Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 568: Climax showdown

Seeing Lu Xiaofeng's expression, Lu Yang knew that he wanted to help.

Lu Yang shook his head slightly.

Lu Xiaofeng knew what Lu Yang meant. Lu Yang wanted to stand up here, so people shouldn't underestimate him.

Lu Xiaofeng stepped back and stared at everything in front of him coldly. Who would dare to disadvantage Lu Yang, he would never let him see the sun in a second glance.

Lu Yang looked at the old pedant, the old pedant looked so plain, it seemed that he was just like an old pedant who read poetry and books.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng didn't care about such an old and academic person.

They are also afraid of dealing with such people.

Both of them are big bastards, and when they see such a person, they often avoid them.

And the old scholar has always been sitting beside Lu Yang honestly and betting money, the bets are not big, and there is no difference.

Among so many people, he was the only one who hadn't looked at Sharman squarely, and seemed to be not interested in women at all.

But people who didn't pay attention, did not expect that they were not ordinary masters.

Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, this time they both missed their eyes.

When the dice was about to stop again, Lu Yang suddenly heard a "chirp" again, and another wisp of wind slipped past his ears.

The wind of that finger came from the finger of that old and pedantic old man.

The old scholastic hand was thin and so sallow, and his fingertips had long nails, at least an inch long.

It is estimated that the fingertips had been soaked with medicine, and when there was no force, the ten nails were rolled up.

But when he flicked his fingers, the curled nails were stretched straight, so crystal clear and white.

The nails were shining, sharp like a blade, and shimmering like a blade.

Could it be that the old scholar would be the "finger knife" that was called the "Yiyangzi" of Zhang Bian Yin's "Yiyangzi" and Huashan's "finger magic power"?

"Finger Knife" is also a must-have skill.

It is Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng who have not seen such kung fu since they debuted for many years.

Seeing that since the dice was moved by the finger knife, it would turn into one point.

Lu Yang's right hand was still close to the mustache, his figure remained unchanged, and his left hand had two, a little empty.

It seemed that I was planning to clamp the dice for a change, and when the dice was about to stop, it suddenly turned again.

After spinning for a while, the dice slowly stopped, as if to stop above five o'clock.

At this moment, everyone could not see what points the dice was, and at this moment, the fat dealer also moved.

The fat dealer took a deep breath, and the dice suddenly left the bowl and flew.

The white-haired old man flicked his **** and flew towards the dice.

If this blow is like a hit, the dice must be broken.

At that moment, Lu Yang suddenly hit the moustache's right palm with his left hand, and his toes were a little on the side of the bowl.

Suddenly, the body of the mustache flew away and fell heavily to the ground.

Suddenly, the mustache spit out blood. After Na Lu Yang repelled the mustache, he looked at the dice a little empty.

The dice suddenly fell into the bowl again, and Gu Lulu turned around.

Everyone was taken aback.

That was just an instant, Lu Yang hit the mustache with a palm, restrained the old man's finger, and let the dice spin in the bowl.

The dice turned faster.

Lu Yang still lightly landed on the side of the bowl, looking at everyone coldly.

Mustache has no attack power.

The old man suddenly pointed the knife and hit the bowl under Lu Yang's feet.

And the fat dealer also moved, with a strange palm technique, attacking Lu Yang.

That palm is so weird, but it looks like the Jiangnan palm town Jiuzhou, but it seems a little different and more powerful.

The palm wind was a little scarlet, and it carried a strong wind.

Like the lost palm of the fire cloud.

This time, Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng shook again.

After a while, in the three people, they have seen the incomparable genius. Who are these people?

They all couldn't understand. All three of them had good martial arts, but they didn't have their names in the arena.

Any one of them, placed above the rivers and lakes, is definitely a top-notch master, and they are all people who stomped the rivers and lakes.

With the joint attack of two people, how can Lu Yang resist these two kinds of geniuses?

Lu Xiaofeng's expression changed drastically, ready to take action.

Lu Yang just sneered, "Let me take a look at how much do you have at all."

Lu Xiaofeng was relieved now. It seemed that Lu Yang didn't take them seriously.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and looked at everything in the field. He took advantage of this opportunity to observe it carefully.

Lu Yang watched the two palms attack, and his body actually rose slowly, carrying the bowl and dice.

The bowl seemed to be stuck under his feet, and did not fall off, but of the three dice, two of them were six o'clock, and one was spinning rapidly.

Suddenly, the old man's knives and the fat dealer's palms fell through.

Sweeping on the table, the table suddenly fell apart, and all the banknotes and silver were flying in the sky.

Lu Yang sneered: "It seems that this bet is nothing to compare."

The old man and the fat dealer said at the same time: "That's not necessarily true. If the dice has not been counted, there is no loss."

Lu Yang looked at the mess in the game and said, "Now, can I still tell who is who?"

The fat dealer sneered and said, "If you make a mistake, I will lose ten thousand taels."

With that, the two of them attacked Lu Yang again.

Lu Yang was flying in the air, relaxed in their knives and the palms of Fire Cloud.

After dozens of attacks in a row, without any effect, Lu Yang's expression was still so relaxed. ..


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