Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 3 Chapter 172: arrangement

Lu Yang stood at the door, looking like he was about to leave.

Coincidentally, Wen Chouchou brought people along.

His speed is very fast, almost trotting all the way, and the maid and servants behind are also tired and panic following the way.

But of course they can pay no attention to anything on the way, this time they are about to see Lu Yang, and they have all their bodies.

From now on, Lu Yang will be their master, and before the master, they still want to win a good impression.

Lu Yang knew their identities when he saw them from a distance, but he became a little curious.

What is Xiongba doing? Let Wen Chou Chou dull a pair of servants.

Wen Chou Chou saw Lu Yang seemingly about to go out from afar, and immediately walked over here with his legs away.

He didn't care about his image as he did when he gave You Ruo something that night. Although he was jogging all the way, he was about the same, but his steps were a lot of joy.

With this quickening step, his small waist also twisted, and the swaying appearance of him seemed ridiculous to others. But no one laughed.

As he walked, he did not forget to squeeze his throat and shout: "Oh, Hall Master Lu, Chou Chou is looking for you! You came out by yourself!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly when he heard what he said, and walked over at a faster pace.

He smiled and said, "Today, August 15th, is Chief Chou Chou coming to me for the festival?"

As he said, he glanced at the servants behind Chou Chou, and wondered: "Is this the servant of Chou Chou? Although there are few people in Qingmutang, it is still possible to serve the two of us. Why is the manager so expensive? What about Zhou Zhang!"

Chou Chou listened to what he said, and covered his mouth with a fan and smiled: "Oh, look at what you said, although Chou Chou is the manager, but there is no such thing as the four hall masters," he said. Arrived in front of Lu Yang.

He glanced back at the people behind him, squinted his eyes and said happily to Lu Yang: "These are all rewards for Hall Master Lu. The main helper heard that Hall Master Lu is indifferent and let Chou Chou send some servants!"

Lu Yang listened for a while, and subconsciously glanced at the mighty team behind Wen Chouchou.

How can these people say there are more than a hundred, but the male tyrant has all given him off?

Most of these more than one hundred are still maids, especially many of the maids are excellent in appearance, which are rare in the world.

What kind of madness, Xiongba, is so polite to himself?

Lu Yang showed a difficult smile and said, "These...were the helpers give me?"

Chou Chou saw that he couldn't believe it, and thought he was flattered, hehe smiled: "Of course," he said, with one hand on his waist, he said with a sad look: "Let's not just stand alone. Now, let the helper let people take them in! I just came back, the helper will explain to me before I come back!"

As he said, he glanced at Lu Yang, then smiled: "I think about it, Hall Master Lu is a great hero, and the world will not admire it? So let's do it right away! These people are all my care. Picked!"

Lu Yang had a cold sweat on his head, and the male tyrant really did a lot of work.

These more than 100 people moved in at once, his Qingmutang was not deserted anymore, but it would be more troublesome to do anything in the future.

But at this time there is no way to refuse. If Xiongba had greeted him before, he would have shied away. Who knows that Chou Chou is so efficient.

It didn't take long for him to get things done, leaving Lu Yang no chance to react.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "There is a ugly manager!"

Chou Chou heard it, and a happy smile appeared on his face immediately. He laughed and said, "Hall Master Lu, please don't say that. We are all people who help organize events. There are no thanks. From now on, the main reason will be developed. If you can remember Chou Chou, Chou Chou will be satisfied!"

Lu Yang laughed and said, "The manager is laughing, how can Lu Yang forget the manager!"

After hearing what he said, Chou Chou had a somewhat smug look between his brows, and his face was still polite, saying: "Well, Hall Master Lu, please don’t be polite to Chou Chou. Chou Chou is indeed exhausted today. Just go back!"

Lu Yang heard this and immediately said, "Chou Chou Manager, go slowly!"

Wen Chou Chou smiled slightly, turned around, twisted his waist and went back.

Lu Yang kept watching him leave, and his eyes fell on the one hundred people.

When he looked at them, these people also looked at him nervously.

For this future master, their inner tension is still not small.

Lu Yang looked at these people, and sure enough, 60 or 70 of the over 100 people were maids. And all of them are first-class beauties.

The beauties of the other three branches of the World Society did not add up to that of his Qingmutang.

Moreover, those men are all shrewd and capable types. It can be seen that Chou Chou must have taken pains in this matter.

He is the person next to Xiongba, who can best figure out what Xiongba thinks.

He will do this, which must mean that Xiongba has a very good attitude towards him!

But why would he do this?

Lu Yang keenly felt that things were not so simple, and there must be a deeper strategy behind this move.

As he was thinking about it, Li Feng quietly walked over and said, "Hall Master, what should I do now?"

They and Lu Yang had already talked frankly and honestly, and this matter was like an open story.

This is the second time they have talked about it publicly since releasing Huo Butian and his son.

Lu Yang came back to his senses after hearing his words. He glanced at Li & Fung and thought for a while and said: "You can arrange these people! They are all arranged in the front yard. After the back yard, you will keep an eye on them and prevent them from entering. Exactly!"

Li & Fung nodded immediately.

Lu Yang thought for a while and said: "If you have you, you will check the details of these people one by one. Don't miss any of them. Pick something you can trust and arrange the backyard gradually. If you don't trust me, I will slowly arrange a place to say goodbye. !"

Li & Fung nodded after hearing this.

Lu Yang thought for a while, and continued: "Whoever is the smartest of you, don't be a guard now. I will serve as our housekeeper for the time being. I really don't worry that the housekeeper is not my own. Those women are given to Ruyan and Ruwu. Come on!"..


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