Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 692: Shocking news

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Because who could have imagined how many corpses would be buried under the nest of birds?"

Ximen Chuuxue said, "Will the invisible person notice the abnormality?"

Zhang Fang said, "Of course not, because there are many trees in this manor. Birds can be seen everywhere, and no one would doubt why a few birds suddenly appeared there and made several nests."

He smiled again: "And even if someone approaches, they will fly to report to me."

Huamanlou nodded and said, "You did a great job."

Zhang Fang curiously said: "Then how did you know that the heroes of the flower were the four outside the Great Wall, and not the others?"

Lu Xiaofeng replied for Huamanlou: "Because he followed us all day today."

Huamanlou smiled: "You still found it."

Zhang Fang looked at Huamanlou with admiration. He really didn't expect that a person who couldn't see could have such an ability.

At least, he hadn't noticed Huamanlou's deeds.

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Do you have any news?"

Huamanlou said, "This is the third thing I am going to tell you. The emperor is going to entertain living Buddhas from the Western Regions for five days."

Lu Xiaofeng was obviously shaken by the news, "Living Buddha?"

Huamanlou said, "Yes, the Living Buddha of the Western Regions Tantric Buddhism, I will visit Beijing in five days."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "How did you know about this?"

Hua Manlou smiled: "This matter is not a secret at all. Many people already know it, but they didn't publicize it."

Lu Xiaofeng glared at Zhang Fang: "Don't you know?"

Zhang Fang murmured: "We got the news a long time ago, but we think it's just a very common thing and haven't reported it to you."

Lu Xiaofeng sighed: "It's not to blame you, you have to deal with too many things, so it's normal to ignore a little."

Zhang Fang curiously asked, "Could it be that this is a very important matter? Is there a problem with the living Buddha? I will send someone to investigate immediately."

Lu Xiaofeng waved his hand and said, "There must be no problem with the Living Buddha."

Huamanlou nodded and said, "Yes, but the four guardian lamas who follow the living Buddha, I think you should be familiar with them."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Who is it?"

Huamanlou said: "No dragon is dead, there are no tigers, lions, elephants, and leopards left."

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly. The Shaolin Five Arhats, originally the brothers of the prostitutes, are the five evil beasts who are notorious for being a monk.

After putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha on the spot, he became a Shaolin Five Arhats.

Wulong became the elder of the protector of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, but for some unknown reason, he was suddenly drunk overnight and overturned the candlestick.

That blaze almost burned the central temple of Shaolin Temple to a flat area.

The Shaolin chief abbot was furious and beat him with twenty precepts for ten years.

Wulong suffered this humiliation and died with hatred.

The hands and feet are connected to the heart, and the remaining four arhats suddenly turned into a murderous intent and assassinated the head.

But the Jianghu people only knew that their assassination did not succeed, but the head of Shaolin was also seriously injured, and his martial arts were almost completely abolished.

From now on, no one knew their whereabouts, but they did not expect to join the Western Tantric Buddhism. Their kung fu is well-known in the arena.

Lu Xiaofeng remembered the husbands he had seen on the island again, and couldn't help but feel cold in his hands and feet.

Zhang Fang said, "Could those four lamas also be invisible people?"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly: "Who knows? But it is very possible."

Huamanlou said: "So what we have to face this time is by no means normal."

Long Lu Xiaofeng exhaled, "Brother Hua, I think, you probably have more shocking news."

Hua Manlou smiled: "Brother Lu is really good. These news are really nothing, there is one most important news."

Everyone asked: "What news?"

Huamanlou said, "Tomorrow, Wei Ziyun, Ding Ao, Yin Xian, Tu Wan, and the four masters of Da Nei will visit Daling Yuanzhuang to meet Brother Lu."

Lu Xiaofeng's expression really changed this time, becoming a little frightened.

Sikong Reaching the Stars asked puzzledly: "Why did they come?"

Huamanlou said, "For this, I have to ask Brother Lu and the four masters."

Ximen Chuuxue said, "I'm afraid it's about discussing the delivery of gold."

He shook his head again and said, "That wouldn't be enough to send out all the masters."

He said to himself: "Who knows? Perhaps the emperor thinks that gold is too important."

He looked at Lu Xiaofeng's expression very strangely and said, "Am I wrong?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Of course, that was too wrong. You forgot the most important thing."

Ximen Chuuxue looked at Lu Xiaofeng, and finally turned pale, unable to say a word.

Suddenly, the room became so cold that no one broke the silence.

Lu Xiaofeng sighed suddenly: "Then what else can we do?"

Huamanlou said: "Of course we can do some simple things."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "For example?"

Huamanlou "looked at" Lu Xiaofeng and said, "Perhaps, you have already thought of it."

Lu Xiaofeng nodded.

Suddenly a voice came from outside: "I want to go in and meet Lu Daxia."

"Manager Zhang, I'm sorry, Daxia Lu and Daxia Sikong, and Daxia Ximen are discussing important things, and they are not allowed to disturb them." The guard's voice said.

"Let him in." Lu Xiaofeng ordered.

"Yes." The guard agreed.

Zhang Mu walked in and looked at the crowd and said, "You are all here, I didn't disturb you."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "No, we have finished talking, so anxious, what's the matter?"

Zhang Mu said, "Daxia Lu, those people are really too separable. They don't have a face on their noses. I'm really angry."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh, what happened?"

Zhang Mu said: "They are fighting."


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