Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 680: Lu Xiaofeng's doubts

Zhang Mu said: "Then Daxia Lu has anything else to order?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "How about the semicolon situation in our various places?"

Zhang Mu said: "Everything is normal. Nothing special happened. It's just that there are reports everywhere, saying that some days there are always people staring at the outposts, but they evacuated within a few days."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Oh, then you can't take it lightly. You must proceed with caution. Now that I have transferred Big Brother Jin and Big Brother Huo, there are not enough manpower in the village, so you father and son are taking more responsibility."

Zhang Mu nodded and said, "Yes, I will do my best to maintain the stability of the manor."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Okay, I'll leave first."

Zhang Mu said, "Where is Lu Xiaofeng going?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Imperial Palace."

Brother Lu must have entered the palace to see the emperor.

If you promised the captain of the imperial guard, of course, you have to report to the emperor first.

Lu Xiaofeng walked towards the palace.

Only a few hundred meters away, suddenly a figure flashed in front of his eyes!

Lu Xiaofeng rubbed his eyes. Could it be that he was too tired during this period of time, and his eyes were dazzled for a while?

Lu Xiaofeng did not think carefully, and continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, that dark figure flashed in front of him again, that figure was so fast! So familiar!

"Brother Lu!" Lu Xiaofeng cried, and he flew away with the dark figure.

He tried his best, but he couldn't catch up with that shadow.

In the whole world, who can beat Lu Xiaofeng with light effort? Sikong can't catch stars, honest monks can't, wooden Taoists can't.

No one can beat him, except for one person, Lu Yang.

Did Brother Lu see the emperor come back?

Could it be that he really became an imperial guard and has returned to life?

Lu Xiaofeng chased for several miles before catching up with the dark figure in a remote place.

Lu Xiaofeng looked at everything around him, only to find that this was a graveyard, and the surrounding area was extremely silent.

It was so quiet that there was no sound of bugs.

Lu Xiaofeng whispered, "Brother Lu?"

The figure stood in front, and he turned around slowly after hearing Lu Xiaofeng's voice.

Lu Xiaofeng was taken aback. This time, he was really taken aback.

Aren't you here? Why did Lu Xiaofeng pop up again?

But the one on the other side was just a self, with a little more fatigue on his face.

"Who are you?" Lu Xiaofeng asked.

"Lu Xiaofeng" did not answer, just looking at Lu Xiaofeng.

"Are you Sagong picking stars?" Lu Xiaofeng asked, but he quickly vetoed himself, "Sikong picking stars is absolutely not so light."

"Are you Brother Lu?" Lu Xiaofeng asked again, "How could Brother Lu pretend to be me? Didn't Brother Lu enter the palace?"

"Who are you?" Lu Xiaofeng looked at "Lu Xiaofeng."

"Lu Xiaofeng" laughed and said, "I am you."

Lu Xiaofeng also laughed and said, "You are me, then who am I?"

"Lu Xiaofeng" smiled faintly: "You? You are a cat, a dog, and a cow."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Why am I a cat, a dog, or a cow?"

"Lu Xiaofeng" said, "Because I am Lu Xiaofeng."

Lu Xiaofeng's expression was terrified and said, "Could it be that you are..."

"Lu Xiaofeng" stretched out a finger: "Hush, I'm Lu Xiaofeng."

Lu Xiaofeng laughed and said, "Yes, you are Lu Xiaofeng, and I am Aniu."

"Lu Xiaofeng" laughed and said, "You finally understand who you are, come here."

Lu Xiaofeng walked over, attached to "Lu Xiaofeng"'s ear, "Lu Xiaofeng" whispered in Lu Xiaofeng's ear, and spoke for a long time.

Lu Xiaofeng's face was surprised and doubtful, and suddenly light appeared.

It seems that when he saw "Lu Xiaofeng", he saw the strangest and most terrifying things in the world, with various expressions constantly flashing on his face.

"Lu Xiaofeng" threw something to Lu Xiaofeng and said, "Now you know what to do."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "I understand."

Lu Xiaofeng slid his body, his figure gradually faded away, and gradually disappeared.

"Daxia Lu, are you back now? Didn't you just go out?" Zhang Mu saw Lu Xiaofeng walking in from outside the door, wondering.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "It's useless to go to the palace now. You should wait until Brother Lu comes back to discuss. You can go to some good dishes and get some good wine."

Lu Xiaofeng stretched her waist and said, "I'm really tired these days. I need a good drink."

"Good." Zhang Mu said.

Lu Xiaofeng watched Zhang Mu prepare to leave, and stopped him again: "Zhang Mu."

Zhang Mu turned around and said, "What is Daxia Lu's instructions?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "If Brother Lu comes back, you just say I'm looking for him, and don't tell him where the ladies are."

Zhang Mu said: "Why?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Give him a surprise when the time comes. The husband and wife will reunite after a long absence. Of course it is the happiest thing. How can we take care of Brother Lu?"

Zhang Mu said: "Okay."

He murmured as he left to prepare the wine and food, "Doesn’t the lord Lu know where the three ladies are hiding? It’s strange that he is so smart, but, as the lord Lu has ordered, when he is away, Lu Xiaofeng You can be the master, then let him."

Soon, the wine came up, four exquisite side dishes, and the wine was a good wine.

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Zhang Mu with appreciation, "Thank you."

Zhang Mu said, "No, Daxia Lu's instructions are my blessings."

"Well, you go down first, you call Zhang Fang." Lu Xiaofeng said.

"I wonder if Daxia Lu is looking for a child? He is probably not in the village now." Zhang Mu said.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh, where did he go?"

Zhang Mu said: "After Zhuangzhu Lu came back, let him patrol everywhere to see what the original light and dark whistles had completely disappeared, removing all the threats around them."..


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