Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 131: Meng Sao Qin Shuang

In the world meeting, Xiongba sits on a chair with a serious face.

Jiuxiaolongyin is shaking the sky, and the wind and clouds will swim in shallow water!

These two poems kept reverberating in his brain, and his eyes were cold if they didn't appear once.

After a long time, he looked up at the empty hall coldly.

"I don't believe it! The old man can rely on his destiny, or he can change his destiny!"

After speaking, he slowly stood up, his eyes were filled with death!

As he was in a daze, Lu Yang and Qin Shuang came to the hall.

Xiongba's face changed instantly when he heard the sound of footsteps. He closed his eyes slightly, pretending to be sleepy.

As soon as Lu Yang came in, he heard that although his breathing sound was even, but the severity was uncertain, he knew he was pretending to be asleep.

When the two arrived in front of the Xiongba, the Xiongba seemed to be suddenly alert and opened his eyes.

Qin Shuang immediately said, "Master! We are back!"

Xiongba smiled, nodded and said, "Oh? Where's the mud bodhisattva? Is he here too?"

Qin Shuang looked ugly after hearing it. He glanced at Lu Yang and said a little disappointed: "Master, we found the mud bodhisattva, but we were taken away by a man in black!"

Xiongba took a moment to listen, and said strangely: "How is it possible that the three hall masters of the World Society are not the opponents of that person?"

Lu Yang sneered in his heart and glanced at Xiongba.

How do you know we fought against the man in black? Knowing that we are not his opponents?

Qin Shuang was also taken aback when he heard it. He glanced at Xiongba in surprise, and seemed to realize something.

But his face instantly calmed down, and he honestly said: "Yes, this person knows our martial arts well, and Tu'er is not an opponent!"

Xiongba nodded, looked at Lu Yang suddenly, and said with a deep meaning: "Oh? There is such a master! What about Hall Master Lu? You are not an opponent?"

Lu Yang was shocked when he heard this, and immediately lowered his head and said, "The little one hasn't had time to fight that person!"

Xiongba listened, took a deep look at him, and smiled randomly, "Well, you are not to blame for this. But you can ask the piano master to practice in the future. Don't let the old man down next time!"

The two nodded hurriedly, and Xiongba waved his hand to let them leave.

Leaving the hall, Lu Yang thought all the way.

Now he and Qin Shuang are close at hand, but farther away than Bu Jingyun feels. He doesn't know what Qin Shuang's intentions are now. If he raises doubts about being overlord, how will he react?

Qin Shuang was a little strange when he got to the parting place, "Looking at Master Lu's appearance, there seems to be some doubt!"

Lu Yang moved in his heart, knowing that he saw something on his mind.

He glanced at Qin Shuang, thinking of his own thoughts, and couldn't help but want to test him.

He smiled and said: "Nothing. This time the search for the mud bodhisattva gang master mobilized three hall masters at once, and there was no such battle against Wushuang City. But the mission failed, but he didn't care much. It's strange!"

After speaking, he looked at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang listened for a moment, glanced at him, and said casually: "Master's mind, it is inconvenient for us to be apprentices to guess, so I didn't think much about it. Maybe there are other reasons!"

Lu Yang was disappointed when he heard that he didn't care at all. He was about to speak, and then further reminded Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang had already rushed and said, "Well, I have something else to do, so I will meet in Tianshuang Hall!"

As he said, he bowed his hand to Lu Yang.

Seeing him like this, Lu Yang could only say goodbye to him in disappointment.

Leaving Qin Shuang, Lu Yang walked back depressed all the way.

As I walked, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

He had been thinking about the domination, but he did not think of Qin Shuang.

Imagining carefully, Qin Shuang's reaction to this incident was also very flat.

Knowing that the mission had failed, Nie Feng wanted to plead guilty alone, showing guilt in his heart.

But Qin Shuang came to plead with him, and listened to his tone, but he didn't look guilty.

The key is what he said just now. He said that he was inconvenient to guess the hero, so he didn't think much about it.

But the doubt in this matter is not whether the tyrant is in black, but who is the man in black!

He didn't think much, that is, he didn't think too much about who the man in black was, provided that "the mind of the master" is not easy to guess.

The translation is that it is not convenient for me to manage the master's affairs, so I don't want to guess the identity of the man in black!

To put it simply, he has already suspected the tyrant, but he doesn't want to think too much!

Thinking of this, Lu Yang suddenly raised his head.

I thought of Nie Fengsao, but Qin Shuang was even more sad.

He may have doubted the male tyrant, but he did not want to think about it, because he knew that even knowing that the male tyrant was a man in black would not be good for him!

It seems that the Xiongba apprentices are not simple.

Nie Feng is a character who can help the world, and Qin Shuang is a character who is independent.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing slightly.

Now there is only one possibility for him to deal with Xiongba, which is to make Xiongba dangerous to the people he cares about most.

But who is Qin Shuang's most concerned person?

He was thinking, suddenly two maids walked in front of him. When they saw him, the two women's faces blushed, and they respectfully said: "Palace Master Lu!"

Lu Yang was worried, did not look at them more, just nodded.

The two women glanced at him secretly, and then passed him, blushing and laughing and ran away.

Lu Yang suddenly heard the laughter they changed, and sighed inwardly.

He is the master of the Hall of the World, it can be said that he is above 10,000 people.

But after hearing the joyous laughter of the two maids, I felt that my mood improved a lot.

This is a sincere smile, even though the reason for the small smile is only to meet oneself.

But this is the most exciting thing for them today.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang couldn't help but think of Xiongba.

He also laughs every day, but that day is the real laughter from the heart?

Lu Yang shook his head and sighed.

In fact, Xiongba is also very poor!

He took a long sigh, let go of his thoughts, and he wanted to laugh about something happy, but he couldn't make that kind of happy laugh. Mind, is my heart serious? ..


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