Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 108: You want to die

Lu Yang put on his clothes quickly, already thinking of who is coming.

He was well dressed, and the old man came in.

Seeing Lu Yang, the old man's expression changed and he said in surprise: "You are not dead!"

Lu Yang glanced at her and snorted coldly, "Of course I am not dead!"

At this time, Mingyue also rushed in.

As soon as he entered, he stood in front of Lu Yang and looked at the old man pleadingly: "Grandma, please let him go. He is already injured and he is not your opponent at all!"

The old man listened for a moment and looked at Lu Yang with a sneer: "Are you hurt?"

Lu Yang looked down at Mingyue and sighed.

My little Mingyue, what are you telling him about this matter!

Thinking of this, he didn't intend to pretend to be sick. He sneered at the old man and said, "It depends on how good you are!"

Hearing this, the old man's expression changed, and he coldly snorted: "Okay! You deserve to be the subordinate of the male tyrant, and you are still so rampant after being injured! I want to see how good you are!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly: "Then you have to be optimistic!"

When the two were about to do their work, Mingyue suddenly yelled and slammed down to the old man, kneeling to the ground!

When both of them saw him like this, their expressions changed.

Lu Yang said angrily: "Mingyue, get up!"

The old man also furiously said: "What are you doing!"

Mingyue looked at the old man and begged in pain: "Grandma, please, let him go!"

Listening to her sorrowful voice, even if her heart is hard, it will melt. Lu Yang was even more moved. He was about to say that he had no hands, but he heard Mingyue continue to say: "Grandma, I promise you to marry Duguming! Please grandma let him go!"

After hearing this, my grandma's expression changed, looked at Mingyue, then at Lu Yang, and suddenly sneered, "Really?"

Lu Yang's expression also changed, and he blurted out: "No!"

Mingyue nodded to the old man, then turned her head, and said with a sad face at Lu Yang: "Lu Lang! You and I have no destiny. Mingyue has sworn to be recognized by the Dugu family. Life is a Dugu family, and death is Ghost of Dugu Family! You should forget me!"

Seeing his sad look, Lu Yang finally felt distressed.

The old man laughed and said with a sneer: "What a Lu Lang, he is so sweet! Humph! Since you are from the Dugu family, you will not see him again!"

After hearing her words, Lu Yang suddenly raised his head and looked at the old man coldly.

There seemed to be a dangerous smell in his eyes, which made the old man tremble all over.

She looked at Lu Yang coldly and said angrily: "What's wrong? What else do you want to do?"

Lu Yang looked at her for a while before he let out a long sigh.

I wanted to make your death easier, but now that you want to die, don't blame me!

He looked at the old man for a while, then suddenly smiled to the sky and said coldly: "Okay! Since Mingyue has promised you, I have no objection, but I still ask one last thing, do you really plan to let her marry that **** Du Guming? "

Hearing this, the old man changed his expression and said angrily: "To spare your dog's life today, don't be rude! You also called Dugu Ming! You are just a running dog of the tyrant!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly, not angry, but said word by word: "I ask you, have you really decided to let him marry Dugu Ming?" The old man snorted coldly, nodded and said, "This is natural!"

Lu Yang looked at her coldly, nodded slightly and said: "Okay! I only tell you, all the consequences are yours!"

With that, he turned his head and turned his back to two people!

The old man snorted coldly, took Mingyue's arm and walked out.

Mingyue was pulled by him, turned her head, glanced at Lu Yang desperately, finally bowed her head and left sadly.

After a long time, Lu Yang sighed.

He can defeat the old man tonight and even kill the Dugu family.

But this can't make Mingyue completely give up.

If he wants this woman, let him completely, and submissive is his own woman!

Moreover, even if things can be resolved satisfactorily tonight, he will not do that.

Because Mingyue is sad!

His woman is not going to be sad casually!


Thinking of this, he hesitated.

Du Guming probably didn't know about this. After all, he and Mingyue are also related, and if you don't ask him what he meant, your plan will always be bad.

Thinking of this, he sighed slightly, and galloped towards the palace of Dugu's house.

Du Guming has been in a very good mood these days. Although he escaped from Nie Feng, Lu Yang, the person who made him gritted his teeth, died!

What makes him even more happy is that his marriage with Mingyue is also near.

Although their marriage was decided long ago, the unparalleled swords of Yin and Yang combine to practice unparalleled swordsmanship and become peerless masters!

This incident was a great temptation for him. Of course, the biggest temptation is that this will have a good harvest of beauty and fame.

He had seen Mingyue and was deeply moved by his beauty. When he thought that this woman was his own, how could he be unhappy?

Oh, it's a pity that Lu Yang is dead. If he is alive and sees himself so happy, he should be jealous to death!

Well, he must be jealous, otherwise why is he so angry now?

Sitting at the table, Du Guming, who was sitting Chunmeng, looked at Lu Yang, thinking with a lewd smile.

But after a while, he suddenly woke up and looked at Lu Yang blankly.

"Ghost!" Lonely screamed, and jumped up from the chair suddenly, backing several steps in a row.

Lu Yang looked at him coldly, and snorted coldly: "People who hear about ghosts in their hearts are afraid of seeing them!"

Duguming saw the ghost talking and his face turned pale. He stared at Lu Yang blankly for a while, suddenly his face turned aside, and he blurted out, "You are not dead!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly: "Of course I am not dead!"

Du Guming looked at him incredulously and said: "Impossible, so much gunpowder, even the hero is dead, how can you not die!"

Lu Yang snorted coldly and didn't bother to explain to him. He sneered and said, "It doesn't matter if I die, but if you don't listen to me, your death date will not be far away!"..


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