Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 615: Get into the eggshell

Aren’t those things all dead? Sharman was so smart, it suddenly occurred to her, and there was a light in her eyes.

At this time, from the secret tortuous mountain road, ten living people approached with five dead boxes.

The box obviously looked heavy, and everyone was lifting it very hard.

Especially the big box that was walking at the end, the two big men carrying the box were already sweating profusely.

The sweat ran from their faces like rain and fell to the ground.

This is the last part of the road, and it is a long time since the destination.

The eight big men had already passed by carrying the box, and only the two big men carrying the heavy box were left behind.

They are already panting, one by one seems to be exhausted.

At this moment, those big guys saw Sharman. Sharman appeared suddenly like a gust of wind.

Sharman stopped their way with a smile, looked at the big guys and said, "You all know me."

They must recognize it, Gong Jiu's woman, at least everyone thinks so.

And Sharman's enchanting fame on the island is known to anyone who has been here.

And they have entered here, have been in the valley, and have secretly glanced at her.

No matter who it is, when you see a stunner like her, you can't help but take a few more glances.

However, at most, it is enough to just look at her, because if the Nine Young Master knew that she was peeking at her, the result would be uncomfortable.

The arrogant and arrogant Young Master Nine would definitely be very angry, and maybe they would have dug out their eyes.

And here, except for one person, no one dared to make the Nine Young Master angry.

This person not only dared to make Young Master Jiu angry, but also dared to make him angry in front of so many people.

Moreover, she seemed to be deliberately irritating him. The more angry he was, the happier she smiled, preventing him from getting off the table.

However, the young master was just obsessed with her, no matter if she irritated him in such a way, he was indifferent.

But other people are different. As long as someone provokes him, he will lose his life immediately, and he never shows mercy.

And now, he has never given anyone a chance to beg for mercy.

His shot was like lightning again, and he was in a different place before he could react.

Hearing what Shaman said, the two big Hans immediately bowed their heads and said: "I wonder what girl Man has ordered?"

Shaman said: "I don't have any orders, but the Nine Young Masters have."

The two big guys were listening respectfully. No one would dare not listen to the orders of the nine young masters.

Sharman said: "The Nine Young Master specially sent me to let you send this box to his room, and you are not allowed to peek, otherwise you will definitely chop off your hands and goug your eyes."

The two big guys quickly trembled: "Yes."

Although the order they heard was not like this, none of them dared to doubt, nor dared to ask, even more dared not to resist.

No one didn't know that what Girl Naman said was the same as what the Nine Young Master said.

No one dared to violate the words of the two of them.

Sharman said, "Young Master Nine especially likes to be clean, so now it is best for you to find a place to wash your dirty body."

Of course the two big men didn't dare to disobey, not to mention that the sweat and mud on their bodies were mixed with such a heavy box just now.

Now they look like a clay figure.

There happened to be a creek nearby, so they didn't dare to delay a moment after hearing Sharman's order.

They immediately ran, hurried over, and hurried back. They were afraid it would be too late for a while.

If the Nine Young Master gets angry, their little life will be reimbursed.

When they came back, the box was still there, but Girl Man was gone.

Sharman's people are gone, but what she said is still valid.

The same still made them dare not defy. The box moved, shaking in the air.

The box was so dark and quiet, after a while, it was gently placed down.

The outside is full of life-and-death crisis, and two people are hugging tightly in the box. What is it like?

Would it be very exciting? I am afraid that no one in the world can feel this taste.

But Lu Yang felt it, and Shaman felt it too.

Because now they are hugging tightly, huddled in the box, breathing each other's breath, so close to each other.

After the box was put down, the footsteps of the two big men gradually disappeared.

The two of them stayed for a long time without making a sound, just listening to each other's breathing and heartbeat.

Until the outside was completely silent, there was no sound. This is the time when they can speak.

Sharman couldn't help but said, "How do you know that he will have a box to send back again?"

Lu Yang said: "I can see that he is a very particular person, and generous, he likes to use gifts to impress other people's hearts. His people have not returned, they have already been sent back, the most important thing is that others have already I'm back."

Sharman said: "But his people came back yesterday. How could you know that his box will be delivered today?"

Lu Yang said: "Following him on the sea for so long, everyone must be suffocated. Finally, when the boat reaches the shore, even if you can't find a woman, you will definitely find wine and drink well. Happy."

Sharman said: "This is also a common problem for all normal men."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "But he is not a normal man."

Sharman also laughed: "You are telling me, what is wrong with him?"..


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