Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 54: Kong Ci's Fury

Bu Jingyun paused and stopped.

After a while, Kong Ci stepped forward and said, "Master Yun, you can tell me if you have anything!"

Bu Jingyun did not look at her, but remained silent.

Kong Ci sighed and said, "You always bury your heart in your heart. You don't tell others or me. My teacher is worried that you will be suffocated!"

Bu Jingyun turned his head and glanced at her, opened his mouth, after all, he didn't say a word, but walked away.

Kong Ci looked at his leaving back and opened his mouth. At the very end, he did not speak!

Lu Yang had a big tongue. He used to pretend to be happy and give him two maids, but now he is really happy.

Xiongba drank half and left. Although he was happy, he was also a little sleepy.

As soon as he left, Qin Shuang also left, leaving only Lu Yang the biggest on the court.

As a result, there are more people who persuade him to drink. Lu Yang originally refused, but after a while, he too drank too much, and he was dizzy and Hu Biaohai started drinking.

"I...I... tell you, my martial arts! That's high!" Lu Yang said while tilting his head up and his tongue out.

There are some altar masters next to him, although they disdain his personality, but at this time they are not stingy in flattering words.

After hearing his words, everyone immediately said: "High! It's really high!"

Lu Yang laughed and continued to shook his head and said, "How do you say something, wake up with a pig knife, drunk holding a beautiful leg! I will tell you, I am now... I will hold my pig knife when I am awake. Knife, I'm drunk, I'm lying on the legs holding the beauty!"

With that, he had a wine glass in one hand and a chicken leg in the other.

The crowd heard his nondescript words, a little funny, but their faces were still respectful.

At this time, a little maid hurried over and said to everyone: "Everyone, the heroic gang leader asked Lord Lu to go back to rest!"

As she spoke, she looked up at Lu Yang, then blushed and lowered her head hastily.

When everyone saw her, anyone who knew her knew that it was Lu Yang's personal maid, and those who didn't know her were too lazy to ask.

It turned out that Xiongba was not at ease after he left, and people looked at Lu Yang.

The so-called spitting truth after drinking, Lu Yang might say something that makes him jealous when he gets drunk.

But soon he was disappointed, and Lu Yang was even more unbearable when he was drunk. He was a little angry when he heard that, the hall master of the dignified world is too unpromising, so it is not good to let people inform Lu Yang's maid and send her back quickly, which is a shame!

Everyone heard the command of the tyrant, so Lu Yang was left alone. Let the maid drive Lu Yang to his room.

The little maid carried Lu Yang's body on her back, and she didn't feel heavy, but rather light and light.

Probably because his mood at this time is flirty.

I heard that the first thing Lu Yang did when he became the hall master was to ask the master to give them to him. Such news is tantamount to great news for the two girls.

If Lu Yang doesn't like it, why do you want them in such a hurry!

They just stay in the world, and they may not have the chance to get ahead, but they may not be after Lu Yang. Lu Yang likes them so much, and he may not have the status of a concubine in the future!

Thinking of this, the two maids who had served people since childhood became a little excited.

Although Lu Yang is drunk today, he may not have **** with them.

But they don't mind, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future.

She held Lu Yang for a while, and when he was about to die in his room, Lu Yang suddenly shook his head and said, " to go to Kongci!"

The little maid was taken aback for a while, her expression a little embarrassed.

Lu Yang is now drunk, so it's normal to be confused.

But the matter between him and Kong Ci is clear to the two little maids. The whispering voices in the room at midnight make the little maids blush as they imagined!

But they knew about this, and they might not dare to tell others. That's the maid beside the helper! What should I do if the helper gets angry?

When the little maid was embarrassed, Lu Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I know it!"

The little maid glanced at him hesitatingly, but after all she gritted her teeth and went to Kong Ci.

He just became his maid, and when he officially performed, he can't be disobedient now!

When the two arrived at Kong Ci's door, Lu Yang waved.

The little maid met and left in a hurry.

Lu Yang walked to the door, knocked gently on the door and said, "Are you asleep?"

But for a long time, there is no sound in the room.

Lu Yang frowned, knocked on the door and said, "Kong Ci, it's me!"

There is still no sound in the room.

Lu Yang looked at the door in confusion, and simply pushed it open.

I saw Kong Ci sitting by the table with red eyes.

Suddenly discovering that the room door was open, she started talking in surprise.

Seeing that the man was Lu Yang, Kong Ci's face was immediately stunned, and said angrily: "Bold, you dare to break into my room!"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a while, frowned and said, "What fire you made, how many times have I been here!"

After speaking, regardless of Kong Ci's angry eyes, he came in and closed the door.

Kong Ci's face blushed, and he said randomly: "That was my permission, I did not allow it, you..."

Before she finished speaking, Lu Yang ran up to him and kissed him without saying anything!

Kong Ci was furious and tried to get rid of him, but Lu Yang was drunk, so she couldn't get rid of it.

After a long time, Xiao Nizi finally stopped struggling and didn't feel awkward.

When Lu Yang saw him honestly, he let go.

Kong Ci panted quickly, stared at Lu Yang fiercely, and said, "You! Shameless!"

Lu Yang curled his lips and smiled: "My family, what kind of face do you want! Let's talk, how can I offend you again!"

After hearing her words, Kong Ci's eyes blushed, and he asked: "I ask you, the first thing you do when you become a hall master is that you have two maids?"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Kong Ci was taken aback for a moment, and then furious randomly. She just heard the news and couldn't believe it. ..


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