Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 623: Incredible change

Now Lu Xiaofeng actually appeared in the wooden box at the same time, and also came to this boat.

This is really incredible. This is really weird.

Ren Luyang wanted to break his head but couldn't think of an eventuality.

The honest monk was pitiful, his mouth full of bitterness, and Lu Xiaofeng flew up and took out the rags in his mouth for him.

The honest monk only vomited a few bitter throats continuously.

Lu Yang asked, "What is going on?"

"I don't know, only geniuses know what is going on." The honest monk sighed, his face also showed surprise and confusion.

The expression on his face will definitely not be fake: "I was very awake. I clicked on your sleeping point and waited for you to fall asleep. I was thinking about a lot of things, but I don’t know why. I fell asleep faintly."

Lu Yang said, "When you wake up, you have already been hung in this place."

The honest monk sighed and said, "Fortunately, you are still in the box. Otherwise, I don't know when I will be hanged."

Lu Xiaofeng laughed: "At least I won't wait until the monk becomes a monk."

Lu Yang looked at Lu Xiaofeng and said, "Then what's the matter with you?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "I don't know. When someone came in outside, I could only find a box and hid in it. Then I fell asleep in a daze. When I woke up, I got out of the box and saw it. You guys."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Don't you know what's going on now?"

Lu Xiaofeng just untied the rags stuck in his mouth, but didn't untie him, leaving him hanging there.

The honest monk looked at the expressions of Lu Yang and Lu Xiaofeng, was stunned, then laughed again, smiling so kindly.

He also knew that Lu Yang would never spare him lightly, and Lu Xiaofeng was obviously the same as Lu Yang.

The honest monk said: "I know." His muscles were shaking with a smile, "I know you will definitely put me down, right."

Lu Yang said, "We are not in a hurry." He also learned the words of the honest monk.

The honest monk said, "But I am in a hurry."

Lu Yang said, "Is it very uncomfortable to hang on top?"

The honest monk shook his head desperately. He didn't know what to say, but he knew that if one sentence was not good enough, then what happened to Lu Yang would happen to him soon.

The honest monk was really anxious this time, and the anxious sweat fell like rain.

Lu Yang waved his hand and greeted Lu Xiaofeng to sit down beside him, and the two of them sat on the deck, looking up at the honest monk.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Is it much cooler to hang on top than below?"

The honest monk's head was about to break, but he couldn't help but replied loudly: "Of course it's very cool, it's so cool that it's deadly."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Then why do you sweat again?"

The honest monk said: "That's because I'm angry."

Lu Yang said: "What is the relationship between anger and sweating?"

The honest monk said: "Because when I get angry, my whole body is shaking. When my whole body shakes, sweat will flow out.

Lu Yang said, "Then why are you angry again?"

The honest monk said: "Because I am angry, angry with others, and at the same time angry with myself, why would I make such a good friend?"

Lu Yang laughed, and Lu Xiaofeng was also smiling.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "It seems that he is almost hanging, so you can put him down."

Lu Yang nodded, and saw that the honest monk was angry, his anger disappeared a lot.

The feeling of being teased by him has almost dissipated, and I am going to put this honest monk down before talking.

Unexpectedly, when Lu Yang was about to tell Lu Xiaofeng, footsteps and coughing suddenly sounded outside the door.

It seemed that someone was about to open the door and walk in.

This time Lu Xiaofeng was faster than Lu Yang and immediately got into the box.

Lu Yang also got in immediately, gently supported the lid of the box, and slowly put the lid down, and he returned to Sharman's warm embrace.

Just before the lid of the box was completely closed, Lu Yang saw that the door of the cabin was pushed open from the outside.

Two people walked in, and the one walking in front seemed to be one of the big men who carried the box onto the boat.

Lu Yang prayed secretly in his heart, praying for God's blessing, this time, don't carry this box to other places.

The box was still completely dark, but there was no movement at all outside.

What do those two people want to do when they come here suddenly? What purpose do they have? Are they here to carry the box again?

If the two people saw the honest monk hanging on the crossbar, what would they think?

They should be the honest monks hanging in the door, but why is there no movement at all?

Lu Yang held Sharman's hand tightly, and Sharman's hand was still so cold.

And Lu Yang's hands were so cold, he regretted it now.

He shouldn't have tortured the honest monk, he should have been put down.

Now Lu Yang finally understands that if a person wants to repair someone else, it is often he who gets repaired in the end.

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement outside the box, as if everything had disappeared.

Lu Yang became even more anxious, almost couldn't help jumping out of the box to see what happened outside.

At this moment, Lu Yang and Sharman suddenly saw someone knocking on the box again.

The voice was so soft that it seemed to be politely knocking on someone's door. ..


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