Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 104: wide awake

Lu Yang was also shocked when he saw him. At this moment, Nie Feng was like a ghost hunting, covered with blood all over.

His movements are like wild beasts, but he is more powerful than wild beasts.

With a gust of wind, Nie Feng quickly rushed towards Lu Yang. Before he got close, Lu Yang felt a strong wind coming with a **** smell.

Lu Yang snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and he was already in front of Nie Feng!


Although Nie Feng didn't have any moves, every move was extremely brutal, especially after he went mad, his skill increased greatly, even if Bu Jingyun was on the scene, he was not an opponent at all.

However, Lu Yang was not worried that he could hurt himself. What he was worried about now was whether Nie Feng himself would be injured!

Because his moves are completely desperate, especially since every one of his moves is incomparably strong, Lu Yang has no doubt that even the lonely side will die here!

He can only fight with Nie Feng, hoping that he will wake up sooner.

But Nie Feng seemed to be more fierce as he fought, the more he fought, the crazier his moves, and the more his roar.

Lu Yang actually aroused his fighting spirit invisibly!

When the internal forces intersect and the energies are opposite, nothing around them is intact.

The stone flies away from the sand, the grass is withered, and the two people are like a violent wind sweeping the world, destroying some of the surroundings!

Even if Xiongba arrived here, he didn't dare to join the battle group easily. Even though he is confident, can he be sober without hurting Nie Feng?

Therefore, Lu Yang could only be patient, hoping that he would wake up sooner while fighting with him.

Suddenly, Nie Feng roared wildly, his eyes were red, and he rushed towards Lu Yang lifelessly.

Lu Yang hurriedly pushed him away with a palm, but Nie Feng seemed to gather the energy of the whole body. His palm was originally to push Nie Feng away and did not want to hurt her. Who knew that this palm hit Nie Feng at all. It has no effect.

Lu Yang was taken aback, it was too late to retreat.

He suddenly raised his head to look at Nie Feng, and now there are only two ways to get out, one is to put force on the palm to completely kill Nie Feng. The other is to make him sober immediately.

Of course, there is a third option, which is to let him kill himself!

Lu Yang fixedly looked at Nie Feng, only to see that although Nie Feng had not been pushed away by him, he moved for a while. He raised his head and looked at Lu Yang with a grim look.

Lu Yang sighed sharply, exhausted all his qi, and shouted in his mouth: "Nie Feng!"

A word like a bell and drum in front of the Buddha shocked Nie Feng.

Almost for an instant, as Nie Feng continued to move forward, his movements suddenly stopped.

He stared at Lu Yang blankly, seeming to identify him.

After a long time, his eyes became clear, and the red light in his eyes slowly faded.

He stared at Lu Yang blankly, as if finally recognized him.

Suddenly, he yelled and rushed towards the stream next to him. Although Nie Feng did not go mad at this time, he was not much better. He had a disheveled hair and was no different from a madman.

He stared blankly at himself in the stream, his whole person crazy.

Lu Yang sighed slightly and walked up to him.

Nie Feng seemed to realize that someone was coming. He was scared and turned around suddenly.

Lu Yang looked at him steadily. Although Nie Feng's face is not hideous now, his whole body, including his hair, are all bright red, and his whole person is like a blood man.

Especially his face was haggard, he didn't have the calmness he used to be, and he looked a little scary.

However, Lu Yang had no fear in his eyes, but only concern and trust!

Nie Feng stared at him blankly for a while, suddenly his whole body was shaken, and he panicked and said, "Go away! Go away!"

While shouting, he backed away, as if Lu Yang was the terrible person.

Lu Yang sighed inwardly, not only did not step back, but took a step forward.

Nie Feng was full of excitement, and he backed away with a look of horror.

Looking at his horrified face, he added a touch of horror.

Lu Yang was not afraid, pressing hard step by step, staring at Nie Feng as he walked forward!

Nie Feng backed away in horror, until he retreated to the side of a big tree. When he couldn't retreat, he said with a pained expression: "Go away! I am a devil!"

Lu Yang stared at him closely, listening to her trembling voice, saying every word: "No! You are not a devil!"

Hearing what he said, Nie Feng was shocked and stared at him blankly. Suddenly, it seemed to be mad and shouted hysterically.

"Go away! I am the devil, I am the beast!"

Lu Yang snorted, and suddenly approached him, staring at him, "No! You are not!"

Nie Feng was completely disintegrated by his eyes. As if he was afraid of something terrible, he wanted to push Lu Yang away frantically, while shouting: "Go away, go away!"

Lu Yang watched him hard and said, "You can continue to give up yourself here, or you can sit back to the former Nie Feng. I will not interfere with you, but you must remember that there is a newcomer and your brother in the World Club. In Wushuang City, there is still the trust that the world will help the lord place in you!"

He snorted coldly, and said in a cold tone: "The Nie Feng I know is not the Nie Feng who readily admits defeat, not the current Nie Feng, you want to be that Nie Feng, you can do it yourself!"

Nie Feng was shocked when he heard these words, staring at him blankly.

Lu Yang stood up and sighed slightly: "I know, you must be very sad and hurt so many people last night, but you have to know that the person last night was not you!"

Nie Feng was shocked when he heard what he said, suddenly lowered his head in pain, and said with difficulty: "What the **** did I do last night!"

Lu Yang looked at him and nodded for a long time before saying, "Sure enough, you don't remember. Last night, the Dugu party designed and framed us. You were surrounded. I don't know why, but you broke out of the siege last night!"

Nie Feng was dumbfounded and hesitated: "I... didn't hurt innocent people?"

Lu Yang nodded and said, "No, only the guards who surrounded you are dead!"



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