Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 2 Chapter 699: Shaking conspiracy

Lu Xiaofeng drank a bottle of wine, but his face was not flushed or breathing, which caused Guan Xing to applaud.

Lu Xiaofeng smiled, "Big Brother Guan called me, instead of letting me drink the bar."

Guan Xing smiled: "You have to drink good wine first, and when the wine is finished, you will know it naturally."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled: "If I have a good drink, then we won't have time to talk about things at all."

Guan Xing said, "Everyone in the world knows how much Lu Xiaofeng drinks. It really deserves his reputation. That's good, you can drink slowly, and I'll talk about it slowly."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Okay." He picked up a piece of duck breast meat, poured himself a full glass of wine, slowly tasting the wine and eating duck breast meat.

Guan Xing said: "Tomorrow is the day when the emperor entertains Tibetan living Buddhas and officials."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "I know."

Guan Xing said, "But, there is one thing you don't know."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh."

Guan Xing said, "That means someone will assassinate the emperor tomorrow."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Who has the courage to assassinate the emperor?"

Guan Xing said: "You."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Me?"

Guan Xing said: "Yes."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Why should I assassinate the emperor?"

Guan Xing said, "Because this is the order of Zhuang Master Lu."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Why didn't Brother Lu tell me in person?"

Guan Xing said, "Because I say it now means that he said it."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "I don't understand."

Guan Xing said, "You should also know that this is a secret room now."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "I know."

Guan Xing said: "And you also know that this door weighs more than a thousand catties, no matter who has so much internal strength, no matter who shakes the iron door open."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "I know."

Guan Xing said, "But you don't know."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh?"

Guan Xing said, "I have ordered people to lock the iron door from the outside with a chain made of thousand-year-old cold iron. Without my order, no one would dare to open this door."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "But aren't you here too?"

Guan Xing said, "But if I die here, you will also become a corpse lying beside me."

Lu Xiaofeng's face changed and said, "But wouldn't it be strange that Lu Xiaofeng disappeared?"

Guan Xing said, "Of course it doesn't matter, because Lu Xiaofeng will still appear at the banquet tomorrow to assassinate the emperor."

Lu Xiaofeng finally couldn't laugh anymore, and sighed: "It seems that I will die if I agree or not."

Guan Xing shook his head and said, "If you don't promise, you will die, but if you promise, you will never die."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Oh."

Guan Xing said, "You don't need to know so much, just because this is the order of Brother Lu, you should do it too."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "But you forgot a little."

Guan Xing said: "Oh?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Brother Lu is my best elder brother. I have always been extremely convinced of him. I believe he will never push me to death. Therefore, if I don't understand, I can only regard you as you. I intend to blame the two of us."

Guan Xing said, "Look at this."

Guan Xing handed a handkerchief to Lu Xiaofeng.

Lu Xiaofeng unfolded: "Brother Xiaofeng, Guan Xing's words are his brother's words. I hope to cooperate with all my strength. Lu Yang"

Guan Xing said, "Now you believe it."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Half."

Guan Xing said: "Oh?"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "At least I need to know why I will not die if I promised. You must know that assassinating the emperor is the crime of destroying the nine races. No one can escape this kind of serious crime."

Guan Xing said, "No one will kill you."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Why?"

Guan Xing said, "Because you have died in Lu Yang's hands." He added, "Of course it is a lie, just like the honest monk at that time."

Lu Xiaofeng seemed to understand a little: "What then?"

Guan Xing said: "Then Lu Yang announced that the murderer who assassinated the emperor had been punishable, and the Xiangguo would recommend Prince Taiping's successor to the emperor. The emperor had no children, and the emperor was originally the emperor's uncle. Taiping's successor to the emperor will certainly not be opposed by many people. With the support of Lu Yang, the owner of the world's top villager, the full assistance of Xiangguo, and the blessing of the Living Buddha, everything will be perfect and beautiful."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly: "It's a perfect plan, and I think, in order to ensure that the plan is foolproof, I am afraid that all the people in the banquet hall have been replaced by the Taiping King."

Guan Xing said, "Lu Xiaofeng is indeed an extremely smart person."

Lu Xiaofeng sighed and said, "Since he can do this, why doesn't he do it himself? Instead, let me do it."

Guan Xing said: "Because of your joint attack with Lu Yang, absolutely no one can escape, and if the Prince of Taiping makes a move by himself, he will definitely be hated by those who protect the emperor. It will be detrimental to his succession and will not be popular. He did this. You can buy people’s hearts and succeed in safety."

Lu Xiaofeng sighed again: "It seems that I have no choice."

Guan Xing said: "Yes, you only have a stick of incense to consider."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "Because there is not much time left for you."

Guan Xing nodded and said, "Yes, we still have a lot to do."

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Then you don't need to think about it, I promise."

Guan Xing said, "But Brother Lu still has one more requirement, that is, you need to prove your sincerity."

Lu Xiaofeng said, "How do I prove it? Is it necessary to engrave my body on my body to fail?"

Guan Xing laughed and said, "That's unnecessary, just shave off your beard."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly: "Why, like Ximen Chuuxue, Brother Lu likes to talk with my beard and bring it."

Guan Xing said: "What?"

Lu Xiaofeng said, "You won't let me pull out my beard one by one."

Guan Xing laughed and passed a razor.

Lu Xiaofeng walked out of Guan Xing, feeling very relaxed, and walked on the way back to Zhuang. ..


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