Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 63: Too much nonsense

A group of disciples of the Tianxiahui had surrounded them, and they wanted to save Bu Jingyun with their hands, but they all retreated after listening to him.

Yes, Bu Jingyun is the jewel in the hands of the gang master, if there is a mistake, no one can survive with his domineering temper.

Seeing that they all retreated, the three of them did not hesitate to retreat in a hurry.

The Feiyuntang dungeon was in the back hall of the stunned cloud. They had to go through the front hall to get out. They were guarded by groups, and they didn't leave fast.

Seeing that the door was approaching, the black-clothed old man and the young man stared at each other as they were about to leave, suddenly a figure appeared in front of them.

Hero! Why is he here!

Lu Yang followed them and saw the people coming.

Bu Jingyun's expression changed as soon as he saw the tyrant coming.

Xiongba looked at them, snorted coldly, and slapped him suddenly.

His skill brings together three internal forces, which is no small thing. This palm hit Bu Jingyun, and it was indeed the two people behind him that were injured.

When the two people fell to the ground, Bu Jingyun's eyes flashed with unbearableness.

But his expression flashed very quickly, Xiongba kept looking at the two men in black, but didn't notice. When he raised his head, Bu Jingyun's expression returned to his cold look.

Xiongba glanced at Bu Jingyun and asked concerned: "Yun'er, are you all right!"

Bu Jingyun shook his head and said: "Take more masters to help!"

The male tyrant laughed and looked at the two people coldly: "Who are you two and why you broke into the world!"

The black-clothed old man saw him coming and knew that there was no hope of surviving today. He snorted coldly: "Xiong Ba, you will have retribution for your many evils!"

Xiongba snorted and said with a sneer: "The old man has God's favor. How can you people comment on it! Come on, just who are you!"

The black-clothed old man snorted coldly, but ignored him. Instead, he turned his head and said to the young man: "Successfully, you can kill and cannot be humiliated. Today, you and I are in the hands of the hegemon. It is also God's will. But I, Huo Jiazhuang, are not greedy. Those who are afraid of death, you understand!"

When Lu Yang heard this sentence, he felt a bit of a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the young man heard his father's words, and despair flashed in his eyes, but he nodded heavily.

The old man laughed and said: "Okay, as expected of the Huo family children, today is the father..."

He didn't finish a word, and suddenly he heard a jingle.

The old man suddenly turned his head, and saw his son look horrified, staring at him blankly.

And his heart was filled with blood.

The old man stared at his son blankly for a while, until he couldn't afford it, and seemed to have no anger. Then he raised his head and looked at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang flicked his sleeves and snorted coldly, "I hate other people's nonsense! I will kill your son for you first, so please do it yourself!"

Xiongba frowned unhappily when he saw him rush to make a move.

Although he is cruel, he is also a person who respects heroes. In those days, he deliberately seized the wife of King Nie, the mad-drinking knife, just to inspire him to use his best in the martial arts competition.

It can be seen that there is still a bit of chivalry in his heart. Lu Yang is so despicable that he will not be able to die in the end, and he is also a little bit contemptuous.

Bu Jingyun raised his head and looked at Lu Yang coldly.

The old man saw that Lu Yang had killed his son, his face was sad.

Although he decided to die, he was his son after all.

Seeing him with a sad look on his face, Xiongba snorted coldly. The husband, he most hates other people's love and affection, feels somewhat uninterested.

He glanced at Bu Jingyun and said, "Give this to you!"

After saying that, without looking at the two people, he took a step and left.

As soon as he left, Lu Yang immediately said to the disciple of the Tianxiahui who was staring blankly: "What are you doing in a daze? I haven't seen a murder before, so get out of here!"

The disciples of the World Society looked at him for unknown reasons, and then obediently retreated.

Seeing everyone was gone, Bu Jingyun still didn't do anything.

The old man glanced at him and said, "Yun'er, let's do it! Even if there is a person in my Huo family, it is not considered as a queen!"

Bu Jingyun shook his whole body, and he was just shaking tightly in his hands.

After a while, he said word by word: "Don't worry, Xiongba will definitely die in the hands of the Huo family!"

The old man smiled and nodded when he heard this. He slowly turned his head and said to Lu Yang: "Strong man, thank you for your help, I will be my Huo family in the future..."

Without finishing a word, he suddenly saw Lu Yang stretch out his hand like lightning, flick his finger, and then his heart hurts.

He lowered his head blankly, and saw a blood flower spread out on his chest, which turned out to be the same way of death as his own son.

Bu Jingyun shook his whole body, raised his head and stared at him blankly.

Lu Yang curled his lips and said: "There is so much nonsense in the middle of the night!" With that, he said to Bu Jingyun: "Don't thank me! The last blood of the Huo family is in my hands, it has nothing to do with you!"

Bu Jingyun looked at him quietly, there was no coldness in his eyes. After a while, he said: "No! The last blood of the Huo family is still in my body!"

Lu Yang was taken aback, shook his head randomly, and sighed.

Suddenly, he raised his head and shouted: "Where are the people? Are they all taken?"

As soon as his voice fell, there were hurried footsteps outside the door. After a while, all the disciples of the World Association came back.

Lu Yang glared at them, and said with an aura: "Didn't you see the mess here? I don't know how to clean it up? Is Feiyuntang going to imitate Qingmutang and have a blood stream?"

The disciples of the World Society heard this, and they couldn't help feeling resentful in their hearts.

Didn’t you tell us to retreat just now?

But they did not dare to complain and immediately organized the scene.

Lu Yang looked at how busy they were, and then said after a while: "I won't send it to Qingmutang. I'm planning to catch two lions tomorrow. I heard that the wild beasts in the mountains like human flesh. I don't know if beating is true!"

Several disciples of the World Society turned pale when they heard this, and said in their hearts, this person is really fierce! No wonder he was so quick to kill people. I heard that a lot of people have died in the four cities in a few months. We still don't believe it!

Seeing them startled, Lu Yang snorted coldly, "So, do you want to feed the lions too?"..


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