Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 96: Encircle

The plan was agreed, and the two could only wait for the opportunity to sneak into the palace of the lonely side and steal Wushuang sword.

At the same time, Mingyue and the old man stared at each other in the cottage by the forest.

Hearing what she said, the old man nodded and snorted coldly: "Sure enough, he is still a member of the world. Mingyue has done a good job. Who wants to move Wushuang City, pass our level first!"

Hearing what she said, Mingyue nodded, and suddenly sighed: "Father and son Dugu is now talking about the smoky atmosphere of Wushuangcheng. Mingyue really doesn't know why we are going to die for them!"

Hearing her words, the old man flashed a cold face, and said angrily: "Mingyue! What are you talking about!"

Mingyue hurriedly lowered her head and said respectfully: "Grandma, Mingyue has failed to say anything!"

The old man snorted coldly: "It's good if you know, don't forget, the vow you made at the graves of the ancestors of the Ming family!"

Mingyue nodded helplessly.

At night, Lu Yang and Nie Feng sneaked into the palace of Dugu.

What he didn't expect was that the palace on the one side was so majestic. The tall city walls were lined with arrow towers, and many guards could be seen patrolling the walls.

Although the moon is now in the sky, the palace is full of flames, and you can feel the luxury of the palace from a distance.

Another person sneaked in from the city wall, avoided many guards, and began to sneak into the palace. When they got to the palace, the two men looked for them according to the indications on the map.

Finally reached a hidden place, the two stopped and looked at the map.

Nie Feng said: "It should be here!"

Lu Yang suddenly felt something was wrong, and he couldn't explain clearly. He always felt something was wrong where he was hiding.

He raised his head and saw that the high wall had hidden them. This is the best hiding place for both visibility and must-read.

But the conditions for hiding here are so good, he felt that something was wrong.

Take a closer look, the only place in Tang University’s yard is the most suitable place to hide.

But in such a yard, will there be only such a place to hide?

Lu Yang nodded and whispered quietly: "Sneak in quickly, grab the sword, and then..."

Before I finished the sentence, the dark night sky suddenly became bright as day.

The two of them were surprised and looked at the night sky in surprise.

Lu Yang said in shock: "Someone is in ambush!"

A huge circle of fire defended the two people, and one person walked out of the fire, and it was Du Guming.

Lu Yang looked at Dugu Ming and stood up from the grass.

Du Guming saw him and sneered: "It's really you! I've stared at you for a long time!"

Seeing him, Nie Feng said in surprise: "Duguming, how do you know we are back tonight?"

Duguming sneered, and said with a smug look: "Naturally, you came from that map. You don't really think that map is real, right?"

Nie Feng was shocked and looked down at the map in his hand.

Since Lu Yang saw him, he knew that the map was not real.

Since the people in Wushuang City could find the spot where the spies were hiding, how could they not know how to use the flag to convey information.

He snorted coldly, glanced at everyone and said: "You don't think these people can really trap us?"

Du Guming listened, his eyes condensed, and he sneered: "Of course I know that with your skill, you may not be able to catch you alive, let's be honest. The place where you hide is all calculated by me, and a lot of them have been buried here. Gunpowder, where you stand now is a huge gunpowder pit!"

Only then did Lu Yang understand what was wrong, and he cried out for miscalculation.

It's not that he was not careful, Dugu and his son really didn't seem to be able to devise such sophisticated strategies. He played against them a few times and never saw them all so smart.

A closer look at this yard turned out to be an excellent layout.

The defenders are the best here, and there is no way around.

The only place to escape is the air, and if it is really gunpowder under his feet, he really can't guarantee that he can survive!

He won't worry about that, he can use Duguming as a bargaining chip if necessary, but Nie Feng is hard to say.

Can he avoid this danger with his martial arts?

He was thinking about it, but listened to Dugu Ming coldly snort: "Lv Yang, you have bad my good deeds many times, today is your death date!"

Lu Yang heard a move in his heart and said in his heart, why not let him say a few more words, I really want to countermeasures.

Thinking of this, he sneered: "Oh? When did you say that I was bad for you?"

Duguming coldly snorted: "Don't even know this? Do you remember that you started with me that day in front of the world meeting!"

Lu Yang nodded, and did not deny it by then, but what was the reason for his good deeds?

But he didn't bother to think about reasons, but continued to think about ways to get out.

Just listen to Nie Feng coldly snorting: "It just delayed your showy, you will hold your grudge!"

Du Guming listened to his words and snorted coldly: "My Wushuang City came to your world meeting, but the male tyrant didn't personally greet us. Taking a picture of a hall master is like welcoming us. It doesn't give Wushuangcheng face. It's normal for this son to get angry! "

Nie Feng heard this and furiously said, "Bold, you're also called the tyrant!"

Dugu Ming coldly snorted: "This is Wushuang City, not your world club. You thought I would be afraid of you. Anyway, if you are dying, I might as well say happy. The old thief, the hero, relies on his martial arts. , I don’t know how many good people have been killed, how many gangs have been killed, you are no less than me! Donate blood for his disciples."

Nie Feng said furiously after hearing this: "Nonsense, my master is upright, you are vicious..."

Du Guming heard what he said, suddenly burst into laughter, before he finished speaking, said: "Being upright, listen to you nicely, do you think Xiongba is really upright? I tell you, he..."

He didn't finish a word, suddenly a figure flashed in front of him, and Lu Yang actually came to him!

Dugu was shocked, and it was too late to make a move.

Lu Yang snorted coldly, clasped his wrist and said, "Don't compare when you can do it. I hate you proud bad guys the most!"..


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