Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 75: Tall hero

Lu Yang said so, there will be reasons and evidence.

Duan Lang's face turned red when he heard what he said, especially when he heard everyone smiling, he was even more embarrassed and angry, but if he was asked to refute, he couldn't refute it.

He did mention his father as a teacher, and he wanted others to value himself, but he didn't want to be hated by others.

The Dugu party listened to Lu Yang's words and glanced at Duan Lang in shame, but did not speak.

He is here to flatter others, there is no need to offend one.

Lu Yang didn't seem to hear the laughter of the people, and continued: "The gang leader also said that letting him be a handyman is also a test for him. When Nan Lin's swordsman was young, didn't he also subordinate to others? He is the son of a handsome man. Even if the old man wants to use him, he must grow up!"

After hearing these words, everyone couldn't help but look at Xiong Ba with some admiration. Xiongba laughed, a little embarrassed.

Dugu Yifang took the opportunity to say: "The fact that the helper can cultivate the hero's son is also admirable!"

Xiongba's face blushed and he smiled: "Where and where!"

Broken waves are almost windy, but let him refute, but he can't refute.

Lu Yang waited for Xiongba to finish before continuing: "After that day, Xia also understood the painstaking effort to help. But who knows, suddenly one day, Brother Brother Bu Jingyun was about to compete with Young Master Bu Jingyun!"

As he said, he glanced at Duanlang, his words became sincere.

The things he said were true or false, but they were all for his own good.

He looked at Duan Lang and said, "I have asked the gang leader, what is the chance of winning in Duanlang? But the gang leader asked in the next, you and Yuner, what is the chance of winning?"

As he said, he glanced at that step Jingyun and said, "Xia Xia thinks that he will compete with Young Master Bu Jingyun. He won't lose, but he won miserably!"

Everyone heard his words, but they didn't expect him to be big, but instead began to think about his martial arts.

Everyone saw the match that day. Bu Jingyun used a method of losing both ends. If it weren't for the hero to stop it, one of the two must die!

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Duanlang with a little sorrow.

Duan Lang's face became even more red, and he was even more unable to refute this sentence. He knew that Lu Yang's martial arts was higher than Bu Jingyun. This alone was impossible to prove. If Lu Yang insisted that his martial arts were lower than Bu Jingyun, he What can you say?

Lu Yang continued: "When I heard this, of course I was very sad. The best result of the two contests is a tie, and this result really hurts both sides. And if Young Master Yun won..."

As he said, he looked at Bu Jingyun and said, "Master Yun, if you win, how will you deal with Broken waves?"

Bu Jing Yunming knew that he was using the plan, but still snorted coldly: "If I win, I will naturally abolish his martial arts and expel the World Club!"

He has been upset with Duanlang for a long time, this sentence is not against his will.

Duan Lang is an orphan like himself, but he is not enterprising, and his father says things every day. I thought I was born taller than others!

He usually speaks coldly, but it's just a blow to break waves and make him sober. But I don't want Duanlang to be small-minded, but treat him as an enemy.

Many people will know about the contradiction between the two, so no one questioned Bu Jingyun's words.

But Duan Lang heard this sentence, but said with shame and angrily: "Bu Jingyun, do you dare to compete with me? I don't know who will live to death!"

But no one listened to him anymore. Even Nie Feng shut his mouth obediently. Although he didn't know what Lu Yang was going to do, Xiongba's complexion improved a lot. Lu Yang lifted him so clearly and righteously, he might not be ashamed to kill Dalang.

This was exactly what Lu Yang thought. From the very beginning, he saw that Duan Lang's life and death still had to start with Xiongba!

Lu Yang sighed, did not look at Duanlang, and continued: "So I persuaded the helper, let him persuade Lang to retreat. The helper got furious after hearing this, saying that he was frightening to be nosy! Finally, under the bitter words and persuading him, The gang leader agreed, but the gang leader didn't want him to know that he was doing it for his own good, so he made up such a lie, but the purpose is to make Duan Lang wake up!"

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that the look in Xiongba's eyes became more admired.

Xiongba smiled sincerely, and with a few words of Lu Yang, he became a good person. This feeling seemed good!

Lu Yang sighed again and said to Duan Lang: "Now you understand! When the helper came to you that day, I was actually there. Because I was worried that you would be hit, and since then I gave up on myself, I stayed secretly and paid attention. To you!"

As he said, he sighed and said: "The helper uses this method to persuade you to retreat, but you don't want you to know that he wants to cultivate you, whether you are the son of the Nan Lin Sword Chief Senior, he doesn't care at all! You have been unable to understand the painstaking efforts of the gang master, but you misunderstood him and misunderstood the world society!"

Duan Lang was shocked when he heard it. He had lost his temper and could only let him talk nonsense, but the last few words made him angry.

He could only look at Lu Yang angrily, but couldn't refute it.

After Lu Yang finished speaking, he sighed slightly: "Now that the truth has been told, the gang leader must have given up on you. I hope you will do your own thing in the future, don't be self-righteous, and always make trouble for the gang leader!"

Duan Lang listened for a moment, and suddenly laughed.

Duan Lang laughed for a while before he waved his hand and walked out.

Xiongba's face became cold, and then he smiled back.

Nie Feng was right, Lu Yang slammed him so high, he was really embarrassed to kill Duanlang.

Seeing this, the Dugu party immediately arrived: "If it weren't for Hall Master Lu, the helper Gaoyi, I don't know yet!"

Xiong Ba coldly snorted, and said with some domineering: "The son of the mere Nanlin sword head, the old man is not in his eyes. In the world meeting, the old man can only do a handyman! No matter his origin! "

When everyone heard his words, they couldn't help showing admiration.

The son of the sword head Nan Lin is not in the eyes, the helper is truly mighty!

"Ding, complete the system mission to prevent the breaking waves and Bu Jingyun from competing! Get 5000 experience points and 5 in a narrow sense!"

"Ding, complete the system mission and successfully saved Duanlang's life. The experience gained is 5000 and the chivalry value is 5!"..


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