Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 106: Into the night

The two hugged each other for a long time, feeling each other's warm body temperature.

After a long time, Mingyue said quietly: "Grandma asked me to marry Du Guming!"

Lu Yang heard it, and subconsciously let out a cry.

After Mingyue listened, her eyes were red and she was about to cry.

After washing, she heard Lu Yang's reluctant voice or painful voice, or even scolded the Dugu family.

Who knew that Lu Yang just sighed, how could she not be sad?

After Lu Yang uttered a cry, he seemed to recover suddenly, and lost his voice: "What!"

Mingyue only then understood that his feelings were lost.

She raised her head, glanced at Lu Yang faintly, and said displeased: "People said, Grandma asked me to marry Du Guming!"

Lu Yang's expression changed upon hearing this, and he immediately said, "No!"

After Mingyue listened, it felt better in her heart, but the sadness that followed immediately made his face darken.

She sighed slightly, and said with infinite helplessness in her tone: "This is the Ming family's oath, Mingyue dare not violate it!"

Lu Yang heard her sad voice and felt distressed.

He snorted coldly: "I'll go kill Dugu father and son, see how he marries you!"

Mingyue listened to her expression and immediately said nervously: "No! Don't be impulsive!" As he said, he lowered his head and said sadly: "Mingyue is a painstaking person. I am content to meet you!"

Lu Yang frowned and did not continue to speak.

He thought quickly in his heart.

Just kidding, who can take away his Lu Yang woman!

You must feel to resolve Du Guming father and son, find Wushuang Jian, otherwise your own woman will really become someone else's woman.

The thought of the nasty face of Lonely Ming made him angry.

Mingyuexin didn't know what he was thinking, and when she saw him quietly, she thought he was sad along with herself!

After a while, Mingyue said quietly, "I'm leaving, it's too late, grandma will find out!"

Lu Yang snorted, "Let him find out what's going on, is Lu Yang afraid of him?"

Mingyuexin shook her head and said: "Grandma is a grandma after all, so it's not good to make him unhappy!"

Lu Yang frowned upon hearing it, and lowered his head to look at the bright moon in his arms.

Mingyue seemed to realize the look in his eyes, and raised her head to look at her lover.

The eyes were facing each other, and the infinite affection filled their eyes.

Lu Yang looked at her for a while, and Yu Ran fell down.

Mingyue seemed to realize something, her face flushed suddenly, and her breathing became short.

Seeing his nervous look, Lu Yang smiled in his heart and licked his lips mischievously. Mingyue trembled all over, bit her lip, and gave her an angry look.

Lu Yang smiled badly and kissed it all at once.

Mingyue trembled all over, like an electric shock. Then the whole person froze.

Facing his jerky appearance, Lu Yang was amused. The action also became enthusiastic.

Mingyue seemed unable to bear his enthusiasm, and wanted to push him away.

Where is Lu Yang willing to let him go, his hands are not honest.

Where did Mingyue have been touched by a man, and when he noticed Lu Yang's movements, he suddenly seemed to realize something and began to resist fiercely.

Lu Yang snorted coldly in his heart, and said to his heart, today you can cook mature rice with raw rice, it depends on how you add people!

"No!" Mingyue began to resist hard. Lu Yang knew that it was impossible for him to resist his grandmother, and now he could only do it himself.

Where did he give Mingyue a chance to resist, his hand was even harder.

"No!" Mingyue suddenly wailed in pain, and there was infinite sadness and pain in her voice!

Lu Yang felt distressed for a while, but he could no longer stop at this time. Once he fell short, it would be even more impossible for him to resist his fate next time!

He looked at Mingyue and said, "Mingyue, don't you like me?"

Mingyue shook all over, staring at her blankly. Lu Yang moves faster!

Mingyue wants to resist, where is Lu Yang's opponent. Before long, she had no choice but to appoint...

It was dark already, and I don't know how long it took before the cave calmed down.

Lu Yang sighed and hugged the bright moon in his arms tightly!

The blush on Mingyue's face has not faded, her eyes are full of Qiubo, she raised her head, glanced at him faintly, and said angrily: "You have no conscience, you know that someone is going to marry, you are still like this!" Suddenly she said with a bit of sadness on her face: "People have broken the Ming family's oath, how can they be worthy of the ancestors this time!"

Lu Yang hugged her distressedly, and after hearing her words, he coldly snorted: "The living people don't care about hitting me, let alone the dead!"

After Mingyue listened, she gave him a fierce look and said, "You are not allowed to insult the ancestors of the Ming family!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly when he saw his grotesque appearance, and immediately coaxed him: "Okay, I was wrong! But watching you marry Du Guming, I am not sad yet!"

Mingyue's face turned redder, but she still complained a little bit: "But, Ming family's oath..."

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said, "The Ming family's oath allows you to guard Wushuang City, not the Dugu family!"

Mingyue was taken aback for a while, and then blurted out: "Grandma meant to protect Dugu's house of course. Back then..."

Lu Yang snorted coldly, and interrupted him: "Dugu's family has made Wushuang City so smoggy, and now Wushuang City has a city like it!"

After Mingyue heard what he said, she didn't know what the Dugu family was doing, but no matter what they did, they were also the masters of Wushuang City. How could they be sheep?

Seeing that he was still sad, Lu Yang sighed and said, "Well, as long as Dugu father and son know each other, I will still cover their position in Dugu family, but Wushuang City must obey the World Society!"

Mingyue listened for a moment, then looked at him blankly and said, "But, this is also a violation of the oath!"

Lu Yang laughed and said: "Of course this is not a violation of the oath. The oath said that it is to protect Wushuang City and let the Dugu family submit to the World Association. It is not a violation of the oath!"

Mingyue listened, bit her lip, and glanced at him faintly and said: "You are the best at coaxing people, people don't believe you!"..


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