Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 154: bed time story

You Ruo returned to Lu Yang's lap again, like a cat, stretched out comfortably and said, "You tell me more stories!"

Lu Yang listened for a moment, then thought about it, "No, I have something like this, you know all about it!"

After hearing this, You Ruo narrowed her mouth and said, "You are about to come, it's not yours!"

Seeing her like this, Lu Yang felt a little amused. It turned out that this girl liked to listen to stories.

He chuckled, thought about it, and found a little story to tell her.

After he talked for a while, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and saw You Ruo on his lap who fell asleep deeply.

Lu Yang showed a wry smile and moved slowly.

You Ruo seemed to realize something, and immediately hugged his retreat and continued to sleep.

Lu Yang carefully pulled out his thigh and put her on the ground. Take off her coat and padded her to make her sleep more peacefully.

After doing this, he stood up and stretched, taking a breath in comfort.

In fact, he was very uncomfortable holding Youruo this day.

He sat for a while, seeing You Ruo didn't mean to wake up, then he held her cautiously and walked towards Shenfeng Tang.

The journey came fast, but it was much slower to go back.

When he returned to Kamikaze Tang, the night was already late.

However, the waiting room in Nie Feng's room was always on. He seemed to hear something. When Lu Yang came back, he almost immediately opened the door.

Nie Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them. Just as he was about to speak, Lu Yang immediately made a silent color.

Nie Feng realized that Lu Yang had come back with Youruo in his arms.

He glanced at Lu Yang who was sleeping in Lu Yang's arms, with a peaceful face, as if there was a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, and smiled at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang nodded to him and whispered softly: "Go back and rest, I can send her back to defense!"

Nie Feng nodded immediately, glanced at him and returned to his room.

Lu Yang hugged Youruo back to her room, and then put her firmly on the bed.

He sighed, and just about to leave, suddenly a hand grabbed his arm.

Lu Yang was stunned for a moment, then turned around and found that You Ruo didn't know when he had already woke up.

He chuckled and looked at You Ruo and said, "You are awake!"

Youruo nodded and looked at him with a slight smile.

Lu Yang was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect that she suddenly looked good to herself.

He chuckled and said, "You rest first, and I will come back tomorrow."

After listening to You Ruo, she suddenly grabbed his arm and said, "Don't go!"

Lu Yang glanced at him in surprise, and saw that she was like a little girl who was afraid of the dark, and there was some pleading in her eyes.

He chuckled and said, "Okay, I'm not leaving, you hurry to sleep!"

Youruo shook her head, pulled Lu Yang onto her bed and sat down, looking at him and said: "You hit someone's **** today, I want you to pay them back!"

Lu Yang listened and smiled bitterly, "Well, how do you want to repay you? Let me see if I can do it!" Youruo smiled and said in a sweet tone: "I want you to coax me to sleep!"

After hearing this for a while, Lu Yang rolled his eyes and said, "How can I coax you to sleep!"

When You Ruo heard this, her small mouth collapsed, and she said with a look of dismay: "How do I know, haven't you coaxed a girl to sleep?"

Lu Yang stunned after hearing this, and looked at her beautiful face and criminal figure. It happened that her face was innocent.

He smiled bitterly in his heart, I am very good at coaxing women to bed, and I really don't have the ability to coax you a little girl.

He thought for a while, and finally said helplessly: "Well, what do you usually like to do before going to bed?"

You Ruo was taken aback for a moment, and her face immediately became sad.

She turned her head, her eyes flushed faintly and said, "Do nothing!"

Seeing her like this, Lu Yang felt softened.

He knew Youruo must be very lonely if he stayed alone on a small island these years.

Thinking of this, he suddenly moved in his heart, hehe smiled and said, "How about I tell you about Nie Feng! You listened"

He smiled and said, "Nie Feng!"

After hearing this, You Ruo pouted and said: "I don't listen to him, I want to listen to you!"

Lu Yang opened his hand and said, "I'm done with everything!"

When You Ruo listened, her face immediately became a little unhappy.

Seeing that he was upset, Lu Yang was afraid that she would have a temper, and quickly said: "In fact, everyone in the world is very interesting to say, the key depends on how you think!"

He thought for a while and said: "Not only is it cloud, many people are afraid of him, in fact, he is also a very interesting person!"

You Ruo always finds it boring to hear, he only likes to listen to Lu Yang's things.

He narrowed his mouth for a while, and didn't dare to press the right button again. If Lu Ang got angry and left, she was afraid that she would not be able to sleep tonight.

Lu Yang said for a while before he fell asleep deeply.

When Lu Yang saw that he was asleep, he left quietly and hastily.

Early the next morning, as soon as You Ruo woke up, the door of her room was knocked.

She glanced around at once and found that there was no Lu Yang, and some of them were unhappy and said, "Come in!"

As soon as the door opened, Nie Feng walked in with a bowl and smiled.

You Ruo said in a daze: "Young Master Feng!" Only then did she realize that she was a maid, and immediately said, "Master Feng, I am getting up late!"

Nie Feng smiled and said, "Don't mind, I made you a bowl of soup, you can try it first!"

You Ruo listened, glanced at the bowl of soup, and said with a pouting mouth: "Do you think I can cook it well?"

After hearing this, Nie Feng shook his head and said, "No, I want you to **** craft!"

After listening to You Ruo, she rolled her eyes and said, "Hmph, count your spirits," suddenly thought that Lu Yang said yesterday that he would not be domineering.

She curled her lips, her tone suddenly turned one hundred and eighty degrees and said: "Okay, you can put it down, I'll drink it later!"

Nie Feng was stunned for a moment. It is rare for Youruo to have such a good attitude. It seems that Lu Yang had come to persuade her yesterday.

He chuckled and said, "I didn't have a good rest last night, so I'll take a rest. You won't find me after you wake up!"..


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