Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 650: Crazy Uterus Nine

Suddenly, another man's voice came out: "But how do you know that I use a sword instead of a knife?"

The voice was so familiar, Lu Yang's smile suddenly froze!

Gong Jiu! Hearing Gong Jiu's voice here, how could Lu Yang still laugh?

Lu Yang didn't answer, but just opened the door gently. Lu Yang saw it, Gong Jiu and beef soup's faces were illuminated by lights.

The light was like their temperament, and it kept flickering.

Lu Yang always smiled when he saw an old friend.

So Lu Yang smiled: "It's really hard to have a long time waiting for you two."

Gong Jiu still had that cold expression, but the beef soup smiled happily: "It's so cold outside, why don't you come in earlier and drink a bowl of hot thick beef soup?"

Lu Yang sighed and said, "It's a pity that I am afraid that it is not beef soup, but Yama soup."

The beef soup laughed again and said, "We are all old friends, how could we invite you to drink Hades soup?"

Lu Yang said: "You may not, but the nine masters are not necessarily."

Gong Jiu said coldly: "You are wrong."

Lu Yang said: "Really?"

Gong Jiu said, "If I want to kill you, I can kill you at Ye Xingshi's house."

Lu Yang also said coldly, "But, do you think you can kill me?"

Gong Jiu's eyes blazed and said: "But if you die under your hands, it will definitely be very interesting."

Lu Yang's heart sank to the bottom. Such a talent is the most terrifying, because in his heart, there is no concept of life and death.

He just does what he wants and wants to do everything he does.

Lu Yang sighed suddenly: "There are some things, I want to ask you."

There was a table in the mountain temple, and Gong Jiu sat down at the table: "Sit down!"

Lu Yang sat down.

The beef soup was served with a large bowl of thick beef soup, and Lu Yang took it and drank it in one gulp.

Sure enough, it is delicious in the world. It would be great if it was not made of beef soup, but Gongbing and the others.

Gong Jiu had no expression on his face and said coldly: "Now you can ask."

It seemed that he didn't want to hide anything in front of Lu Yang.

Lu Yang said: "You really have robbed so much gold and gold and silver jewelry."

Gong Jiudao: "Yes."

Lu Yang said, "There are also those one hundred and three good players."

Gong Jiudao: "Yes."

Lu Yang asked, "What is the purpose of you robbing so many treasures and people?"

Gong Jiu said coldly: "People who know less often live longer."

Lu Yang knew Gong Jiu's character, he would never say it, even if he was completely sure.

Gong Jiu definitely has a terrifying conspiracy! Otherwise, there would be no need for so much human and financial resources.

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Do we have to fight to the death?"

Gong Jiudao: "Of course."

Lu Yang said: "Why?"

Gong Jiu said: "Sharman." Speaking of Sharman, his face suddenly changed, becoming a bit gloomy and terrifying.

Lu Yang said: "It's just that?" Gong Jiu seemed to be meditating for a long time before saying: "Because of you."

Lu Yang said: "Me?"

Gong Jiu said: "Because it is not a friend or an enemy."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "However, I don't want to forge an enemy like you."

Gong Jiu said coldly: "But I can't help you."

Lu Yang said: "It seems that my plan for you is a bit threatening."

Gong Jiu did not admit, nor denied it.

It seemed that the secret he was carrying out might really threaten him.

Lu Yang said: "Then why don't we let it go?"

Gong Jiu said: "Not yet time." His face became hot and strange.

Lu Yang sighed, "Then what do you want to do now?"

Gong Jiu said: "Chasing you."

Lu Yang said: "Chasing me?"

Gong Jiu said: "Chasing you."

Lu Yang said: "Why?"

Gong Jiu showed a cruel smile on his face and said: "Because I want you to watch Sharman die in front of you with your own eyes."

Lu Yang also sneered: "Do you think this is possible?"

Gong Jiu said: "You can try it."

Lu Yang stood together, slapped a palm on the table, resisting the anger in his heart.

Suddenly, the table became a pile of powder!

Gong Jiu's face also changed drastically, but his face showed a fanatical light.

It seems that the more angry Lu Yang is and the more martial arts he shows, the happier he is. Such a talent is the most terrifying!

But what such a person thinks will surely be done.

Lu Yang sat down again.

Gong Jiu laughed, grinning gloomily: "From now on, I will follow you closely until I find Sharman."

Lu Yang said, "But I will kill you before you do it, believe it or not?"

Gong Jiu clapped his palms: "Great, I will wait for that moment, I hope I will fall under your sword."

madman! What a lunatic!

Lu Yang suddenly felt nauseous and wanted to vomit.

Lu Yang thought of Gong Jiu who had been lashed again. He was so lonely and lonely.

That's why he mutilated himself so much, got pleasure and satisfaction in self-mutilation.

Now that he finally found someone who could be his opponent, how could he let it go.

Lu Yang felt that his heart sank to the bottom, this was definitely the most terrifying lunatic in the world!

And being with a madman is the most unreasonable, and the best way to encounter such a madman is to avoid him at a distance and never entangle him.

Gong Jiu said: "I know, you still have a lot of doubts to ask me, so you can only accept my challenge."

Lu Yang didn't say a word, he was ready to go out.

Indeed, it was not yet time to fight him at all, Gong Jiu fully understood Lu Yang's thoughts.

Gong Jiudao: "If you run fast, maybe we still have some fun games." ..


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