Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 678: Verify

The honest monk sighed and said, "Why don't you believe what the monk said?"

The little old man smiled: "It's not that I don't believe the monk's words. Everyone knows that honest monks never tell lies."

The young man said: "Because the matter is too important, we also have to be careful."

The little old man said: "Then how should we find them now?"

The honest monk sighed.

On the edge of the cliff, there is a very small grave, so small that it can only hold one person.

The grave is new, the soil is new, and the turf is new.

But there is no monument in front of the tomb. Maybe the owner didn't want to erect the monument at all, and didn't want people to know that someone was buried here.

The grave is also very low, so low that a child can jump over it with a light kick.

At the seaside, the waves were gently slapped against the shore, and on the cliff, there were a few seagulls stopped, seeming to be crying sadly.

On the big sea, there are a few white seabirds circling, and from time to time a boatman throws the little fish into the air.

Suddenly, the seabirds swooped down, picked up the small fish in one bite, flew far to the shore, and began to taste the delicacy of the fish.

The air is also mixed with the moisture of the sea breeze, and it really looks so warm and lovely here.

This is indeed a good place to bury people.

A fisherman stood by and looked at several people tremblingly.

The little old man asked: "What is your last name? Is it a local fisherman?"

The fisherman said tremblingly: "The villain's surname is Gong, and the villain is a foreigner. He lives here and has been recruited as his son-in-law. He has lived here for more than ten years."

The little old man said: "Then I will ask you, is there really a man and a woman buried here?"

The fisherman said, "Yes, one man and one woman."

The young man asked, "What kind of person is that man and woman?"

The fisherman said, "The woman was already dead, and the man was seriously injured. He died a long time after arriving here. Then he gave me an ingot of gold and asked me to bury them together after he died."

The young man said, "Have you seen that man and woman?"

The fisherman said: "I don't know that woman, but I have seen that man and man."

The young man asked, "When did you meet?"

The fisherman said: "Once, before he went to sea, he lived in my house, drank wine, and then went out to sea, but I never saw him again. What is his name?"

The young man said, "Lu Yang."

The fisherman said, "Yes, that's Lu Yang, and there is a young man with him, who seems to be called Lu Xiaofeng. The two beards look like eyebrows. It is said that they are Lu Xiaofeng, a famous figure in the world with four eyebrows. "

The young man said, "Are you sure you are not mistaken, is that really Lu Yang?"

The fisherman said: "I can swear to the sky, I absolutely did not say a half-line, if there is a half-line, let me drown while fishing in the sea!"

A fisherman swore a poisonous oath by drowning in fishing, proving that what he said was true.

The honest monk said with a sad face, and seemed to be mumbling something.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear him mumbling: "Brother Lu Yang, rest in peace. From then on, you will have no troubles and fight with the world."

"Life and death are destiny. Wealth and honor are in the sky. The Buddha will definitely bless you. You will be a hero in the next life."

"Amitabha Buddha, although he has not been with you for a long time, he still respects you very much. Whenever he has the opportunity, the monk will surely supervise you well."

The young man didn't believe in the authenticity: "Does this grave mean that he is dead?"

The honest monk sighed: "The monk never tells lies, why does no one believe the truth of the monk?"

The little old man said: "If the monk says yes, it must be."

The young man said, "Unless I see it with my own eyes."

The honest monk's face changed: "Do you want to dig a grave?"

The young man said, "In order to prove the facts, why not?"

The fisherman said, "That man is a good man, he is generous and caring about me. He gave me a lot of money when I lived in my house, so I recognized it at a glance. They were buried by me, so I can't go wrong. "

The young man said: "Huh, who knows if you have lied."

The honest monk said: "He is absolutely telling the truth."

The young man said: "Excavate!"

The honest monk exclaimed: "No!"

The little old man also yelled: "That's too much!"

The fisherman said: "The little one has never lied. Digging a grave is the most tragic thing. It will be unlucky. Really, that person is Lu Yang, definitely Lu Yang. I can swear to heaven. I personally It's absolutely not wrong to be buried."

That young man draws his sword! The sword is so fast.

He said coldly: "I count to three. If you don't start, I will cut off your head immediately and bury you with them."

The fisherman flopped and knelt down: "No! No!"

The little old man and the honest monk also said, "Forget it, I don't think it is necessary to open a grave for verification, it must be true."

The young man counted: "One!"

"Master, do it well and let the dead go!" The fisherman kowtowed like garlic.

The young man counted: "Two!"

The little old man and the honest monk were silent, and stood quietly watching.

The fisherman knocked three times toward the grave: "Brother Lu, heroine, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, the little one can't keep your grave, I hope you are in the sky, don't blame the little one, but the uncle if you blame it."

The young man had a sullen face and said nothing.

The fisherman found a small shovel and started digging.

The grave was originally not high or deep, but after a few digging, the clothes appeared.

Soon, the grave was completely dug.

Seeing, Nashaman seemed to be completely asleep, lying in the tomb.

Her face was so calm, except for her pale and bloodless face, she was asleep.

Her long eyelashes covered her eyes. ..


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