Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 119: Farewell

Lu Yang was startled when he heard it, and looked up at Xiongba in surprise.

Xiongba frowned when he saw him in surprise.

Lu Yang moved in his heart and immediately "surprised" and said: "The helper... this... how embarrassed the villain!"

Seeing him like this, Xiongba's brows stretched out, and his face sternly said: "You are the Hall Master Qingmu, Wushuangcheng will give it to you, what are you embarrassed about, man, don't be so boring!"

Lu Yang immediately respectfully said: "Yes! It's just that Hall Master Feng has done the most at this time. Let Wushuang City give it to Xiao, I'm afraid Hall Master Feng is not happy!"

After hearing this, Xiongba laughed and said, "What are you worried about? Feng'er has a thin heart shape and won't care about it. Instead, the old lady is worried that you can't manage Wushuang City!"

Lu Yang laughed bitterly after hearing this. You are afraid that I can't take care of it, and you will give it to me. Wushuang City is a hot potato now, but your apprentice dares to take it!

Hearing what Xiongba said, he immediately said: "Yes, yes, the small incompetent, it must be a bad deal!"

Seeing that he kept pushing away, Xiongba thought he was in lingering fear because of what happened in Surabaya. He laughed and said, "Don't worry, since I leave Wushuang City to you, I'm not afraid you can't take care of it. In fact, Wushuang City has only you the most. It is suitable for management. Several of my apprentices are all kind-hearted. They will inevitably feel a little softhearted about Wushuang City, a new and compliant city!"

As he said, he looked at Lu Yang with blazing eyes and said, "Do you understand what the old man said?"

Lu Yang was taken aback for a while, and suddenly realized.

It turned out that Xiongba wanted to rely on Wushuang City to shock the world!

Imagine, too, he once solicited Dugu, but Dugu refused. Although he took Wushuang City now, according to his character, he still couldn't let go of it without giving Wushuang City a bit of color.

Nie Feng was soft-hearted, and definitely not. Qin Shuang is honest, he can't do this. Bu Jingyun was cruel, but he was too scheming, and he was very jealous.

In the final analysis, Lu Yang, who "has no ambition and is greedy for fame and fortune", is the most suitable!

Thinking of this, he sighed inwardly.

Who would have thought that it would be impossible to install a second item!

Thinking of this, he had only a wry smile in his heart, and he could only nodded and said: "Subordinates understand!"

Xiongba nodded and said: "It's good if you understand, Wushuang City is now yours. You must manage the old man only in order. The key is that for those who are not convinced, you must let them know the world. It will be great!"

Lu Yang sighed slightly, then nodded immediately.

Xiongba laughed and said, "Okay, go down!"

Lu Yang left the hall before returning to Qingmu Hall with a sad face.

In the Qingmu Hall, Mingyue was also waiting absently. When he saw him coming, he immediately stepped forward and said, "You are finally back!" When Lu Yang saw him, his face was a little better, and he smiled slightly and said, "What a sheep, just get used to it when you come here!"

Mingyue nodded immediately and said: "Well, everything is fine," she said, suddenly a little puzzled: "A maid came to you just now, she looked very anxious! But he kept asking me my identity, I didn't tell him , Will she be the spy of the domineering?"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, and then randomly understood the identity of the maid.

He smiled a little bitterly: "Don't worry about this! I will introduce her to you in the future..."

Having said this, he was taken aback for a moment and fixedly looked at Mingyue.

Mingyue suddenly listened to him when he said halfway, and looked at him curiously.

I saw Lu Yang looking at him steadily, suddenly his face flushed, thinking that he had some bad idea, and he couldn't help but shyly said: "You bastard, people just came here and are a little tired! Not now!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, understood what he meant at random, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

He cleared his throat and said: "You don't know yet, Wushuang City will be handed to me!"

Mingyue's expression suddenly changed when she heard it.

She was too shy, and immediately surprised: "Really, it's all right now. I was worried for the people of Wushuang City. If you take care of it, the people of Wushuang City will be blessed!"

Seeing her so happy, Lu Yang felt a little happy.

But he still sighed and said: "But Xiongba's order is to use Wushuang City to kill a hundred people and deter the world's heroes!"

After Mingyue heard it, the smile on her face disappeared. She stared at Lu Yang blankly and said, "How could this be!" After that, she said with a burst of anger on her face: "This hero is too much. Since I got Wushuang City, no Treat the people well and collect people’s hearts. Instead, it’s too much to use Wushuang City to kill a hundred people!"

Lu Yang heard this and smiled and said: "Don't be angry for the first time. The hero does not necessarily mean to embarrass the people in the city. On the contrary, he is dealing with those in the city who dominate the blessing and give in to the lonely side!"

As he said, he sat down and sighed and said: "But this mission will hurt some people after all. I don't know Wushuang City and I don't know who is good or bad. If you act rashly, you will kill some people by mistake."

After hearing his words, Mingyue felt warm, and said that she did not follow the wrong person.

Imagining Lu Yang's words carefully, she suddenly moved in her heart, Lu Yang told herself this, could it be...

Thinking of this, he looked at Lu Yang questioningly.

Lu Yang knew he understood what he meant, and smiled and nodded.

Mingyue's expression was distressed, and she said, "You want me to do this for you!"

Lu Yang nodded, stood up and hugged her, and sighed: "I also know that you are reluctant to bear me. But no one knows Wushuang City better. Changing anyone will hurt the innocent, and you are different. You are in Wushuang City Mayor. In Great, Wushuang City, you know who is good and who is bad!"

As he said, he hugged Mingyue’s shoulders, looked at her and said, “Although we have been separated for a while, you can help the people in Wushuang City to get rid of the bad guys. Let Wushuang City return to me as soon as possible. , Secondly, to accomplish the purpose of the dominance, and thirdly, to relieve a part of the loyal and righteous! Then it will be better to resist the dominance than it is now!"..


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