Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 160: misunderstanding

Lu Yang walked to a place where there was no one and sneaked into the ugly room.

In the room, Qin Shuang was searching for information about Youruo. But after searching for a long time, he found nothing.

At this time, Lu Yang just came in, Qin Shuang turned around when he heard the movement.

When the two people saw each other, they were all stunned.

Lu Yang looked surprised and said: "Hall Master Qin!"

Qin Shuang also reacted at this moment, and when he heard his words, he immediately made a silent gesture.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, people outside can't hear it."

Qin Shuang's expression relaxed, but he still asked Lu Yang in a very soft voice, "Why are you here?"

Lu Yang smiled, did not answer him, but asked, "Why are you here?"

Qin Shuang was blank and smiled randomly: "I think Jian Wu, the maid, is a bit suspicious, so come and see his information!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and looked at him with a faint smile, "So you sneaked into the room of the General Manager of the World to take a peek?"

Qin Shuang's face tightened, and he didn't smile and said, "This...very time, very means!"

Lu Yang Yangtian gave a haha, and immediately smiled and said, "Not bad, not bad, very time and very means, has Hall Master Qin found out anything?"

Qin Shuang's expression eased when she heard her say this. He shook his head and said: "No, this sword dance is not recorded in the Handbook of the Maid of the World Society at all, as if it suddenly appeared!"

Lu Yang chuckled, thinking, of course not, she is your master's daughter!

But facing Qin Shuang, he still had a pensive look on his face and said: "That's weird. Why did Chou Chou send an unrecorded woman to Hall Master Feng? Could it be that..."

Having said this, his expression changed, and Qin Shuang glanced at Qin Shuang without speaking.

Seeing his face change, Qin Shuang guessed what he was going to say after thinking about it.

His face was hard to look like, and he smiled bitterly: "You don't doubt our master!"

Lu Yang laughed, pretending to be relaxed: "Of course not, how could I doubt the helper!"

Qin Shuang looked at him for a while, then suddenly rolled his eyes and said: "Hall Master Lu, since you are one of the Four Hall Masters, Qin Shuang has always regarded you as a friend, but you are always concealed, too confusing. Not happy!"

Lu Yang curled his lips and said in his heart, you are not the same.

He smiled bitterly: "I have no basis, so how can I doubt the gang master, besides, what do the gang master let the sword dance Daofeng hall master do, is it possible to harm him?"

His main purpose was to arouse Qin Shuang's suspicion of Xiongba, and he did not expect to provoke them.

Therefore, a lot of things are just finished, it can't be said too deadly, and it exposes one's purpose.

Qin Shuang shook his head after hearing what he said, and said with a bewildered look: "Master can't be against us, but Ugly doesn't have the courage. Qin Shuang really doesn't know how to explain this matter!"

Lu Yang listened and smiled: "Since you can't explain it, don't explain it. Hall Master Feng is upright and there is nothing to be afraid of. Sword Dance is a bad intention. You can find something that is not good for Hall Master Feng."

As he said, he spread his hands and smiled bitterly: "Besides, she may not be disadvantageous to Hall Master Feng. Perhaps the young lady admires Hall Master Feng and is embarrassed to say that she deliberately came to him to act as a maid to approach him? Both of us are dignified hall masters, so what are you doing to a little girl!"

Qin Shuang was taken aback when he heard what he said, and then he laughed: "Yes, I am suspicious, but..."

Having said this, he lowered his head, still a little worried and said, "I don’t feel relieved if I don’t find out her identity. He is the person next to Master Feng. If you want to be disadvantageous to her, you can do anything at any time. Not very vigilant, Qin Shuang is very worried!"

Lu Yang laughed, but he was a little moved by Qin Shuang's behavior.

He is a low-key person, but he has been trying his best to play the role of a brother and caring for his brother.

However, his behavior is silent, and it is impossible to detect it at all. It can be said that it is painstaking.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "If you don't worry, you can pay more attention to her in the future, or wait until Chou Chou comes back and ask. It is really not convenient for us to sneak in here in the future!"

Qin Shuang listened to him and glanced at him.

Lu Yang showed a tacit smile, Qin Shuang also smiled immediately.

He nodded to Lu Yang and said, "Well, there is no evidence here anyway, let's go back!"

Lu Yang also nodded, and just about to leave, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and said to Qin Shuang: "Palace Master Qin, let's leave first! I have to look at something!"

Qin Shuang was taken aback after hearing this, and said in surprise: "What are you looking at?"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "You know, I asked for two maids from the helper, but the roster of these two girls has always been in the general rudder. I want to see if Chou Chou has registered them!"

Qin Shuang rolled his eyes when he heard it.

But on his face, he still smiled politely at Lu Yang so as not to look bad on his face.

He nodded and left Lu Yang alone and left in a hurry.

"Ding! Complete the system task, help Youruo hide her identity, and prevent Qin Shuang from discovering it, gain 5000 experience points and 5 chivalrous points!"

Lu Yang searched the Chou Chou room for a while, but did not find the two poems mentioned by Nie Feng.

He thought for a long time, and finally gave up.

It seems that Xiongba is very jealous of these two lines of poems, and he didn't even say that they are ugly.

Just as he was about to leave, his eyes fell on the ugly desk inadvertently.

I saw that a layer of dust had accumulated on the desk, and it seemed that no one had cleaned the room these days.

In the middle of the desk, there is a blank sheet of paper.

What made Lu Yang notice is that there are some ink stains on this white paper.

It is estimated that Chou Chou wrote something on the last piece of paper, and the ink penetrated through this piece of paper.

Lu Yang picked up this piece of paper, held it above his head, and looked into the air.

The handwriting on the paper is a little fuzzy, but two verses can be seen vaguely.

"Jiuxiaolongyin is shaking the sky, and the world will swim!"..


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