Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 664: Suspicious

But in such a twilight hour, there is only one kind of person who will not appear happy.

That is the one who is waiting.

Whether it is waiting for an important person or an unimportant person, a beloved person or just a familiar person, the mood will never be happy.

Lu Yang is such a person.

At this time, his anxious heart finally showed a smile, and it seemed so warm under the sunset glow.

Because he finally didn't have to wait any longer, he had already heard the sound of the carriage galloping.

At this time, Lu Yang saw the carriage of Ximen Chuuxue appearing on the road, so this anxious evening looked extremely happy and gentle in his eyes.

But Lu Yang's happiness and tenderness are like a flash in the pan, and like the brilliant sunset that day, fleeting.

Because Lu Yang saw Ximen Chuuxue with a face of weather and frost, and Xiaoyu with a pale face.

Even though Lu Yang was so anxious, he did not urge Xiaoyu, nor did he follow-up questions, only waiting for Xiaoyu to speak slowly.

Xiaoyu's voice was so weak that she hadn't recovered, and she was still so weak.

She was talking about things that Honest Monk was not honest.

One day, the honest monk suddenly said that he had something to leave for a few days, so he left Shaman and me in the cabin, and he left.

Then a few days later, the honest monk returned to the cabin.

When the honest monk returned, I was not in the cabin because I went to the beach to collect shells.

Why didn't Sharman go? Because Sharman said she wanted to be alone and think about something.

I don't know what she is thinking about quietly, maybe she is thinking about Master Lu and Master Nine.

She would definitely think of the Nine Young Masters, because the position of the Nine Young Masters in her mind is also quite important.

When I returned to the cabin happily holding the shell, I called Sharman's name loudly.

But Sharman did not answer my words.

At this time, I saw the honest monk holding Sharman.

Sharman didn't even struggle. She should have been tapped by the honest monk when she was unexpected.

I shouted and asked: "Honesty monk! What are you going to do?"

The honest monk didn't say a word, but gave me a terrible smile.

What you should know about the smile is the smile that men often show to women.

I don't know why, his eyes are like that, he seems to swallow me in one bite.

Although I knew I was helpless with him, I had forgotten everything in order to protect Sharman.

So I rushed to him.

He suddenly dropped Sharman, picked up the sword hanging on the wall, and stabbed me.

His martial arts were so terrible, he might think he had been killed, so he left with Shaman.

And I thought I was going to die, so I struggled to write those seven words just before dying.

Lu Yang asked eagerly: "What happened later?"

Xiaoyu said, "I fainted after writing those seven words, and then I got here."

Ximen Chuuxue nodded and said, "When I found her, she was already in a coma due to excessive blood loss. I really couldn't help it, so I stopped and let the doctor take care of her. After she could barely withstand the bumps, she rushed. Coming back."

The honest monk ranks third among the "Four Great Monks".

Is the honest monk really honest or fake? Nobody knows.

But everyone knows that the martial arts of an honest monk is absolutely true.

If anyone offended him, he would still smile like that, but the person who offended him would often die in the middle of the night inexplicably.

But the honest monk has disappeared in the arena for nearly half a year, and no one knows where he went.

But the honest monk suddenly appeared on the island, and the honest monk suddenly emerged from the box.

Lu Yang suddenly suspected one thing: Was the honest monk really caught in the box?

Lu Yang suddenly remembered a conversation with the honest monk when he was on the island.

"Why didn't the honest monk leave?"

"Why haven't you left?"

"Because I can't go?"

"You can't go, so how can the monk go?"

"Then why does the monk come again?"

"Amitabha, if a monk does not go to hell, who will go to hell?"

"You know this is hell, so what did you come to do when you came to hell? What kind of person is that young master? How could he put you in a box and send you to this island?"

The honest monk did not answer.

"If you know, why don't you say it?"

The honest monk murmured: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed, Buddha Yun: Don't talk, don't talk.

Lu Yang knew that the honest monk must know the secrets of the island.

Maybe the honest monk has a good idea of ​​what happened.

Lu Yang suddenly thought of another problem.

The little old man also tried his best to persuade himself to be an invisible person.

Has the honest monk been persuaded by the little old man to take over and become an invisible person?

If the honest monk also became an invisible person, it would be terrible.

Lu Yang suddenly remembered two strange things.

The honest monk hides under Sharman's bed and teaches him how to escape with Sharman.

On the boat, they were saved again.

Lu Yang couldn't help but wonder.

Why can't the escape method you think of it work, but the honest monk can do it?

Lu Yang couldn't help worrying in his heart. Could it be the scheme of the honest monk and Gong Jiu?

Lu Yang thought of the crux of the problem again: Why?

If Gong Jiu wants to deal with him, he should start when he is on the island. How could the person who was taken away from the woman be so calm that his opponent fled to the boat?

Gong Jiu has always been ruthless and ruthless, and it is absolutely impossible to allow those who betrayed him to escape safely to the land under his nose. ..


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