Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 670: Feeling of missing

Lu Li said, "Master Lu, this is easy to say. If the person you're looking for is indeed here, the three of us can definitely help you find it."

Lu Yang nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, you have to bother more, as long as you find it, I won't treat you badly."

Lu Li hurriedly said: "Master Lu is serious, as long as it is Master Lu's order, we will definitely do it, but I don't know what kind of people Master Lu is looking for."

Lu Yang said: "One is a monk."

Lu Li said, "There are not ten thousand monks here, but eight hundred thousand. I don't know how to find this monk?"

Lu Yang said, "This monk is easy to find, because he is the most honest monk in the world."

A cold sweat broke out on Lu Li's head: "I don't know what the honest monk has offended Lord Lu?"

Lu Yang said, "You don't have to worry about this."

Lu Li said, "What about the other person?"

Lu Yang said, "The other is a woman." He thought for a moment, "You find the honest monk and you find that woman, so in fact, it is enough to find the honest monk. Once there are traces of them, come and tell me immediately, no You need to take action."

Lu Li said, "Yes, I respect Master Lu's teachings."

Lu Yang said, "Well, I have enough wine and food, so please look for it."

Lu Li, Lu Lin, and Xue Xin hurriedly said, "Master Lu eats and drinks well. I will go first when I wait. Master Lu is waiting for the good news."

Lu Yang picked up a glass of wine without looking at them at all.

Lu Yang didn't even think about relying on them to find the honest monk and Sharman, he just used it to build his power.

He knew that it didn't take long for everyone on the rivers and lakes to know that Lu Yang was in Chang'an.

Of course, Gong Jiu and the honest monk will definitely know.

If Gong Jiu was looking for Lu Yang, he would definitely come to Chang'an.

Time is indeed quite strange. For a diligent person, time flies quickly and is always insufficient.

But for a lazy person, time is like a snail, it is always too long.

A happy person always hopes that time can stop and be able to enjoy that pleasant time more.

And lonely people often hope that time can pass faster, because in their hearts, passing time is the most sad thing.

At the same time, all kinds of people will have different feelings and different experiences.

Some people live, some people die, some people are happy, some people are sad.

Some people are thinking hard, and some people are addicted to the tender country.

Some people are dying in drunkenness, while others are struggling with death.

And in Lu Yang's heart, he was thinking, what would Sharman think at this moment?

Of course I think about myself.

Of course, what Shaman is thinking about most is Lu Yang's.

From the moment Lu Yang left, she began to miss Lu Yang endlessly.

Although she didn't go out every day looking forward to reading, in fact she was always concerned about Lu Yang in her heart.

After being brought here by the honest monk, she missed Lu Yang even more. Every day, she was expecting a miracle, and Lu Yang suddenly appeared in front of her.

Lu Yang was still so gentle and sweet and authentic: "Sharman, I'm here."

Many times, she had an urge to go out to find Lu Yang.

But she restrained herself, because she knew that it was absolutely impossible.

She lives here very well, with a girl waiting on her, and no one restricts her freedom.

She can walk around here and wander around.

But she also knew that the honest monk didn't need to worry that she would run away.

She has lived on the island for a long time, and everything on the land is probably forgotten long ago.

Although she was also on the shore, it was just a flash in the pan, and she didn't really appreciate the beauty in it.

And even if she can escape this mansion-like mansion, where can she escape? She will definitely get lost.

The honest monk knew this too, and she knew it too.

So there is no need to think about what you can't think about, no more. In this regard, she is also very similar to Lu Yang.

So she can only wait here with peace of mind, and now she has learned to bow to fate.

Waiting comfortably for what fate brings her.

Since it cannot be changed, accept it frankly.

Now she thought about nothing, including the honest monk, including Xiaoyu, including Gong Jiu.

She didn't care about it at all, all her thoughts were on Lu Yang's body.

In those countless nights, countless hours, she spent all the time missed with Lu Yang.

She missed the happy and happy days of the past. She was looking forward to the joy of reunion in the future,

Soon, every day passed away like that.

The honest monk would visit Sharman once a day, but every time he did not speak.

Sharman was also used to it and didn't ask, she knew that even if she asked, there would be no result.

If the honest monk wanted to say it, he would have said it a long time ago.

On this day, the Honest Monk came to see Sharman but it was an exception, with a smile on his face.

Seeing Sharman again standing in front of the window looking innocently into the distance, his face suddenly smiling, suddenly happy and sad, the honest monk knew that Sharman was thinking about Lu Yang again.

She even wanted to be so absorbed that she didn't even notice the honest monk coming in.

The honest monk said loudly: "It's really good news."

Sharman said lazily, "What kind of good news will there be?"

She is used to the peace here, what will the good news of the honest monk bring to her? She didn't know and didn't really want to know.

The honest monk said: "The good news I bring is of course the good news you want to know the most."

There was joy on Sharman's face, but soon she calmed down again.

Sharman said indifferently, "Could it be that you have news about Lu Yang?"..


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