, as if thousands of ants got into you. In blood and bones."

Gong Xiaoxiao said: "Humph."

Lu Yang said: "That is only the first step. In the second step, you will feel pain all over your body, even your hair. The pain is so strong that it makes you want to die, but the pain in your whole body makes you feel I can’t scream anymore because you don’t have the strength to scream anymore."

Gong Xiaoxiao's expression became scared: "Dare you!"

Lu Yang said: "I have nothing to dare, you are not my friend, but my enemy, you want my life many times, why should I be polite to you, most importantly, in your hands, With the secrets I need, I can do anything."

Gong Xiaoxiao was frightened.

Lu Yang said: "The third step, the most fragile part of your body will begin to shatter, starting from the hair, the hair will be broken into pieces, falling to the ground, and becoming a big bald head. If such a beautiful woman becomes a Big bald head, what do you think will happen?"

Gong Xiaoxiao finally couldn't help but yelled out: "Lu Yang, you are poisonous!"

Lu Yang said: "Next, your eyes will fall out, your ears will fall, pieces of meat will fall off your body, but your consciousness is still there, and you watched yourself become a pile of frothy foam. ."

Gong Xiaoxiao: "Ah!" screamed.

Lu Yang said: "So, if I ask anything, you can tell me as soon as possible, otherwise, you will feel uncomfortable when I use that technique."

Gong Xiaoxiao thought for a long time.

She finally raised her head and asked Lu Yang, "Are you really ready to get what you want to know at all costs?"..


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