Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 35: Dreamer

The person opposite him also sneered: "Just a liar, can he escape the help of the master? The helper not only let him live in the attic, but also let the three sons' personal maids take care of him..."

As he said, he couldn't help swallowing, his eyes became greedy.

The man swallowed after hearing this. He secretly glanced at Kong Ci's back, but said in his mouth: "Huh! Although Kong Ci is a maid, she is also a good friend of the three sons who have been there since childhood. The gang leader doesn't know, he I don’t know. I don’t even know how to refuse this thing that I don’t know good or bad!"

Although he was filled with righteous indignation, he could not show the slightest jealousy in his tone.

The person opposite him also sneered when he heard it. He snorted coldly, "That is, I heard that he is still bullying Sister Kong Ci by relying on his helper to give him a good face!"

"Really!" the man immediately said in a surprised voice, his face was a bit fierce: "How did he bully Kong Ci?"

The man opposite him smiled coldly and said with hatred: "Of course no one knows about this, but I heard that every time Miss Kongci comes out of his room, she cries like a tearful person. You say, he Would she cry if there wasn't much Kongci girl?"

The man nodded in agreement, his eyes hot.

That is the three young masters, Kong Ci, who looks like a god, and is how many people will be the object of adultery. It was given to that **** for nothing!

But, if such a beauty comes to my room...

Thinking of this, his eyes became even hotter...

In Lu Yang's room, Lu Yang sat down as soon as he came back. The teacher is also very troublesome. He wiped his sweat and said to Kong Ci: "Pour me a cup of tea!"

Kong Ci waited for him and said, "Humph! You can't do it yourself!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes immediately. This girl was as obediently as a little maid yesterday, and she gave him a face today.

He didn't get angry: "You didn't mean you are a maid, and the maid can't pour me a cup of tea!"

Kong Ci immediately put a smile on his face when he heard it, and said with a smile: "Isn't the teapot close to you? You can't get tired!"

Lu Yang shook his head, poured himself a cup of tea, and poured another cup for Kong Ci, before he said, "Let's talk, what kind of character is your family style son!"

After hearing this, Kong Ci blushed, and said shyly: "This... won't you watch it yourself?"

Lu Yang snorted coldly, and said, "How many times did I meet him? Besides, he doesn't give me a good face every time I meet!"

Kong Ci glanced at him with a red face, and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Master Lu!"

Lu Yang curled his lips and said, "What do you apologize for? Let's talk about his character first!"

Kong Ci touched his hot face and his eyes became blurred.

She raised her head as if admiring a beautiful Hanamaki, and said with a look of intoxication: "He is upright, fair, and caring. He is a big and true hero!"

Lu Yang nodded after hearing it, and said with a curling lips: "Being upright and rigid, soft-hearted! Continue!"

Kong Ci turned his head and glared at him unhappily, as if he had insulted something beautiful.

Then he turned his head and continued: "He is handsome and straightforward, but he is calm, never public, never arrogant!"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Good-looking and approachable! Go on!"

Kong Ci turned his head, his complexion a little better, and continued: "He is like a warm wind. Every time I talk to him, people feel warm in their hearts. So comfortable, so warm..."

Lu Yang: "Uh..."

Kong Ci was completely immersed in it and said with a look of intoxication: "But people know that under his calm appearance, there must be people who have experienced all kinds of things for a moment. He always bears the pain for others and lives for the happiness of others. So benevolent, so..."

Lu Yang stared at her as a nympho, and basically summarized Nie Feng's personality. But she still knows very little from her. What he needs to know is Nie Feng's scheming and his martial arts.

Bu Jingyun is now a little difficult to cooperate. This person has a deep heart and is very stubborn. It is harder to get his support than to get the trust of the tyrant.

Although Nie Feng was temporarily unable to let him deal with Xiongba, it was easier to get close. He is straightforward, of the kind of true temperament. The disadvantage of such people is impulsivity. If you tell him what Xiongba has done, he must take the initiative to ask him, taking Xiongba as a person, I'm afraid he will kill him on the spot!

Kong Ci didn't know that Lu Yang had been distracted a long time ago, and kept talking to himself, the more he said that the figure of Nie Feng was taller, the more he said that the more he liked it.

But while talking, Nie Feng's figure has changed, and his appearance has gradually blurred.

Kong Ci only cared about Nie Feng in his heart, but didn't realize it then.

Suddenly, the person in her heart walked towards herself, and his face became clear.

"He always shows up when I need it most. I know he is good to everyone, but I don't know why every time he treats me well, I think he has me in his heart..."

As she said, the figure of the person in her heart gradually approached, and his face became clear.

Lu Yang didn't hear her at all, he was still figuring out how to win the news.

Suddenly, Kong Ci, who was still mumbling to himself, let out a sudden ah.

Lu Yang was startled and looked at her differently, only to see her staring at the wall with a strange expression on her face.

"What's the matter!" Lu Yan frowned and looked at her with a puzzled look.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his mouth, Kong Ci was shocked and turned around abruptly, looking at him strangely.

Lu Yang was taken aback, and finally became a little worried. He said warmly, "What's wrong? What did you see?"

Thinking that this is a mountain top, it is inevitable that there are some poisonous insects and beasts. He immediately stood up and walked to Kong Ci and said warmly: "Don't be afraid, it's just some poisonous insects, snakes and ants, let someone clean it up tomorrow!"

Kong Ci didn't look any better after hearing what he said. He looked at him with lingering fear before quietly lowering his head...

Lu Yang looked at her differently without thinking too much. I thought she was still scared.

After the two said few words, Kong Ci hurried away. Lu Yang looked a little curiously at the back of her hurriedly leaving, and was puzzled. ..


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